@JamesD - Thanks very much!
Well the order of Amano and Cherry shrimp arrived at lunchtime. I have to say I was very impressed with the appearance of these Amanos! They look far more robust than the last ones I had.
I ordered these ones from Freshwater Shrimp, I was amazed to see that a few of the Amano shrimp had eggs then I noticed that the bag was full of Fry!!
Now I'm new to all this, so maybe this isn't such a big deal or unusual, but it seemed a good sign somehow! I acclimated the shrimp very slowly then added them, I have the Amano Fry in a container.
The shrimp settled in straight away and are our and about foraging (last time they sort of hid). Only time will tell I suppose but I took it as a good sign they look so healthy, and even came with some free moss!
As for the fry I expect they will die off soon, but as I live on an island and have easy access to the Atlantic I'm half tempted to try adding some sea water to make a brackish mix and see what happens!! Probably a waste of time? Plus if I did grow them up not sure what I'd do with them
I realize they are actually very difficult to rear to adults but you never know
Anyway I figure I may have found that the reason my last Amanos died is because they weren't the best to start with, or at least I hope that's a reason, would sort of let me off the hook too