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  1. ghostsword

    DIY Project DIY Ferts Auto Dose System

    I am ordering one.. It is such a cool thing to use and dose ferts and easy carbo. May get a bigger box and two pumps. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  2. ghostsword

    DIY Project DIY Ferts Auto Dose System

    amazing pump.. looks really good.. the switch, does it come with the pump, or you buy separate.. ?
  3. ghostsword

    glass cutting

    Simple one.. :) use an acrylic top.. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  4. ghostsword

    Hard Water Line

    Yep, I never thought of using it, i don't even know what is the ph of my water.. :) as long as I have CO2 and plenty of ferts the fish and plants are happy. Now I am worried a bit about TDS, as it is at about 600, so started to do WC with RO water. :) But if ph down cleans tanks then it is a...
  5. ghostsword

    Hard Water Line

    Actually looking at ph down, it is cheap and can be used safely. Just a cloth soaked is enough to clean the sides. ___________________________
  6. ghostsword

    Lily pipes - how do they work?

    For sure looking forward to the results. :) ___________________________
  7. ghostsword

    Lily pipes - how do they work?

    :) if I had surface film I would do my best to find the cause for it. If your house is smelling what do you think is better? Spray febreeze it or find the cause of the smell and clean it up? I don't know why I don't have surface scum, not even on the small tanks I have with no filters and just...
  8. ghostsword

    Lily pipes - how do they work?

    Ive never had surface scum, so yep, just for looks. :) ___________________________
  9. ghostsword

    Lily pipes - how do they work?

    Yep, I am also thinking about making a clear acrylic pipe, outlet pointing down. Ceg has me quoting defending the vortex, but no, not me. Clear pipes only for looks. :) ___________________________
  10. ghostsword

    Lily pipes - how do they work?

    But who says that there isn't scum or biofilm in nature? I've seen it many times in rivers and affluents, you see it when there is an imbalance on the water quality. I don't think that it is economically viable to get lilly pipes to get it fixed, or the vuppa. I like the look of the lilly...
  11. ghostsword

    Lily pipes - how do they work?

    The glassware is very pretty, but get's dirty quickly. I have a eheim easy set (grey) and does the job perfectly. :) If I want a vortex I can use a koralia a couple of cm's under the water. After all there isn't a vortex in nature. The acrylic pipes are a good idea, clear and resistent...
  12. ghostsword

    P@H/Coopet Nano cube

    I am not complaining either. I am using it, grows moss, sagitaria, neddle ferns and pelia. :) Just shows that things also grow with little light. ___________________________
  13. ghostsword

    P@H/Coopet Nano cube

    I got their light and measured the par. 8 at substrate level. :) Not that is low. :) ___________________________
  14. ghostsword

    Tips and Tricks...how to clean your lilly intake.

    I like this one, Especially with drop checkers. :) good one. ___________________________
  15. ghostsword

    Tips and Tricks...how to clean your lilly intake.

    Forget gravel. Rice grains, use rice as it will not scratch. :) works also inside drop checkers. ___________________________
  16. ghostsword

    Scissors Wave type where to get it from

    If there is something one should invest is in good tools, they will last much longer. Often I use a dremmel to sharpen my scissors, a sharp scissor is a pleasure to use. ___________________________ I don't know what is the secret of success, but the secret of failure is trying to please the...
  17. ghostsword

    P@H/Coopet Nano cube

    I was not aware of the light issue, although the tank is never full of water. Will take the light out and change it at the local P@H. Safer that way, especially as the tank is on the kids room.
  18. ghostsword

    P@H/Coopet Nano cube

    I was not aware of the light issue, although the tank is never full of water. Will take the light out and change it at the local P@H. Safer that way, especially as the tank is on the kids room.
  19. ghostsword

    Painted Background

    I would use water soluble paint, all it would need was a water wash. :) I am to try a white background on a tank. .
  20. ghostsword

    SENEYE minireview with pics and video

    And another question? Any discount for UKAPS members either online or on the event day? :) hard times, every penny needs to be saved. --- - .
  21. ghostsword

    SENEYE minireview with pics and video

    The question I would ask has to be what would happen if the company ever folds, no more testing strips? Or the only solution is to stock up? --- - .
  22. ghostsword

    Seneye USB parameter sensor

    Now that is worth the purchase! Thanks for replying to the questions. --- - .
  23. ghostsword

    Seneye USB parameter sensor

    Do you need the replaceable strip if just used as par meter?
  24. ghostsword

    SENEYE minireview with pics and video

    Thanks Radik, so the test strip lasts for 30 days (more of less) and after that we will need to buy another at £6? As I am only interested on the PAR meter, it would mean that against a Quantum Par meter this would not match, as the Quantum is pay once and that is it. In a year of use we would...
  25. ghostsword

    SENEYE minireview with pics and video

    Thanks mate, the video was pretty cool. So one buys the tool, connects to pc and that is it. :) The test strip lasts for about 3000 readings, then we will need to replace it? Or did I misunderstood it? --- - .
  26. ghostsword

    Seneye USB parameter sensor

    Pleas take a video if you can. :) So you just pay one price and that is it, right? And you need your laptop near the device to read the results. --- - .
  27. ghostsword

    Seneye USB parameter sensor

    Let me go order one, as soon as you test the par! That us what the outcome is, if it works ok. --- - .
  28. ghostsword

    Steel cutter

    Good quality scissors will do it. --- - .
  29. ghostsword

    P@H/Coopet Nano cube

    I am happy that I skipped mine. :( really bad design there.
  30. ghostsword

    P@H/Coopet Nano cube

    Yeah, loosing fish and shrimp due to a design flaw is pretty bad. :( .
  31. ghostsword

    P@H/Coopet Nano cube

    I don't think that it is a fair comment, Isn't the tank great quality? Isn't the light good enough? The glass alone is worth the money. I threw the filter away, did not used it, looked too weak, but the tank was a good value for money. .
  32. ghostsword

    P@H/Coopet Nano cube

    Cool, do a review on the gush kit. .
  33. ghostsword

    Seneye USB parameter sensor

    ... this maybe how they make money. I don't need to check my tank details online. :) Just need the tool to see the par, and at most the ph, although only worried about ph swings. Thanks for the link, will be good when the device is released. .
  34. ghostsword

    P@H/Coopet Nano cube

    I actually thrown the filter it came with away, was too small for a tank than size, but if there is an issue with the hole why not patch it with silicone? It may be a design flaw. :( .
  35. ghostsword

    Seneye USB parameter sensor

    That will be good. I look forward to this tool, will buy it once it comes out. If it is under £150 will buy it, otherwise will get the old and trusted apogee.
  36. ghostsword

    Seneye USB parameter sensor

    Just a basic indication would do. If it was for sale I would buy it now, but it may be just a pipe dream, many things never come to market.
  37. ghostsword

    cheap filter media?

    Washing up sponges, those are pretty cheap. Also crushed lava stone. .
  38. ghostsword

    What are riparium planters please?

    Like most plant, the java fern needs ferts to grow well, the good thing is that they do not die without ferts or co2, they will just grow slower. Add some ferts, some co2, little light and they will grow as fast as most plants. .
  39. ghostsword

    What are riparium planters please?

    Most plants grow well with the roots just in water, just add some ferts to the water. Why not add some ferns on wood? They need minimum ferts and co2, to grow well. .
  40. ghostsword

    What are riparium planters please?

    You can make your own, very easy. The planters are basically a shower cady with either substrate, rockwool or hydrocoton, then they are secured to the side of the tank (on top) with either magnets, suction pads or hooks. Usually the planters are used for emersed plants. Do you want plants...
  41. ghostsword

    P@H/Coopet Nano cube

    Very nice, really nice. Slightly jealous about that lovely setup.!! :)
  42. ghostsword

    Seneye USB parameter sensor

    For a par meter is looks too cheap. :) but once it is tested we will be able to see how it stands against apogee and others.
  43. ghostsword

    P@H/Coopet Nano cube

    You cannot have too many nanos, this is why they are nanos. :) Use them for emersed setups, just with moss, a small pump and some rocks. :) Add some vampire crabs are you are set.
  44. ghostsword

    P@H/Coopet Nano cube

    I am getting mine for emersed projects, I was going to get acrylic boxes, but these work at the same price. Wife said the maximum allowed on the house is 4, so I will get two more. :p ... if they are still available by end of next month, then I will get two more, and put on the loft, they can...
  45. ghostsword

    P@H/Coopet Nano cube

    The silicon work is truly spectacular! .
  46. ghostsword

    P@H/Coopet Nano cube

    The glass is very clear, just a tinge of green. I think it is buy while it lasts. Just invest on a better filter, the light is very good. .
  47. ghostsword

    Bending Clear Perspex Tubing

    Copper pipe bending springs, they are good for this.
  48. ghostsword


    Hi have a dupla regulator and it is a fantastic piece of kit. The first knob, where it is written Dupla regulates the working pressure. The smaller one, right below, is the needle valve. :)
  49. ghostsword

    Wave Scissors

    I have ordered two scissors that would make a big impact on trimming plants, especially carpets. Ordered them from http://www.plantedtanks.co.uk/new%20products £35 each..
  50. ghostsword

    Dupla Armatur and Dupla Solenoid - CO2 Kit

    The unit as I am using it:
  51. ghostsword

    Dupla Armatur and Dupla Solenoid - CO2 Kit

    I had a JBL and the cable from the solenoid was ending up on a bulky square box, odd. The price for the valve unit I have is £148, but with discounts it can come to £118 with free delivery. The shop I got it from is not a sponsor here, so I will PM you the details, fairer that way. It is...
  52. ghostsword

    Dupla Armatur and Dupla Solenoid - CO2 Kit

    I have purchased the Dupla Armatur PRO Valve from Planted Tanks about a month ago, and was impressed with the quality of the unit. After taking from the box I was surprised at the quality of the kit, very solid and very easy to use. What is amazing on it is that you can set the exact amount of...
  53. ghostsword

    Bending Clear Perspex Tubing

    I will try this out today, will place the difuser close to the intake. :)
  54. ghostsword

    Bending Clear Perspex Tubing

    So the CO2 would go straight into the filter and then from it into the water collumn on the outake?
  55. ghostsword

    90 dg's scissor?

    Yep, for that price one can not go wrong.. :)
  56. ghostsword

    90 dg's scissor?

    The manicure scissors look ok.. I am sure that if you try to bend a scissor it will break.
  57. ghostsword

    90 dg's scissor?

    Thanks.. I may actually get them, they seem pretty good to trim carpets..
  58. ghostsword

    How to clean inside a small Drop Checker

    Hi, I got a small Ada drop checker, and noticed that the ball area was dirty, with some water marks. Couldn't find anything that would go all the way to the ball area, so decided to improvise. Two or three grains of rice, with some warm water, a couple of shakes and it was as new.. :) To...
  59. ghostsword

    Bending Clear Perspex Tubing

    Yes, I posted the original link, to give credit where it is due.. A fantastic idea of acrylic use, and much more resistant than glass.
  60. ghostsword

    Bending Clear Perspex Tubing

    I am sure that many people would buy it.. sell it on Ebay as well, you will get buyers for sure.. The fun will be to make one, that will be really cool, and if you get a large enough pipe, then the possibilities are endless..
  61. ghostsword

    Bending Clear Perspex Tubing

    I am for sure trying this one out.. The checker is just perfect.. Let me go to ebay and find some acrylic tubes.. :)
  62. ghostsword

    DIY Project DIY Water Changer, No more buckets!!

    :) to change my water I use a large 20 litter water bottle cooler, that has been outside on the garden for a week, and heat it with a aquarium thermostat over night. As I got a 125L tank, 20L is more than enough for the week. I wonder how the large aquariums get their water changed, unless...
  63. ghostsword

    DIY Project DIY Water Changer, No more buckets!!

    Hi Matt, you are right. Water that passes a boiler will have coper on it. Many years ago I learn that the hard way, when I wiped out a tank full of angelfish. I am not sure that water conditioner will take the coper out, especially with so many tanks with shrimp...
  64. ghostsword

    Light stand...

    Hi.. Has anyone ever thought about getting a light stand using clothes rail? http://www.acrylics2go.co.uk/Clothes_Ra ... thes_Rail_ I am thinking about putting together my own light system, using the clothes rail, metal lamp shades(http://www.mrsjones.co.nz/wp-content/up ... s/1406.jpg)...
  65. ghostsword

    Hanging planters, have you used them?

    Hi Darrel, good idea using the filter sponges for Java ferns and anubias. I mentioned the hanging planters for plants that need substrate, such as cryptocoryines, Draecenas and Hydro's. Look at this website for some examples: www.ripariumsupply.com. They are based in the US, so the shipping of...
  66. ghostsword

    Hanging planters, have you used them?

    Been looking thru the web for a planter for a fish tank, something that I could hang on the glass either with suction cups or with hooks. See a couple of items that could work, the ones from Riparium Supply (www.ripariumsupply.com) have been the best ones so far, however Bean Pod is also good...