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Royal Pleco but which one?

Paul Kettless

17 Aug 2015

My considerably better half. Bought me a fish yesterday for my tank. It was sold to her as a Royal Plec, but they did not give and she did not ask for the Latin name.

I have resent the net and found that there are many different species of Royals, I was hoping that someone with a bit more knowledge might be able to help me identify it, and also how I may tell the sex. Either way he has settled in very nicely and is grazing on the various woods in the tank.

Apologies for the poor picture quality it was the best I could get with my camera phone.

Many thanks in advance


  • IMAG0076_1.jpg
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Also excuse the fetching tights to the right, they are holding my wood down as it still floats after 5 weeks in tank and 2 soaking lol
Hi all,
I was hoping that someone with a bit more knowledge might be able to help me identify it, and also how I may tell the sex
Looks like a juvenile <Panaque sp. L191> (based on the tail markings), best source for information is <"PlanetCatfish">.

I don't think you can sex them until are mature (they are a big fish), and they don't like one another.

cheers Darrel