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Splash tetra paludarium

Iain Sutherland

Administrator/Committee Member
7 Jul 2011
Evening all, after moving house i needed something low maintenance so thought id try something different with the plants i had so went with a paludarium....

open to ideas for livestock, thinking maybe chocolate gourami or splash tetras..???

john innes no3 and a bunch of tropica root tabs
24591519784_6372214b0e_z.jpgIMG_1178 by iain sutherland, on Flickr

capped with unipac gravel
25128912231_826e3b1bec_z.jpgIMG_1179 by iain sutherland, on Flickr

few bits in
25103787482_e7e616706d_z.jpgIMG_1180 by iain sutherland, on Flickr

25128717281_839628e1a8_z.jpgIMG_1182 by iain sutherland, on Flickr

plants in
25195584046_e68af88325_z.jpgIMG_1183 by iain sutherland, on Flickr

25195502726_87bf8b5a42_z.jpgIMG_1185 by iain sutherland, on Flickr

24591059274_f50490b465_z.jpgIMG_1188 by iain sutherland, on Flickr
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You're not allowed to put Chocolate Gouramis in there! (Mainly because I had the same idea, but haven't got round to putting the plan into action 🙂)

I'll be following this intently.
Hi all,
Looks great
Certainly does.
john innes no3
May mean that the water will be a bit hard for Chocolate Gourami.
or splash tetras..
I love these, mine did really well for a while but I've ended up with no males again.I was given three more, but they've turned out to be a single <"Copella nigrofasciata">, and two <"Pyrrhulina australis"> (these may be a male and a female).

If it is soft water how about Epiplatus annulatus or Betta channoides? or in harder water a Psuedomugil spp.

cheers Darrel
Sorry for no replies guys, back on it now and in the scaping swing again.

So this one melted like a bugger, lost loads of anubias but it seems to have stabilised now with some new growth too... no livestock yet as still deciding.

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Unless that is a mahoosive tank chocos would be a little pressed for space. I have 2 females and they have matured bigger than I expected being maybe 6 or 7 cm. They really are chunks! Paros would be my first choice.
Unless that is a mahoosive tank chocos would be a little pressed for space. I have 2 females and they have matured bigger than I expected being maybe 6 or 7 cm. They really are chunks! Paros would be my first choice.
Hey Lindy, its a 4ft tank so swimming space is equivalent to a 3ft shallow tank. If space becomes an issue i will just raise the water level but cant see that happening for a long time. Just need to check over the water parameters following Darrels post.

Do you still have a lot of para's?
Yes, I have a lot of the ones I bred but have passed the other species I had to a Paro breeder further up north as I wasn't keeping enough tanks running to keep them all separate. They really need to be bred and also didn't want them crossing with other species. Lovely set up you have. I'm just about to order a 4x2x2 for the lounge.

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Yes, I have a lot of the ones I bred but have passed the other species I had to a Paro breeder further up north as I wasn't keeping enough tanks running to keep them all separate. They really need to be bred and also didn't want them crossing with other species. Lovely set up you have. I'm just about to order a 4x2x2 for the lounge.
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sweet, looking to move any on at the moment?

Thats a good size tank, you not tempted with something a little shallower? Mine is 120x55x45 but wish it was a bit shallower maybe 45... especially for scaping the dimensions are out of wack for me.
I'm not breeding anymore so hanging on to the ones I have. I want the depth of tank as I want 400l for my gourami and bettas lol
I'm not breeding anymore so hanging on to the ones I have. I want the depth of tank as I want 400l for my gourami and bettas lol
given they live in muddy puddles a 6ft 40cm would be the right thing to do... :angelic:
I just want a bigger version of this d2e3c900481634eaf794bef3d4487b2d.jpg
I want to be able to use some big plants such as aponogeton for height and less wood. Bloody stuff collects bba. Considering a uv filter on next tank for bba as I don't have high lighting etc but seems to like the wood, the more I have the worse it is.

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