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Tank looking fantastic, and the fish are clearly very happy. I'm hoping to get some corys for my tank, great character 🙂

And uprooted glosso example:

I can just imagine that cory whistling, fins in pockets whilst slowly meandering away from the scene of the crime 🙂

Saw some lovely corydoras duplicareus today, locally bred. I'm fancying some of those 🙂
Saw some lovely corydoras duplicareus today, locally bred. I'm fancying some of those 🙂

These are one of my favourites. Beautiful fish and they are one of the species that accept wide temperature variations according to Ian Fuller's articles.

Thanks for sharing your experiences with the tank.

I also recommend updating the title - if this is a disaster then... 🙂

Those platies look very happy and the whole tank looks very nice.

Well done - Very happy for you!

Thanks again,


Thanks Murray. I normally don't name my tanks but this one truly deserved one 🙂
Yes, the fish, snails and shrimp seem happy which is great. The tank is in the corridor and when I walk out I can see from the side of the tank a bunch of platies running towards me and a bunch of corys running away from me at the same time. I guess I can't have it all 🙂
I'll just share a couple of pics from today. Not much has happened besides me cutting tons of stems a week ago, mostly behind the the driftwood and behind the amazon swords in the middle but they have almost regrown. I removed some altogether as it gets really crowdy and believe it or not there are a few echinodorus species behind those big bushes of plants. I either need to move them somewhere or they need to grow big. But at least you can also see the vallis at the back now.
And I also added another 9 corys which were in another tank with my shrimp and were due a move long time. One of my led bulbs got detached the other day but I put it back somehow, I hope it doesn't get overheated and bust due to my limited skills.



I also missed this journal, and have just read it all and watched the videos now. Very impressive.

This definitely needs a new name, it's certainly no disaster. You did the right thing and stuck with it, and now you can sit back and enjoy the rewards.

The corys look great, such and active and attractive fish with bags of character. I've recently added 6 Peppered (my favorites) to my 60cm.

Looking forward to future updates.
And a few of the inhabitants

A cherry shrimp:

Another one, but my shrimp are a cross between red rilis and cherries so some turn out all variations of rilis.cg91.jpg

The cory got camera shy 🙂

And another cory

Platies.., it's hard taking a picture without them blocking the view:

And a pair of angry faces because the camera won't feed them 🙂

Mr snail:

Just popping for an update. The tank was really a disaster because it developed a leak last year. I managed to fix it without tearing the tank down and it's been stable since but I've been running it since with decreased water level and have quite neglected the tank so it got overgrown quite a few times, took out buckets of plants on which I couldn't even see where the roots are from but besides aesthetics, at least it has never had any form of algae at all.


Its a very nice tank. How did you mineralise the soil?
Thanks Darren.
The soil was soaked for a day, skimming the surface from floating bits, then drained the water then spread it on plastic bin bags to dry, this repeated 4-5 times. I then used a sifter to take the wooden chips and big pieces out and what was left was very fine powder like stuff.
ah, thought so. Never heard of anyone actually doing this in a journal/ real life.