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Save the Planet Recipes.

Vegan Burger Promotion Video :shy:

A huge percentage (something like 80%) of Soy produced goes for animal feed. The rest is used for a variety of other uses (including meat free alternatives for human consumption). The destruction shown in the video wouldn't exist if the demand for meat wasn't as high as it is. The sad thing is the demand for meat is ever increasing globally.
A huge percentage (something like 80%) of Soy produced goes for animal feed. The rest is used for a variety of other uses (including meat free alternatives for human consumption). The destruction shown in the video wouldn't exist if the demand for meat wasn't as high as it is. The sad thing is the demand for meat is ever increasing globally.

What a lot of people do not realize is that there is much more to the cattle or livestock industry than meat only. Take for example leather, soap. glue, china (cheap fake porcelain), cosmetics, sweets, are just a few industries that all could not exist without and all use by-products out of the meat industry. Alternatives could only be synthetics again not helping the plastic soup issue.

I guess there is enough opportunity on this planet to do it sustainably without destroying a forest. But that is less profitable...

I'm sure that is about the biggest issue we have on this planet, it's all about profit and the small number of people getting the largest cut of it and their fear of losing it... They are very smart too and put the blame on the public to stay out of sight and in the dark...
What a opportunity missed Our new Prime Minister cannot be bothered with cop27. I know the intray is full but anyone who watched Frozen Planet 2 were climate change were once thousands of penguins gathered there is now no snow but rain which causes young penguins to perish and virtually no penguins there. And the dedicated scientist who reduced to tears after studying the colony for over 20years.If that's not enough to attend cop27 !!
I don't know what to make of this, using dogs to find wildlife,so it looked like a Springer Spaniel located a rare Newt ,without harming, so the Newt or whatever species can be taken off and put in another location.
It appears to be used by developers building on green field sites rather than brown field. Can't help thinking it's a bit like the" Esso tiger" giving developers positive publicity to use more of the Natural locations and bigger profits
A little bit of good news, after a long campaign US giant Kelloggs have been persuaded to drop all dealings and buisness with a giant Palm Oil company in Indonesia. They were exploiting the workforce, land grabbing ,illegal deforestation Other multinational companies have also withdrawn . The fight is not over but power of people shines through for the planet
Quite good news on this, Neonicotinolds a banned since 2018 in the UK, This pesticide to give some idea of why the Wildlife Trust have a continuing campaign against it,as mentioned before one teaspoon of it has the potential to kill 1.2 billion bees ,its that dangerous!
So after (ongoing)the Wildtrust Trust have presented the gov. with thousands of signatures to not give in to Commercial Company's who are lobbying for the ban to be overturned, Email your MP to support the ban