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Welcoming suggestions


15 Feb 2016
Good morning all,

I created this thread to hopefully hear some plant and aquascape suggestions, in relation to where I currently am with my tank set-up.

I finally managed to accumulate all the necessities, including filtration, circulation; co2, ferts, and liquid carbon dosing, all livestock (minnows and RCS) are happily established also.

Right now due to the power of the LED's, they are timed for 4 hours of light per day; with co2 coming on before, and switching off an hour before the lights go off; otherwise I'm experiencing a lot of algae. I'm not really looking to buy alternative lights just now, or dimmers; so my thinking is to hopefully add more plant varieties, to compete with the algae; and perhaps even allow me to extend my light period to 5 hours.

The current plant list includes:

Staurogyne repens
Eleocharis parvula
Monte Carlo

Pogostemon erectus
Bacopa compact
Bacopa Carolinians
Ludwigia palustris
Java needle fern
Java moss
Amazon sword
Java fern
Salvinia natans

I'm still new to the game, so happy to hear what you think would grow well; perhaps easier-medium level?

Thanks :)


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I should add, ludwigia palustris has been one of my favourite plants so far; if there are similar plants that anyone would recommend, please do!