Pedro Rosa
I made one more Wabi-Kuza, it's the forth but the second that i publish.
This is a record breaking size 🙂 - 38 cm!!!
It's made by 5 ready made Wabi-Kusas (with Rotala sp. Ceylon, Rotala Colorata, alguns Echinodorus, etc) and some caught-on-nature mosses that i've been keeping for almost 3 months on a plate at a window.
I just put all the Wabi-Kusas with some Seiryu stones on sand!
Lights are 2x 5,5w IKEA led lights.
Have fun! Some photos are macros.
This is a record breaking size 🙂 - 38 cm!!!
It's made by 5 ready made Wabi-Kusas (with Rotala sp. Ceylon, Rotala Colorata, alguns Echinodorus, etc) and some caught-on-nature mosses that i've been keeping for almost 3 months on a plate at a window.
I just put all the Wabi-Kusas with some Seiryu stones on sand!
Lights are 2x 5,5w IKEA led lights.
Have fun! Some photos are macros.