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Stu's 90x45x45cm - Wave Island - IAPLC 2013 rank 82

oops, forgot the lighting setup.

Heres the diy rig below

flash setup by Stu Worrall Photography, on Flickr

its angled so you dont get the horrid white line against the back wall as I didnt have any extra flashes to highlight the back. Its also angled so I could fit a hairdryer blast in 🙂

A white foam board was placed in front of this so I didnt get any flare in the camera lens.
Brilliant mate! Thanks for showing us. 🙂
Hi Stu.
Congratulations again on another great competition result, very well deserved.
Can i just ask, did you have any issue with your pencilfish jumping?.....im guessing not seeing as theyve been in there all along and still there on your final shot?
Hi Stu.
Congratulations again on another great competition result, very well deserved.
Can i just ask, did you have any issue with your pencilfish jumping?.....im guessing not seeing as theyve been in there all along and still there on your final shot?
Sorry, I missed this Ady. NOpe, no issue with them jumping in here. I did have issues with the purple harlequins who occasionally wanted to "do a lemming" but not the pencils.

Ive had a bit of a break from the scaping just letting my tanks meander on while I concrentrated on finishing last years wedding season and helping out with our new baby daughter but Im back on it now 🙂

Ive just re-scaped my mini-m (thread to follow) and this tank is now down, empty and cleaned ready for the new one this weekend. Pics to follow but at the moment the plans are for a Seiryu mountain scape with some nice detail, sand and stems 🙂
One word Stu,Beautiful:clap:

Thanks everyone, you're all too kind 🙂

I was really pleased with the IAPLC result this year as top 100 is something Ive always aimed for and just missed out last year with 114. I wasnt entirely sure this would do that well this year as it had no sand in which is "in vogue" and was a bit leftfield. If you look at the points gradings in the IAPLC booklet Amano hated it! LOL
[quote="stuworrall, post: 326392, member: ] If you look at the points gradings in the IAPLC booklet Amano hated it! LOL[/quote]

I can hear him now, "aaahhh that Worral, I hate that he has no sand in the front, leading upto a nice pathway, with false mountain and trees. Damn you Worral!"

*all said in the style of Mr Myagee
[quote="stuworrall, post: 326392, member: ] If you look at the points gradings in the IAPLC booklet Amano hated it! LOL

I can hear him now, "aaahhh that Worral, I hate that he has no sand in the front, leading upto a nice pathway, with false mountain and trees. Damn you Worral!"

*all said in the style of Mr Myagee[/quote]

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I can hear him now, "aaahhh that Worral, I hate that he has no sand in the front, leading upto a nice pathway, with false mountain and trees. Damn you Worral!"

*all said in the style of Mr Myagee

My tank is now on Tropica's layout page here - Tropica Aquarium Plants

and a video of it here -