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Win stems..... comp now closed.

G H Nelson

Global Moderator
14 Dec 2008
Hemel Hempstead
Another one bits the dust :lol:
Can you name this plant.Winner receives various cuttings in a 8x4 box.


Do you think its recoverable :lol:
The bulb is half the size of the nail on my pinkie finger and i havent got big hands :lol:
This is why you should be careful when you purchase plants from the Far East...you got to laugh.
Do you think i should ask for a refund :silent: :crazy: :lol:
Re: Guess what this is...name the plant.

Oh dear!
Re: Guess what this is...name the plant.

In fairness that root looks healthy :lol: clean it off and stick it somewhere, if it is a crypt it may surprise you!
Re: Guess what this is...name the plant.

easerthegeezer said:
Crypt wentii green?
Even if they do arrive well its not much cheaper. One crypt tropica pot gives 10-20 plants.

Plantsalive? Lol the most inappropriate name for there business!
Re: Guess what this is...name the plant.

Hi Ady
It may bounce back...after recovering from its flattened state :lol:
Not a Crypt...a hard to find plant in the UK not very often on sale here...if it is... its usually not cheap.
Then what pops up a week later the plant I'm after in the UK...bugger.
Have another guess...will send some various cuttings out too the Winner.
Re: Guess what this is...name the plant win a prize.

It's not one of the ludwigia sp you were after is it or maybe a dwarf nymphae plant?
I don't need any more plants but I am v curious now as the picture is difficult to ascertain much from.... especially on a phone screen :lol:
Re: Guess what this is...name the plant win a prize.

Aponegeton sp?
Re: Guess what this is...name the plant win a prize.

Re: Guess what this is...name the plant win a prize.

I know... Barclaya longifolia! ;)
Re: Guess what this is...name the plant win a prize.

I can see the resemblance to what you received....beautiful!

Re: Guess what this is...name the plant win a prize.

I seemed to monopolise this thread so I'll donate it as I don't need any more plants at the moment!
Re: Guess what this is...name the plant win a prize.

Okay Ady :thumbup:
For a 8x4 inch box of various plants.
Me being a golf fan...and the 2012 Ryder Cup looming.
Answer this question.
Who won the winning point in 2010 Ryder Cup to seal victory for Europe?