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What's happening?


11 Sep 2010
Manchester, UK
Hi all, these seems to be happening in one area of the tank but looks like its spreading to the others close by like a disease, please see image attached.


Can anyone assist with identifying?

Paul, thanks for the link mate its funny actually as i noticed one of my crypt leaves complety melted yesterday also. But its strange that it only seems to be one area that is affected (but it is spreading mind)
Is it only the crypts that are affected ? Would it be worthwhile removing any in the area that are not affected to protect them ?
Antipofish said:
Is it only the crypts that are affected ? Would it be worthwhile removing any in the area that are not affected to protect them ?

Its the Staurgyne Repens that are affected the most mate, im going to try and up my flow as i have put it down quite a bit. I thought that if i use a CO2 reactor the co2 will be disolved enough for me not to have a heavy flow.. so i will crank it back up tonight and see if i get any changes. Would still like input off others though.

Yes, this disease is also known as "poor CO2" (Latin - crapius gasius maximus). Check your regulator, cylinder, flow or bubble rate.

ceg4048 said:
Yes, this disease is also known as "poor CO2" (Latin - crapius gasius maximus). Check your regulator, cylinder, flow or bubble rate.


Lol thanks Ceg, i will up my flow immensly then.