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Studio lighting

Wow thanks guys,some very good points from all sides,I allready have the 430ex,which I find very good for general stuff but like I said i said I want better tank shots and even better indoor shots,I also have always lived by the same motto as Mark said,if you buy cheap you buy twice,but I will add in some cases it has not always been the case but most of the time it is,I shall get something that's not cheap but not ott either,thanks for all your help it was interesting reading,

George nice shot of the young lady,(is it Jannine ? )

I stick to my cheap UV over the front lens... had my hard time at seaside cleaning lots of sand from it so for me at least it does its job.

What's the strobe's average power needed when shooting a tank?

There is no doubt that studio lights are the way to go for this type of photography. The only reason I haven`t bothered with any myself is because I wouldn`t get the use out of them, or would feel a little pressured in to taking portraits to get the usage out of them.

Mark`s photos of his tanks are testament to the best way to the photograph tanks, and we all know that Johnny the Wop is swimming in money.
Dave Spencer said:
There is no doubt that studio lights are the way to go for this type of photography. The only reason I haven`t bothered with any myself is because I wouldn`t get the use out of them, or would feel a little pressured in to taking portraits to get the usage out of them.

Mark`s photos of his tanks are testament to the best way to the photograph tanks, and we all know that Johnny the Wop is swimming in money.

Hi Dave,hope your good mate,the rate i spend my money i won,t have any left :crazy: :lol: ,i will wait until the vivarium get together and have a good chin-wag with the guys in the bus,
