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Steve's Opti-white Nano - Ikita Kaseki

Re: Steve's Opti-white Nano

SteveUK said:
Garuf said:
Does a hydor not fit in there?! I thought there'd be plenty of space, vertically at least.

It might just, but it's the plumbing that's an issue. The cabinet is less than 20cm deep! Getting the filter tubing to contort to the right places might be difficult without it kinking. I'm up for the challenge though 😉

I had this problem too with the thin cabinet on my nano, I literally spent about 3 hours on it without getting the tubing to kink and that was without a fire extinguisher too! Could you post some pics of it all squashed in when its done :thumbup:?

Re: Steve's Opti-white Nano

Update? Planted? How's your back?!
Re: Steve's Opti-white Nano

I've finally managed to stuff everything into the cabinet. It took a lot of head scratching, pipe routing and general frustration. Not everything is plugged in as yet, I'm hoping to plant this scape tomorrow and fill it, at last!

I should name this scape "Frustration" :lol:

Re: Steve's Opti-white Nano

Jesus. I didn't think it was going to be that tight. Maybe they should offer the tanks with an extra inch or so in depth so that you can steal back some room!
Re: Steve's Opti-white Nano

This is why I've been trying to get hold of a 500g JBL style cylinder, but they're just too expensive! Oh well, it all fits. I've got to pull it all out tomorrow to put some live bio media into the filter and get it all filled up/running. Not looking forward to that. I could do with mounting the 4 way socket, but I haven't got any screws to do it at the moment.
Re: Steve's Opti-white Nano

I've got one but it's not with me in Leeds. I'll call home and try and see if they'll post it to you?
Re: Steve's Opti-white Nano

Nice work accommodating all of those items.

That collection of equipment looks like something that should be de-fused.
Re: Steve's Opti-white Nano

I have to say, the way you have organised the Tiny Cupboard is a Thing of Beauty. Looks more impressive in the Flesh
Re: Steve's Opti-white Nano

SteveUK said:
This is why I've been trying to get hold of a 500g JBL style cylinder.....

Can you wait until July? 😉

Re: Steve's Opti-white Nano

Thanks guys 🙂 I may have one sorted, though 2 would obviously be a good thing :lol: (with having one backup while the other is being filled). I don't want to be greedy though 🙂
Re: Steve's Opti-white Nano

Finished planting just now. My HC which I bought of Timme had aquired a bit of hair algae in my holding tank so it took a while to pick out the best bits. Have been sorting/planting for about 2 hours! How can a 30x25cm space take so long to plant?!

I've covered with cling film until I've had coffee 🙂 Sundays are meant for fresh coffee!
Re: Steve's Opti-white Nano

Filled up and everything (except heater at the moment) running. I used the Oliver Knott filling technique with great results:




The Do!Aqua music glass diffuser is excellent! Gives quite a good mist from the entire area of the ceramic disc. Mind, it is pretty tiny 🙂 CO2 is at 2bps more or less. As there is no fauna in the tank, and wont be for a while, I'm going to blast the CO2 into the scape to give the HC every chance!
Re: Steve's Opti-white Nano (Now with water!)

Looks great Steve! I always appreciate seeing a setup in its setting in the room like this.
Re: Steve's Opti-white Nano (Now with water!)

Thanks guys 🙂

I'm starting with ADA Step 1. Not sure if this is the best course or not, as most of the AS is old and probably has less nutrients, although I have capped with about 5-10mm of new AS. I might move onto step 2 fairly quickly and see how things progress.