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Second meeting at ADC.


19 Jun 2010
Hi Everyone is Greg here,
Just wanted to let you know guys that I am more than happy to announce that
this coming Friday (04.11.11) I menage a bit unexpectedly even for myself 😀 to
put together meeting with owners of The Green Machine Ltd.here in London 😀
Very kindly Jim offered to come over to meet me in the shop to prepare full ADA tank for us and give me and my staff lecture about ADA products.
Because after our first meeting in the shop which was great fun many people were asking me when we're going to put another one together i believe that now is a great opportunity to do it!
What do you think guys?
I know that there is not much time left but idea was born today afternoon :lol: :lol: :lol:
We could all watch Jim doing the tank and murder him with thousand questions about ADA :twisted: :twisted: :lol: .
Exact time of the meeting is to be announced very soon..
Please let me know what do you think...
All the best for everyone and we keep in touch!!!!!
Greg,Aquatic Design Centre
I'm in for sure!!

Really truely excited 😀
Ive been looking to set up another planted tank so would be a great opportunity to get inspired and get some goodies too 🙂

Can't wait 🙂
Yeah, great stuff. We will enjoy it for sure, ask Jim to bring some manten stones, would love to have a look at them, or bring some Japanese aquajournals, they would get sold for sure.

So should we try to beat the 1st meeting? We had the shop full, over 20 attendees if I am not mistaken. 🙂

Noooooooooo! I cant make it on Friday 🙁

Last time was excellent, enjoy yourselves peeps :thumbup:
It should be in the evening, same as before.

The good bit is that there will be lots of Ada stuff to look at, so looking forward to it.

Also, there will be a tank setup display, not sure how it will work out with the space, but will be interesting.

Which Manten stone would you like to see? 273.92pound per kg ones? 😀
About time of the meeting.
I was thinking about doing that very early on the morning(around 7am),
when everyone is fresh and there is not too many passers-by to bother us....g
Anyone collapsed? :lol:
Will do it definitely in the evening will try to give you exect time in few hours :wave:
gregadc said:
Which Manten stone would you like to see? 273.92pound per kg ones? 😀
About time of the meeting.
I was thinking about doing that very early on the morning(around 7am),
when everyone is fresh and there is not too many passers-by to bother us....g

I believe that manten stone is @ £20 per kg.. 🙂 I would like to see a couple of rocks, might buy some, if they
are the bees knees, as people say. 🙂

Would never spend £20 for a rock online, without seeing what it actually looks, but if I have it on the hand maybe I could justify that price. :shh:
Ok Guys
I can now announce exact time of the meeting..
Jim will start planting tank at 5.30pm
Hope we'll see you there.
Of course you can take pics or video.That's what we doing that for,for the people who want to know and learn.
I removed some tanks which i always wanted to kick off from the showroom so there is much more space now.
All event is going to take place on the lower level...g
Spoke to Jim he's going to bring some Manten stones with him 🙂
If anyone wants anything specific from ADA let me know ASAP.g
Fantastic! Actually setting the lower ground for small events is a good idea.

I am really looking forward to this, and seeing Jim in action will be very good, he does setup some cracking scapes.
