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13 Mar 2015
Sorry about making a new thread, I'm sure the old one was deleted. It is a long story never mind.
Been working a lot so not had much chance to be around.
This is the same tank, as before.
20 Litre, Eheim classic 2215 filter with three foam discs only.
Co2 by a Bazooka nano.
Lighting is : first two weeks, 1 x 14W T8, Then until today Arcadia classica stretch Led unit 11W (300mm - 450mm), Now a homemade unit with one 2700K 13W CFL and one 11W 6500K CFL.
Plants have started to bed in so its time to start increasing the light intensity. This was always meant to be a high light tank. Lighting period is 6 Hours.
Fertilisation is via EI, but bear in mind I always dose the full weekly amount in one go after I do a water change, which occurs twice a week, midweek if I am about then a 100% water change at the weekend. Daily top ups as required.
My local water is hard to very hard, that is all I know but I believe it lacks Mg so I add that as well, in form MgSo4.

This is from 25 March 2015 at the start with one T8

Then added the Cabomba? This taken with the arcadia stretch. 08 April 2015

This is from today with spiral florescent lights. The Rotala macranda is really taking off for the last week but the Pogostomon is still slow I hope the higher light will encourage it to grow.

This is from the 12 April 2015 I have removed the Caroliniana as it has now done its job, and was outgrowing the tank.
Lots of pearling even with the lower light, but I have no fishes or livestock, this is just for plants. Lots of Co2 I have no idea how much. the bazzoka is running at maximum and comes on at 5am when I get up and goes off at 8pm when lights go off. This is purely so as not to waste too much gas.
Post edited to update pictures previously uploaded in error.

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Thank you Roy, 🙂

ADA says he cant see the pictures let me know if they are not showing up please, so I can fix it. They show up ok for me on firefox.
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No your right, they do not show up on my i phone either, ok in firefox/iceweasel. I am using, dare I say it, planted tank for hosting as my imgur account was deleted.
Have edited the first post and re-opened imgur account so there should be no problem to see pictures now, also picture 2 was incorrect, this is the actual pic showing the light from the arcadia stretch.

So as not to waste this post bump the thread for no good reason, I will post details of my dosing regime.
Always dosed dry ferts straight into tank but I am making a solution now.
for one week:
1 x 100ml bottle approximately 10ml a day filled with following:
3/8 tsp kno3
1/8 tsp kh2po4
4/8 tsp mgso4

Trace solution is 1 x 100ml bottle dosed over one week daily approximately 10ml containing
2/8 tsp trace.

This is all far in excess of normal EI, but I never have followed the numbers exactly.
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A quick photo update, I have had to pull most of the Pogostomon out and strip the lower leaves off, again. So, as a result the pogostomon is not doing very well.
It is normally such an easy plant to grow. Everything else is doing well, the R Macranda and E Parvula have both adapted to the hard water. The Hemianthus is making a come back as well.

I have had to pull most of the Pogostomon out and strip the lower leaves off, again.
I too run cfls. Lower leaves of pogostemon seem to accumulate algae/detritus and turn brownish/black. This was more during first 2 months and after an unfortunate diatom bloom. Upper growth is fine. Lower leaves I could rub clean mostly. pH drop is 1unit @ substrate.
Is this what you experience?
yes, exactly that. But, also it is not growing well. growth is slower than it should be in my experience.
I have had better luck with the tropica brand with this plant.
Anyway, I lose patience. In the bin it goes.


High light, lots of co2 and fertiliser, what could possibly go wrong? :nailbiting:

Never had the opportunity to try one of these photo's till now, never tried to grow this plant before!
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"monte carlo" ?

I like it much better than the previous foreground, but is that thick leafed grass the E parvula? I've only seen very fine leaf versions ....

No idea what happened on the old threads but I miss your kitty pic
"monte carlo" ?

I like it much better than the previous foreground, but is that thick leafed grass the E parvula? I've only seen very fine leaf versions ....

No idea what happened on the old threads but I miss your kitty pic

Lol, It had nothing to do with anything on here, it was a domestic drama.

I would like an ID on the plants if possible, the new one with the little leaves, Hc or Monte Carlo? There are two varieties of grassy plant one sold as Eleocharis parvula but it does not look like that plant, and the taller one which looks more like tennelus? I know the R macranda is real because it came in a sealed Dennerle in vitro pot. Highly recommend the Dennerle in vitro plants if you can find them. None of the aqua fleur plants are correctly labeled.