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Tim Harrison

5 Nov 2011
Just had thought...There are so many good images posted on this forum every week, from individual fish species to complete scapes etc...
...Would it be feasible to collate a bunch of these images - and perhaps a little explanation blurb - in to an Amano style coffee table book? I'm sure those in the know could get an interested publisher involved (maybe the same one that publishes PFK) and the proceeds could go to funding UKAPS.

I'm sure the potential contributors would love to donate their work to a worthy cause and attain everlasting fame:cool:
It would also be an awesome way to market and promote UKAPS and aquascaping in general...and the timing seems about right somehow...
Well like I said just a thought...
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It shouldn't be targeted at such a niche market as "Aquascapers", like all the Amano products are. It should be targeted at gardeners/ plant lovers etc in general? Because as I said, Aquascapers is a very niche market
I would love a book like this. Something to go to for a little inspiration. Would be great to have main tank pics, then a numbered/coloured FTS with corresponding plant list, so if you see a plant you like you can see what it is, kit list and maybe some setup/progress pics.
Microsoft Windows have theme packs, sets of photos that you can download to personalise your desktop.

I don't think UKAPS would make money from this (would have to give up royalties on the images), however it may be a good way to reach a wide audience and promote aquascaping.

I agree with Sacha, images aimed at gardeners and plant lovers would prove popular with a broader audience than aquascapers alone.