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Stu's 120x45x45 tank sponsored by Tropica

Sorry for the lack of updates folks. Family and the two jobs getting in the way again! Ill go through he questions above later and send replies.

Some updates

This was after a trim and re-filling the other week. You can see on the pic below how the gaps in the carpet have filled up so Im really happy with how the kiss A360's are working at the moment as a few people had told me they wouldn't be enough on a 120cm 🙂

16155802014_8f06027bea_o.jpgWater change time... 120x45x45 #aquascape #ada #tropica #eheim by Stu Worrall Photography, on Flickr

This is how its looking post trim last week. Ill get up some bigger pics once I've edited them but this is a quick iPhone pic. Its had another trim since then and the stems are less bumpy now at the back. Ill be re adding some sand to the paths as I kept them low so they could be added to later.

At the moment Ive managed to run this on one eheim 350 experience and the skimmer. Im really impressed with the Tropica diffuser that comes with the nano kit. Ive been using on here since it started and its still kicking up micro mist bubbles without one clean. Loads better than the ceramics Ive had in the past although it obviously doesn't look as nice as glass.

There are about 12 ottos and a few endler guppies in there at the moment.

16559379604_e6f8ba8da4_o.jpg120cm Aquascape. It's getting there... @kessil a360w led grows a nice carpet. @Tropica plants. by Stu Worrall Photography, on Flickr
Nice one Stu! Ceramic is not getting dirty probably because you have less lights on sides. But i still agree micro bubbles are lovely!

Can not wait for a better photo later on 🙂 Bring on that camera Stu! 😀
That's gorgeous Stu! How many L/hr does that filter put out and how's the flow working for you? I'm working on redoing my 120x60x33 and am trying to figure out which outlet to use of the many I've got floating around.
Cheers everybody. Its nice to be planting in something bigger than my usual with such good support from here 🙂

That's gorgeous Stu! How many L/hr does that filter put out and how's the flow working for you? I'm working on redoing my 120x60x33 and am trying to figure out which outlet to use of the many I've got floating around.
its 1050lphr so Im way behind the 10x rule but I have got the skimmer going as well. and I seem to have dropped lucky. I have got a 350T to go on this but haven't had room in the cab yet as Ive got my Mini-M in there! Ive been using the ahem outlets as it was quickest when I set it up. I have got glass but have been doing so well with the plastic outlets I haven't got around to swapping them.

Nice one Stu! Ceramic is not getting dirty probably because you have less lights on sides. But i still agree micro bubbles are lovely!

Can not wait for a better photo later on 🙂 Bring on that camera Stu! 😀
Good point Viktor. Ive not used LED's before so am getting used to them. I haven't had hardly any algae on the glass either which is probably due to the narrow beam.

Heres a closeup of one of the endlers

17053037117_877647c044_o.jpgEndler Guppy in Aquascape by Stu Worrall Photography, on Flickr
Thanks 🙂 He's only temporary. Trying to pick a shoal to go in there but undecided at the moment. Have been thinking of Galaxy Rasbora, Blue Emperor Tetra, Boraras Brigittae, Lemon Tetra or something else?
The Murdannia Keisak looks fab with Ludwigia Palustris. I never had this combo, but look like their leaf size and shape works well together.
Murdannia is heavily neglected by the hobby unfortunately. Wonderful plant with a unique look. I love it!

Great shot Stu! :thumbup:
I got some fish! 50 odd Black Neons to make a nice shoal

17508757668_c7147091c0_o.jpgGot fish! Black neon shoal into the Tropica 120cm tank. by Stu Worrall, on Flickr

Some good growth stu. What is your lighting period and on/off with the Co2 and have you done any ph tests?
everything has been pretty fluid with this tank. One main filter and the co2 has been on 24hrs. Ive been turning the light on when I get in and off when I go to bed so its about 7 hours. I don't test apart from a drop checker for the rough co2 level.

Looking great, can't really see the right path anymore which is giving a great balance, less symmetrical 😉.
Yep 🙂 It was never meant to be really visible as I had a scree slope idea for the right which changed slightly but I knew I didn't want soil mixing in the slope hence the sand.