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Water containers


18 Feb 2019

Could someone tell me whether empty sodium hypochlorite containers are suitable for storing water in for water changes? Well rinsed obviously. If its any help it's 11% strength.

Hi all,
Could someone tell me whether empty sodium hypochlorite containers are suitable for storing water in for water changes? Well rinsed obviously.
Yes, should be all right, NaOH is highly soluble, so even though it is a strong alkali it should all be gone.

You could give it a rinse with some "white vinegar", before your final rinse with water, for belt and braces.

cheers Darrel
Thank you Darrel, I left it filled with water for several days and have rinsed it multiple times. I'll do it once more with some distilled vinegar just to be safe. Thanks.
Hi all,
Na+ OCl– + H2O <——> H+ OCl– + Na+ OH– (NaOCl salt). @dw1305
@Simon Cole , thank-you, sorry sodium hypochlorite, not sodium hydroxide. @SRP3006 same applies but you don't need the vinegar, you just need to leaves the container outside for a couple of days in the sun after the final rinse, so that it is entirely dry.

cheers Darrel
OK I'm guessing the vinegar won't have done any harm as I have used it. It has been in the garden all week in the sun (ish) all week. Thanks