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Valley Roots (Throught the Distance "reborn")

Pedro Rosa

12 May 2010
Linda-a-Velha, Lisbon, Portugal
Valley Roots
(Throught the Distance "reborn")

Yes, i have some photos later on 🙂
No, i'm not showing all the aquarium but there is a nice video later on 🙂

One year and one month (May/2012) after the original layout (April/2011) that can be seen on this topic (http://ukaps.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=15722), i made some changes to the layout.
So, this is not a new layout.
There were some reasons for this changes, mainly because i had little time for taking care of the aquarium between October/2011 and April/2012.
At the end of April/2012 i start working again on the aquarium (making PWC and fertilizing) and little by little i start adding some plants.

First of all thanks to all of those that have been making comments, likes and support of my videos (some of them "how-to") on my Youtube Channel (http://www.youtube.com/pmgsrosa).

Back to the new layout…

I used Elos subtracts and i'm happy with it. More then one year after it's in a good shape.
I also used Elos fertilizers: Elos Fase 1, Fase 2, K40, Extra.

Everything went fine but i never got the perfect dosage.
They are very expensive products but very concentrated.

I'm now doing ADA products - Brighty K, STEP 3 and Brighty Light.
I'm on the third week and everything is fine, but it's still early…
They are also expensive but ADA, besides Marketing, have very good products.
As said in the video (later on), i'm using 12 ml/daily/each products.

My aquarium was made "ADA style" at a local shop and i'm very happy with it.

Discus were a very good adventure. I used to have them before and have them on Through the Distance.
I have two videos about their egg laying adventure on my Youtube Channel (and they were even borne!).
But now i haven't got them anymore.
Discus were the main reason for making an "open" layout with plenty of space for them to swim.

Now, i only have Tetra Cardinal now. They are ~40 but soon i'll add some more until something like one hundred.
I also have ttos, Caridinas Japonica (6?) and hundreds of Red Cherries.
I have also a Atya Gambonensis.

I left the wood like it was. At the middle i made some changes. That small changes at the middle are the reason for the change of name of the layout.

The original layout was assembled on the 22nd April/2011. It's on the 421 day (at 16/6).

The main changes are on the plants...

The existing moss were too many and was taken out. I changed some of the moss and it's now on a different position, trying to make the initial effect at the bottom of the wood (right and left sides).

Changes made:

- Hemianthus Callitrichoides
- Staurogyne Sp
- Blyxa Japonica
- Ludwigia Repens Rubin
- Eleocharis Vivpara

- Hemianthus and Blyxa because i didn't fertilized the layout the right way from Oct/2011 to Apr/2012
- Staurogyne Sp and Ludwigia Repens Rubin because of changes made to the initial layout
- Eleocharis Vivpara because it's a ugly plant if it's not very well trimmed

Still there:
- Microsorum pteropus
- Pogostemon Helferi
- Fissidens Fontanus
- Rotala Indica
- Cryptocoryne wendtii ''brown''

Because i like them 🙂

On the last couple of months i planted a lot of new plants (mainly from Aquaeden - http://www.aquaeden-shop.net):
- Proseroinaca Palustris "Cuba"
- Myriophyllum sp. "Red"
- Hydrocotyle tripartita (sp. Japan)
- Eleocharis Accicularis
- Rotala sp. ''green''
- Hygrophila sp. ''Araguaia''
- Hygrophila polysperma 'Rosanervig'
- Heteranthera zosterifolia
- Vesicularia dubyana 'Christmas'

Still missing: Hemianthus Micranthemoides.

Actual Setup:

Valley Roots

120x50x50 cm

Eheim Professionel 3

DoAqua Violet Glass Outflow 17 mm (Lilly Pipe)
DoAqua Violet Glass Inflow 17 mm (Lilly Pipe)

Eheim Jager 200 w
Thermometer ADA NA

Pressurized 3 bps
Solenoid Valve
TMC Bottle
DoAqua CO2 Music Glass (difusser)

Solstar by Ramirezi 4x 39 w

Elos Bottom Mineral
Elos Terra

Redmoor wood
Seiryu Stone

Microsorum pteropus
Pogostemon Helferi
Fissidens Fontanus
Rotala Indica
Cryptocoryne wendtii ''brown''
Proseroinaca Palustris "Cuba"
Myriophyllum sp. "Red"
Hydrocotyle tripartita (sp. Japan)
Eleocharis Accicularis
Rotala sp. ''green''
Hygrophila sp. ''Araguaia''
Hygrophila polysperma 'Rosanervig'
Vesicularia dubyana 'Christmas'
Heteranthera zosterifolia

Paracheirodon axelrodi
Otto Otocinclus

Caridina Japonica
Red Cherry
Atya Gambonensis

Before the photos and video, i'm happy to say that i have a new ADA Cube Garden 60x30x36 and all the subtracts from ADA, and 4x24w lighting system, to make a new aquarium on the next weeks.

As i say on the video, i'm not showing all the aquarium. Some more weeks and i'll update it...

Valley Roots - Day 421 video

Valley Roots - Day 421 photos

















Valley Roots (Throught the Distance "reborn")

Ahh so this is the person I'm am subscribed to 🙂 great videos I really enjoyed them. Going to watch your new one now.
Hi there,

Thanks for watching my videos and photos in this adventure - 669 days 😉
Yestarday i decided to end this aquarium and start again. After the last reborn (almost a year ago) it's time to do "something completly different" 🙂

Here it is the last video and images... all green 😉


My other aquarium is in good health (here).

looking forward to the next, please keep us updated 🙂
Wow that is one very healthy and great looking tank and I will be watching ur vids, u going to do journal on here telling us what ur doing I hope

Thanks Dean