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What can I keep in an 18 degrees 14l nano?


27 Nov 2011

I've planted a 14l nano, and I'm trying to get away without having a heater inside. I have monitered the temperature for the last few days and at the coldest room temperature (pretty cold in this weather) it stays at 18 degrees C.

What can I keep at this temperature?

I would like to keep shrimp of some sort... let me knwo your thoughts 😉


There are now Lots to try.
Five Banded Bard
Guppies, endlers most small livebearers (you wont get many fry as below this temp they go dormant)
Mosquito Fish
Heterandria Formosa
Paradise Fish - Not the Large Blue, but the Smaller Black, Spike Tailed.
Sparkling Gourami
Dwarf Honey Gourami
I did have a list of cooler temp fish, will have a look
Cherry shrimp will be ok. Very hardy and adaptable.

Thanks George, think I'll go with them then...

Personally I'd spend a few quid on something like this - http://orinoco-aquatics.co.uk/index.php ... ucts_id=49

That'll stop you having to worry about temps, but I can't think of any fish I'd be willing to keep in a 14l.

Thanks for the link BigTom, that heater looks nice and compact... cheap too! :thumbup:

Initially I was dubious about keeping fish in it too, but I am seeing more and more fish in the shops that are tiny, and I have space to move them on too. On the box the tank came in there are suggestions of fish to keep, but I won't stretch to that for sure!
Wow what an interesting fish, never seen that before!

Even little 15mm micro rasboras still appreciate room to swim

Yeah, I appreciate that. I think I will stick to a shrimp tank then, and concentrate on them and the plants.
BigTom said:
Small fish doesn't necessarily = small tank.

Even little 15mm micro rasboras still appreciate room to swim. You need something that is very sedentary in that small a space. Indostomus maybe, if you can find them and supply live foods daily.

Oh Yes Indostomus are great Fish, Very Hard to Find though.