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Transgenic glowing fish invades Brazilian streams.

John q

6 Jan 2021
Story probably won't appeal to most but some might find it of interest.

Transgenic glowing fish invades Brazilian streams.​

Aquarium curiosity appears to be thriving after escape from fish farms and may threaten local biodiversity.​

Leopard danio

Article taken from this study.

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I think it’s a little shortsighted to expect these fish to be predated on by other fish by being more easily seen due to their fluorescence and it may confer advantages that allows them to thrive, an accidental release or not this will be economically advantageous in reducing farming costs.

I see all sorts of glowing fish here in Bangkok's fish market. Can't even see the interest in those. I also see how fish are handled here and how they have a central drain in the market that flushes all waste waters including some fish that end up in there. Guess where that drain leads to? Sigh.