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tropica aqua soil

Mr P

4 Oct 2011
NW london
Hi all ,has anybody using or used tropica aquarium soil.any feed back would be great.roy.
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I'm using the black one. Works great so far. My root loving plants are growing fantastic; echinodorus belheri & tenellus are one of my best growers. Also aponogetons have grown really well 😉 for the most all plants have stayed put in the substrate and were really easy to plant initially. Stays put too, I have about 15-20 cm at the back but only 5 at the front and it's not drifting forward to level out like finer substrates do. Bit costly but worth it so far.
Sounds great,staying put when sloped is really handy as every thing else I have used in the past levels its self out.thanks for your help.roy.