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What could I do to improve this?

What could I do to give it a boost with some additional plants or trimming and tidying?
Except for doing something to cover up the filter and heater as Tim mentioned, I really like it as it is.... perhaps a bit more low foreground plants... I am not an aqua scaper btw... so don't take my word for it :) Either way, let the tank mature and find its natural balance... some plants will flourish some wont... its often just the way it is. Adding some floating plants is always a good idea.

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Except for doing something to cover up the filter and heater as Tim mentioned, I really like it as it is.... perhaps a bit more low foreground plants... I am not an aqua scaper btw... so don't take my word for it :) Either way, let the tank mature and find its natural balance... some plants will flourish some wont... its often just the way it is. Adding some floating plants is always a good idea.

Thanks I appreciate that. I tried some red root floaters but they kept ending up getting battered under the return from the filter and I thought it was stressing the fish so I removed them. Maybe I should get floating ring :)
Just a little update on the tank. Thank you all for your previous suggestions and as lots of you have said patience is king! Really feel like it's starting to take shape and since changing from Seachem Flourish to APT Fix the algae is almost under control. Only thing that's a bit disappointing is the ludwigia on the right under the swords, probably not getting enough light. I added a dimmer to the light and have dropped the intensity so maybe this is also helping with the algae but I certainly seem to be finding the sweet spot slowly!

Fwiw, I've experienced Ludwigia repens taking forever to fully acclimate to a tank, I'm talking more than year without supplemental co2, even when everything else is in full swing. Then when it finally gets its act together it's easy and beautiful. I would encourage you to hang on to that one even if it seems to be underperforming even once it's out of the shade. It doesn't really need that much light to thrive anyway - I grew it under a light that was 35 PAR and under at the substrate.
Fwiw, I've experienced Ludwigia repens taking forever to fully acclimate to a tank, I'm talking more than year without supplemental co2, even when everything else is in full swing. Then when it finally gets its act together it's easy and beautiful. I would encourage you to hang on to that one even if it seems to be underperforming even once it's out of the shade. It doesn't really need that much light to thrive anyway - I grew it under a light that was 35 PAR and under at the substrate.
Thanks for the advice. It was doing better I hacked a few stems and replanted. After a while it just started to look scruffy and lots of the leaves were turning yellow and brown. I'm currently dosing with APT 1 daily so will try moving it as you and @[UWSL]MichaelJ[/UWSL] have suggested!