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Which snails to get?


8 Jan 2012
Hi folks. Are snails a useful tool in the clean up crew or do shrimp do same job.?
If i was to add a few snail,is there any that are better to add than others. Really dont want to have snail infestation once they start breeding.
Snails and shrimp work harmoniously.

You will get different opinions but of the most available I'd probably go Nerite (horned Nerites punch well above their weight though having enough for them to eat can be an issue), Ramshorns, Malaysian Trumpet Snails (MTS), in that order.

I have a few different Nerites including the usual Zebra, Tiger and smaller Horned Nerite as well as less available Neritina Auriculata (Batman Snail) and Neritina Pulligera (Military Helmet Snail). I also have a pretty old Tylomelania Gemmifera (Rabbit Snail), some Tarebia Granifera (Quilted Melania), MTS, Ramshorns, Bladder and Pond snails.

I don't find any snails to be troublesome, however they're a good indicator of improper feeding so if you're inclined to overfeed I'd probably stick to Nerites as they can't reproduce in fresh water, Rabbit Snails require both sexes and reproduce slowly even if there's a pair, however the rest will reproduce like crazy given the right conditions and don't require sexed pairs.

MTS great for turning over soil and Ramshorns great for algea - all great for a general clean up crew - most will leave live healthy plants alone unless there's no choice with exception perhaps of the Rabbit Snail which will nibble the odd plant and has a seeming love of Pogostemon Helferi - perhaps due it's high calcium content so again if needs are met it might even leave those alone.
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Brilliant. Sounds like theyr a great tool to make use of..il get few in. Thanks👍👍👍
just stick with nerite snails. As already mentioned, they can’t breed in freshwater so won’t ever become a problem.
They do leave eggs behind which are difficult to remove, the horned variety do this less.
just stick with nerite snails. As already mentioned, they can’t breed in freshwater so won’t ever become a problem.
They do leave eggs behind which are difficult to remove, the horned variety do this less.
If you get a male Nerite they won't lay eggs, it's difficult to sex them but is possible with observation and/or patience.

Though I do have some females I've been pretty lucky with my nerites and given how many I have there's not an unsightly amount of eggs at all.
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horned Nerites punch well above their weight
This has been my experience too. They have a great work ethic. I am having quite an algae outbreak at the moment (possibly due to missed water changes) but you can see how clean the glass is where the horned nerites have been at it over night.


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