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True/False: liquid carbon kills moss?


27 Mar 2013
I keep reading different accounts of whether Excel/Metricide 14 really kills off moss or not... some say that it actually promotes moss growth, while others say it kills it off.

I'm dealing with Taiwan moss.

Will dosing a capful of Excel into my 55gal every other day kill it?
Does it promote moss growth?

Not really. But mosses perform better with colder soft water.

With 55G water column is ok. If this would be a nano tank you may would have issues with the column dosing too because you get close to every plants.
My dad has a fluval edge 23 witch has ricca and weeping mosses. He doses easy carbo daily to the max recommended amount and has little too no problems so I think as Ian said adding too the water column looks to be fine.

There are a few pics of his tank in the planted gallery if you like to see how healthy the mosses are 🙂
Edge 23
Edge 23 | UK Aquatic Plant Society

Hope this helps

Aron, the weeping mosses look so healthy!
Looks like I'll keep dosing carbon. Thanks for the replies!
i'm currently double dosing Neutro C02 in my 260litre tank as have a small algae issue which i'm winning, however I have flame and weeping mosses, bioth of which are doing really fine, apart from the piece on some mopani wood which I sprayed with a mixture of water and liquid co2, it's melted, yup, I can rescue some of it but the main piece is now brown and I fear won't be rescued, i'm removing it tomorrow to see the extent of the damage.
lesson learnt for me, no spot dosing moss.
Ahh I see... I guess it's either no effect or an adverse effect if too much.