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  • Users: Surya
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  1. S

    Fish dying when do a water change

    How do you get the water back into the tank? Hosepipe (and if so is it a food safe pipe) or individual buckets? How do you get the replacement water up to the right temperature? Do you use hot water from the tap, and if so, do you have a combi boiler (fine) or a hot water tank (not fine)?
  2. S

    90x30x30 low maintenance

    Thank you - hmm, sounds like a particularly sensitive species...? It's a shame as I really love the look of it. I'm glad you've got some that is working for your tank. I'll probably give it a try and see what happens.
  3. S

    90x30x30 low maintenance

    Beautiful tank! I particularly love your anubias coffeefolia - how long did it take to grow to that?
  4. S

    Anyone got (or want to give an opinion on) a Fluval Siena?

    Thanks very much for everyone's input. After a lot of consideration, I decided to put in an order for the Fluval Siena 332 litre tank in the ridiculously named "Chicago Concrete" colour. I'll return with a photo and some feedback when it arrives and is all set up, which will hopefully be of help...
  5. S

    Anyone got (or want to give an opinion on) a Fluval Siena?

    Thanks for comments all, much appreciated. @hypnogogia the inlet and outlet are extendable so could reach the surface if you wanted them to 😊 I could get the Fluval Siena 332 for £1079 delivered, cheapest price. Tempting. Apparently the tank weight is 45kg despite the 10mm glass, so manageable...
  6. S

    Anyone got (or want to give an opinion on) a Fluval Siena?

    Thanks Ajm, agree that's the most helpful video / review I've seen of it so far. Thanks Si, I do like it. I don't mind the ribbed pipes, I had it on my old Fluval 406 and it didn't cause trouble, mind you I never cleaned them either so who knows what was lurking beneath... Don't know if anyone...
  7. S

    Anyone got (or want to give an opinion on) a Fluval Siena?

    I want to upgrade my existing 125 litre in size to an approx 250-350 tank. I used to have a Fluval Roma 240 and liked the drilled base and 407 filter, and also added the Fluval Plant 3.0 light. So the Siena 332 litre version has the advantage of familiarity and seems to come with decent kit as...
  8. S

    Help with Strideways pro plus dual stage

    Good to know! I've got the single stage Strideways, also from Aquarium Gardens, and love it.
  9. S

    Help with Strideways pro plus dual stage

    Does this help (at 1:15) re Allen key - seems to be if you want to install a secondary manifold:
  10. S

    Should the drop checker turn blue overnight?

    I have just started using pressurised CO2 on my 125l Juwel Rio tank, via an in-tank Twinstar diffuser. 6 hrs of lights on, 4-10pm, with CO2 on 2hrs before the start and off 2hrs before the end, 2bps for whatever that's worth. There is an in-tank drop checker with brand new CO2 Art premixed drop...
  11. S

    Will plants grow in a low tech temperate tank? (UK, 16C+)

    Apologies if this is a daft question! I have had previous tanks with and without injected CO2 and grown a range of plants, but with a heater and the temperature always being 22-25C. I'm thinking of setting up a new tank but keeping it unheated. In my centrally-heated-for-part-of-the-day NW UK...
  12. S

    Cherry shrimp in soft water

    OK an update on my shrimp! I tried increasing gH with Seachem Equilibrium at first but it made a big old mess of the tank, so I gave up and just stuck a cuttlebone in there, replacing it as it slowly dissolves over weeks. Original shrimp are doing great, all survived, grown, molting, active and...
  13. S

    Feedback Very happy with Captive Worlds!

    I ordered the Twinstar III 600E with the 20% off from Captive Worlds. Very friendly and helpful on the phone, order arrived promptly and was extremely well packaged. The light is super and the 20% saved makes it even better! I'm happy to have a great experience with another sponsor.
  14. S

    Cherry shrimp in soft water

    Thank you! So - Seachem Equilibrium will do the job? (calcium and magnesium, raises GH but no effect on KH) Sounds like there's no harm to a calcium rich diet so I'll pick up some high calcium shrimp food. Also it's been suggested to me to just add a piece of cuttlebone to the tank. That would...
  15. S

    Cherry shrimp in soft water

    Thank you. So it's just the GH that needs to be upped? Not the KH / pH? And is it the water parameters I need to change, rather than feeding calcium-rich shrimp foods (or do I need to do both?)
  16. S

    Cherry shrimp in soft water

    I'm a new invert-parent to 10 cherry red shrimp, having never had them before. I have soft Manchester tap water - GH and KH both 1-2, pH around 6.8. And I inject CO2. Will the shrimp thrive and breed, or do I need to supplement - and if so how? I've got seiryu stone in the tank if that makes...
  17. S

    Blau Aquaristic stainless steel CO2 diffuser

    I am using a TwinStar diffuser at the moment and it works great, but the CO2 tubing is very noticeable in my tank. I've got an inline diffuser arriving which I plan to try, but have also seen the "hang on" style diffusers which I like the look of...
  18. S

    Is there a biotope tank thread?

    Ooh thank you so much for all the suggestions! They are so helpful. I am working my way through them all. I love the dedication to furthering knowledge coming through in many of these eg TomC's apisto adventure, the Ivan Mikolji footage, and the attention to detail in the biotope aquaria...
  19. S

    Where can i get a big bottle of drop checker solution??

    Aqua Essentials do a premixed 100ml version for £4 (or they used to). Edit: £5, but currently sold out... Neutro Bromo Blue 100ml [4dkhB] - £4.99 : Tropical Aquarium / Fish Tank Plants for Sale, CO2 Sets, Fertilisers, and more - Aqua Essentials, The Planted Aquarium Specialists
  20. S

    Is there a biotope tank thread?

    I have a big group of neons (30) and a big group of corydoras trilineatus (20), plus 5 otos (almost 3 years old!). 240l tank. There seem to be a few rivers where these co exist. I initially had somewhere along the Rio Ucayali in mind, but am open to suggestions! Was hoping to find more ideas...
  21. S

    Is there a biotope tank thread?

    Thanks all, some really helpful thoughts. I must confess this was an "am I missing a biotope section?" question and not "you really should create a new biotope section" iyswim ;) I guess I use "biotope" as a catch-all for a themed tank that tries to replicate a natural environment, in as loose...
  22. S

    Is there a biotope tank thread?

    I have always been interested in biotope tanks and have decided to do it seriously now. I have a shortlist of Amazonian rivers that my existing stock would mostly fit into. I would be really interested to see what others have done. If anyone can point me in the right direction that would be...
  23. S

    Bacteria in a bottle ?

    I have used Tetra SafeStart on two separate occasions, well in-date bottle, shaken well, followed the stocking instructions to the letter and tested the water for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates daily. It worked. Ammonia 0 throughout except 0.25 on day 3; Nitrites 0 throughout; Nitrates 10 by...
  24. S

    Cleaning long hose used for water changes

    I'd just buy a new one. Got my 15m one from Homebase for £5. Never developed mould as I drain it fully between uses and keep outdoors.
  25. S

    Filling a new tank with tap water

    I have used this on my kitchen mixer tap for 2.5 years, works brilliantly (Edit - looks like the link is not showing up - Google "Hozelock Kitchen Tap Connector") The metal part replaces the end of the tap but it's hardly noticeable and unobtrusive. The plastic connector just screws on and...
  26. S

    Feedback Amazing quality and service

    Just came across my old post here. Well, I was obviously impressed by the size of the ferns when they arrived, but 8 months on and they have surpassed themselves. (240l 4 foot tank for reference). I've been busy the last few months (hospital worker...) but think I'm ready for my next AG fix...
  27. S

    Dry salts

    Not sure about that, but have you tried Aquarium Plant Food? https://www.aquariumplantfood.co.uk/fertilisers/dry-chemicals/dry-salts.html They're back in stock with potassium nitrate now after being out for a while. At least you'll know the quality is reliable.
  28. S

    Excel to keep BBA at bay - what's the best way to dose?

    Thanks both. Just to clarify, the BBA is now gone so there is nothing to spot dose - I am keen to keep it from coming back. The Excel always seems to be the thing that gives it the final push to go away, but I don't know if I need to keep dosing it to get the benefit.
  29. S

    Excel to keep BBA at bay - what's the best way to dose?

    I posted previously about my redmoor root which keeps getting covered in BBA. Most of the rest of the tank stays clear, except a few tufts on the glass. I have tried to address the core issues by optimising pressurised CO2, flow, halved light intensity, stepped up cleaning a lot and manually...
  30. S

    Lower light CO2 tank

    Thanks all. Yeah I think that the wood is the culprit. I did take it out for a while but the tank just doesn't look very good without it, despite adding more plants. I could try getting a different type of wood but worry that the same would happen... Is it less like with certain types or is it...
  31. S

    Lower light CO2 tank

    Thanks Sacha, appreciate the thoughts. Yes have tried everything you listed - plants grow really well and are algae free, it's literally just the wood. It's redmoor root - I guess it leaches organics and attracts the stuff. It is highly light responsive. Excel work if I apply neat but it's...
  32. S

    Lower light CO2 tank

    I've used pressurised CO2 for 18 months and it's done wonders for my plants. However, I'm sick to death of recurrent BBA on my hardscape and the only thing that seems to control it is lowering the lights right down - currently 50% of the "planted tank" pre-set on my Fluval Plant 3.0. (Yep, I've...
  33. S

    Feedback Amazing quality and service

    I've been buying from Aquarium Gardens for two years now and think I have a slight addiction to their wonderful shop. Luckily I am 5 hours away so this goes some way to avoiding bankruptcy. I have always found them to be very helpful and responsive on the phone, talking me through setting up...
  34. S

    My Cryptocoryne dominated 100 lt riverscape .

    Gorgeous and natural looking tank. I love C.balansae and dream of mine growing as well as yours. Really like the look.
  35. S

    APF UK dry salts - out of stock?

    Thanks, I did email and hadn't heard back when I posted the thread - John has replied now though and said it's been an issue with getting a few salts, but they are hoping to have everything back in stock in January. So that's good news :)
  36. S

    APF UK dry salts - out of stock?

    Thanks! I have bookmarked and will get it from there if APF UK are still out of stock when I run out (I've got a couple of months left). I hope APF UK are sticking around though.
  37. S

    APF UK dry salts - out of stock?

    I've been using the APF UK EI starter kit for the last 15 months and been very happy with it. When I've gone to buy refills for some of the things that are running out, it seems that they are out of stock of a huge amount of what they sell (all starter kits, all complete mix dry and in bottles...
  38. S

    Rock only autumn theme 55L Dennerle

    Absolutely stunning! I love the autumnal colours. Would never have thought it was your first aquascape. Is that just standard mini landscape stone? I'm planning on getting some and love the white veins in yours.
  39. S

    Water Changes and Thermometers

    I've always just used warm water straight from the tap, and never had a problem. I have cardinals too. I have a little cheap glass thermometer tucked away behind plants, like this one: glass-thermometer-for-aquariums Simple and reliable, and not too prominent. I am not at all keen on the stick...
  40. S

    How often to deep clean a planted tank?

    Big water changes work for my tank, been doing them religiously every week for years and fish are incredibly healthy and long lived, breeding like crazy etc. I don't have shrimp and parameters are matched. Clean water = good IME ;) Every tank is different of course, do what works for you. I...
  41. S

    Slow or fast growing plants... which do you choose and why?

    Would love a photo! Never tried rotala.
  42. S

    How often to deep clean a planted tank?

    Ooh now this is where I'm so conflicted!! I would LOVE to be able to just never move things or vacuum. I suppose I still don't know if the BBA was caused by the excess waste organics. My tank isn't heavily stocked (240l with mostly small tetras - 73% according to Aqadvisor) and the speckled...
  43. S

    How often to deep clean a planted tank?

    By "deep clean" I mean lift/remove hardscape to get rid of all the waste organics collected underneath, and thoroughly vacuum the substrate. Rather than a simple weekly water change and glass wipe. I didn't do this at all for a long time, and the tank looked fine and fish were healthy, but I...
  44. S

    Advice on new CO2 system

    I was fearful of CO2 for a long time but bit the bullet and bought this about 15 months ago: https://www.aquariumgardens.co.uk/aquarium-co2-kit-pro-se-complete-system-673-p.asp Never given me a day's trouble. I use with a locally sourced 2kg CO2 fire extinguisher and rigged it up in 10 mins...
  45. S

    Slow or fast growing plants... which do you choose and why?

    You're right. Look at the size of my monster sword! 240l tank for reference...
  46. S

    How long does co2 last

    What causes them to blow their lids off / explode / do dangerous things? I have a couple that I bought serviced that were coming to the end of their official working life (so around 10 years old), that have been in my attic a year now. I don't mind if they just don't work when I come to use...
  47. S

    Slow or fast growing plants... which do you choose and why?

    Thanks both! The floating plants to do the heavy lifting sounds a good idea, then I can focus on the long-term plants that really want. Agree that patience is key, wish I had more of it ;)
  48. S

    Slow or fast growing plants... which do you choose and why?

    Just curious! I've had a mix over the couple of years I've had a planted tank. I am impatient and like the way that stems can quickly fill up an area, the vibrant colours etc, as well as the fact they seem to help with algae. But I always seem to end up getting bored with them and ripping them...
  49. S

    Tissue culture or potted plants (crypts specifically)?

    Now with wood and rocks added back!
  50. S

    Hosepipe water change

    I use this drinking safe one, just in case: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hozelock-Tricoflex-Ultraflex-Hose-Yellow/dp/B01BWN2IFS?th=1 Not sure if it's necessary but the "free of heavy metals, phthalates" etc spiel made me feel better. Plus it doesn't kink which is handy and worth the extra on its...
  51. S

    Tissue culture or potted plants (crypts specifically)?

    Thanks all. I took the advice and bought two lots of the Crypt Balansae potted version, and took a punt on the 1-2 grow Crypt undulatus red for the foreground. Will clear out overshadowing plants so they get decent light. Should arrive tomorrow. Will do an update in a couple of months! I might...
  52. S

    Tissue culture or potted plants (crypts specifically)?

    Amazingly helpful, thank you all so much.
  53. S

    Tissue culture or potted plants (crypts specifically)?

    I have a 240 litre tank with the Fluval Roma Plant 3.0, pressurised CO2 and EI fertilisation. I want to get some more crypts - C.balansae v.crispatula probably, plus a couple of smaller ones. I don't know whether to go for the potted version or the Tropica 1-2 grow version as they're available...
  54. S

    Please critique my scape

    Thanks, that's really helpful :) I use full EI fertilisers from Aquarium Plant Food (starter kit still going strong after a year!). Plus a Seachem Flourish root tab under the swords. I'll try adjusting the pebbles as you say, good idea. It's actually just one massive sword on the left (I used...
  55. S

    Please critique my scape

    Here is my unusual attempt at an actual scape rather than a jungly mix of random plants thrown in! I want something lower maintenance and like George Farmerish stuff. Criticism and advice welcome. Thanks in advance. Fluval Roma 240 (240 litres), 120cm L x 40cm W x 50cm H, established 18 months...
  56. S

    Echinodorus in 240l tank

    I have the Fluval Roma 240 litre tank (with a good light, CO2 injected, Excel, root tabs and EI ferts) and have just pulled out 2 of my 3 E.Bleheri monsters that had taken over almost every inch of space. The growth sort of exploded a couple of months ago after a year or so of fairly pedestrian...
  57. S

    Dosing Excel after water change

    Thanks, that's really helpful. Sounds like you were in the same position as me. I've pulled out the wood to scrub a few times and it does have some soft patches that might be releasing organics though it's been in my tank 18 months... And the BBA on older leaf edges. I will try the same pattern...
  58. S

    Dosing Excel after water change

    Thanks all. I haven't done a pH profile but have done everything else recommended including increasing CO2, improving flow, reducing light period, keeping tank clean, cleaning filter, big weekly water changes - these have helped significantly and the hair algae and BBA is much reduced. What's...
  59. S

    Dosing Excel after water change

    I use pressurised CO2 but have a bit of pesky hair algae/BBA so after trying various other things (including increasing CO2) have started using Excel. Spot dosing has worked well but I wonder how I should use it now to try to keep algae to a minimum. Should I follow the instructions of 5ml per...
  60. S

    Extra flow just during CO2, photoperiod, or 24 hours?

    Thanks very much! Unfortunately I might be getting rid of the pump. It is SO noisy. It goes through periods of being quiet then a really loud noise. I thought it would settle down but it's ongoing... grr.
  61. S

    Extra flow just during CO2, photoperiod, or 24 hours?

    I'd appreciate thoughts. My tank is the 240 litre Fluval Roma and I use pressurised CO2 via a Neo diffuser. The filter is a Fluval 406 which has a 1450 lph output. I've added a Hydor Koralia 1600 lph powerhead at the other end, positioned above the CO2 diffuser, which seems to circulate the...
  62. S

    (NO MORE) 2,000L High tech BEAST

    I'll PM you! :)
  63. S

    Little kids guppy tank

    Stunning tank and lovely to see a "children's" tank that isn't full of coloured gravel and Spongebob (didn't even notice the orange cave, it blends in well!) I have a 6 year old and he appreciates a nice natural tank too. (He did want a small alien ornament that I bought but it didn't find its...
  64. S

    Mixing up EI ferts

    Wow, thanks so much for the detailed replies! Such an education being on here. Appreciate you all taking the time.
  65. S

    Mixing up EI ferts

    Oh now there's a good idea! Thanks :)
  66. S

    Mixing up EI ferts

    True... but then I'll need to buy and store a bigger container ;)
  67. S

    Mixing up EI ferts

    Thanks both! I'd already boiled the water this time so made up a double strength solution with it - there is no precipitate so that seems fine. Next time I'll try it with plain tap water.
  68. S

    Mixing up EI ferts

    I've been using Aquarium Plant Food EI starter kit for about 4 months and am happy with it. But as my tank is 240l, I get through it quite quickly and find mixing it up rather tedious. I wondered about the following: 1. Can I mix up double concentration and dose half? 2. Do I really have to...
  69. S

    Fluval Plant 3.0 - will it fit under Roma LED canopy?

    Sorry, just seen this! Yes, it definitely does. You can also adjust the different colours very easily to suit your fish - eg mine look much better under a higher pink/red light component. You realise once you get the 3.0 how weak the light that comes with the tank is. (Though I did grow a nice...
  70. S

    Fluval Plant 3.0 - will it fit under Roma LED canopy?

    Yes it does fit neatly under the hood :) I've been really happy with it, definitely recommend. I was a bit worried about how hot it gets to touch, but I decided to just stop touching it and no harm has been done. It's the same one, the light itself it 115cm as there are a couple of cm at each...
  71. S

    Do I need to add calcium to my water?

    OK so just to be sure - I've added a full cuttlebone to the filter. I plan to replace it with a new one every month when I clean the filter, unless there is loads left. Does this sounds reasonable? I'll continue to buffer up to 5 degrees of KH with potassium bicarbonate though will be conscious...
  72. S

    Do I need to add calcium to my water?

    Thanks - I'm dosing EI though which seems to have heaps of magnesium and potassium - wouldn't it be overkill to add even more? I considered equilibrium but a lot of reviews say it's very hard to dissolve.
  73. S

    Do I need to add calcium to my water?

    Thanks very much. I'll go with cuttlebone (full one in the filter? It's a 240l tank) because it's easily available to me and reduce the potassium bicarb (like halve it do you think?) Also while the experts are here ;) - I'm about to start EI dosing tomorrow (APF starter kit bottles all mixed)...
  74. S

    Do I need to add calcium to my water?

    Thanks very much for replies! Thanks for link to RO mix. I already buffer KH to 5 with potassium bicarbonate to keep the pH stable. So just need to sort out GH. A cuttlebone in the filter would bethe easiest option, do you think that would provide enough calcium for plants' needs? My fish are...
  75. S

    Do I need to add calcium to my water?

    I live in the North West and have very soft water (GH 1-2, 1.82 Clarke). I have recently started using pressurised CO2 and have the APF EI starter kit on order, which comes with magnesium sulphate. But I'm wondering if I need to add a source of calcium. My local water report states I have 8.81...
  76. S

    Good complete fertiliser

    It's back now, I've just ordered from it! First time so can't help with your questions. Edit: just read on APF website that solutions will last 6 months after mixing. I guess for most tanks you'll use them up well before then.
  77. S

    In tank diffuser for larger tank - effective?

    Oh, just had a thought. I have a spare external filter (Fluval 306) that I could rig up if there is a reliable way of running the CO2 through the inlet?
  78. S

    Slow grower

    Thank you! Great to see how helpful CO2 Art were. I'd love to see how your tank progresses, it is really stunning.
  79. S

    In tank diffuser for larger tank - effective?

    Thanks Conor. That's what I had in mind for mine, it's good to know you've found it helps. Can I ask what size tank you have and what diffuser device you use? And what ppm you aim for? Would love to see a picture of your tank.
  80. S

    In tank diffuser for larger tank - effective?

    Thanks for responses. The whole set up will cost £150 plus £12 for each 2kg fire extinguisher through a local source. In your experiences, will it be worth it (ie make a noticeable difference) to add this via an in tank diffuser, if this is my only real option? Or will it probably be so...
  81. S

    In tank diffuser for larger tank - effective?

    Thanks. Considering just sticking with low tech now. I have decent growth, just very slow, and no algae. Pressurised CO2 seems to throw up a whole world of complications that I hadn't even thought about.
  82. S

    Slow grower

    Look beautiful. How did you break the regulator? Just asking as I'm planning to get the same one and want to avoid doing the same!
  83. S

    In tank diffuser for larger tank - effective?

    Thanks. I have a Fluval 406 external which is 1450 lph turnover, so about 6x tank volume. I can place the diffuser anywhere in the tank.
  84. S

    Fluval Plant 3.0 getting really hot

    Oh I do have an infrared one for my kid. Will dig it out.
  85. S

    In tank diffuser for larger tank - effective?

    I'm considering setting up pressurised CO2 for my tank, which is the 240 litre Fluval Roma. It has an external filter but it comes through the base of the tank and apparently the tubing is not compatible... and I'm just not keen on cutting up the tubing and messing with it. I was planning to get...
  86. S

    Fluval Plant 3.0 getting really hot

    That made me laugh. I am officially reassured now.
  87. S

    Nitrates in water from fish - do I need to add more?

    Thanks everyone, that's really helpful.
  88. S

    Nitrates in water from fish - do I need to add more?

    Thanks - is there a difference between nitrates from fish waste and nitrates from fertiliser? Is it not the same chemical compound? I'm not running pressurised CO2 and my plants look OK, just slow growing which I guess is normal for low tech.
  89. S

    XL / mother plants - worth it?

    So I ended up getting an Echinodorus Argentinensis XL. Have placed it in the back left corner. It's lovely and healthy with massive roots. Not as big as I expected but that's probably a good thing. I'll report back in a few months as to how it's getting on! I also got some Alternanthera...
  90. S

    Fluval Plant 3.0 getting really hot

    Many thanks both. Oscar that is reassuring. I emailed Fluval and they gave the same explanation i.e. that they are high power LEDs and it is normal for them to get hot. I'll keep the email just in case but for now I'm using the simple solution of just not touching the light ;) I am using it on...
  91. S

    Nitrates in water from fish - do I need to add more?

    I have a 240 litre tank and a full stock of fish, and my nitrates at the end of the week are 20ppm. I do a 50% water change every week. So they basically never fall below 10ppm. Ammonia and nitrites have always been 0 since cycling. Does this mean that I don't need to add a fertiliser...
  92. S

    XL / mother plants - worth it?

    That's great to know, thank you. Did it end up growing / lasting well in your tank?
  93. S

    XL / mother plants - worth it?

    That's good to know, thank you. Looking forward to them growing up. Re the vallis - I only started using Easycarbo after I got rid of it as I had heard the same as you, that it could be sensitive to it. It's a shame as I like vallis.
  94. S

    XL / mother plants - worth it?

    Thanks! Yes the swords in there at present are E. Bleheri. They have been steadily putting out more leaves but aren't getting any taller. Will they eventually grow up to fill the space, or just keep growing sideways?! The vallis that I previously had did the same (never grew up but propagated)...
  95. S

    XL / mother plants - worth it?

    Changed a few things, is this better?
  96. S

    XL / mother plants - worth it?

    Thanks - my details are as follows: - Fluval Roma 240 litre tank (4 foot long, approx 50cm deep) with a Fluval 406 external canister (upgraded from original 306), established for 8 months - Fertiliser - Easylife Profito 4ml daily - Light - newly acquired Fluval Plant 3.0 on the default "planted...
  97. S

    XL / mother plants - worth it?

    Do you think that would work better? I'm open to anything. I feel that something is lacking but can't work out what! I've recently got a better light and started using Easycarbo so hopefully that will help the existing plants to grow.
  98. S

    XL / mother plants - worth it?

    Thanks very much both. It's a 240 litre tank (Fluval Roma) and I feel I am lacking height. Photo attached. I was thinking either a big java fern or big ozelot sword for the back middle / left area. Any thoughts welcome though. The idea of instant plant mass is very attractive as I am low tech...