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  1. ghostsword

    Nice plant book?

    Very hard to beat Kasselmans book.. :)
  2. ghostsword

    Tropica 1-2 Grow

    The big selling point is that you get a lot of plants.. really a lot, in a small tub.. They are healthy and small, but they grow quick.. If you have patience to separate them, you can carpet your tank with one or two pots.. no joke..
  3. ghostsword

    help me choose the right plants

    Great list.. yes, those are good plants.. Ceratopsis is a great plant, forgot about that.. and so is Sagitaria Subullata. Sagitaria is a weed.. :) My advice is spend money first on co2 kit, then on lights.. if you have good lights, and no co2, then you are in serious issues. :)
  4. ghostsword

    help me choose the right plants

    Ian.. Steve is new to this malarkey of growing plants.. Heavy planted tank without CO2 is not easy, and I would think that the first experience needs to be enjoyable as possible. Low light, easy plants, good substrate, and lots of them.. they will take a while to grow.. Carpets without CO2...
  5. ghostsword

    help me choose the right plants

    Guys please advise Steve properly.. I do not think that you will achieve a heavy planted tank without CO2, at best you will be limited by the plants you choose. So my advice is: - good root balls, place in the substrate (osmocote in gel caps are also good) - crypts, the broader the leave the...
  6. ghostsword

    Anubias nana or nana petite??

    I sent you emersed petite.. They were emersed for at least two months.. Compare the size.. :) ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  7. ghostsword

    Anubias nana or nana petite??

    Looks like nana to me.. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  8. ghostsword

    Duckweed. Friend or foe

    if you need floaters, frogbit and riccia are prefereable.. You can sell the two.. You can can also sell duckweed online, as goldfish eat it.. :)
  9. ghostsword

    Duckweed. Friend or foe

    I see the plant as a foe.. rather have riccia
  10. ghostsword

    Red Eleocharis ID

    Really nice.. :) setup a tank and use them..
  11. ghostsword

    Submerse and emerge plants in tropical pond

    Lovely setup.. looks really nice..
  12. ghostsword

    Duckweed silly question

    The worst plant to have.. a true pest..
  13. ghostsword

    Can any of these plants be grown on bogwood?

    With ferts on the water all plants will grow on wood, rock, or just floating..
  14. ghostsword

    Growing Moss Emersed 'Loose'

    I grow moss on a plastic container on the shade.. No need for fancy stuff.. The £1 shop is your friend. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  15. ghostsword

    'Kids' Project. Moss on Bogwood in the Garden

    If you left it on the sun without a cover of clingfilm then it is expected. :) I am going to put a 120L tank on the garden today, will cover with clingfilm and will try to grow all the plants I had submerged completely emersed. Just need to cover with clingfilm, that is it. :)
  16. ghostsword

    'Kids' Project. Moss on Bogwood in the Garden

    Yep. just use it emersed, cover with some cling film, out of the sun and you will have a good result.
  17. ghostsword

    'Kids' Project. Moss on Bogwood in the Garden

    I got mine on direct sunlight, open to the elements. :) Only issue are the snails, they eat the hygrophilas.. I even got java fern emersed on the garden. Moss would dry out too quickly, so you should keep the tank covered up. During heat just have the kids squirt water inside the tank, add...
  18. ghostsword

    'Kids' Project. Moss on Bogwood in the Garden

    Go emerse.. :) easy to do. Cover with clingfilm and have the kids spray daily. Soon the plants get used to emersed and you can have then pools of water, spiders moving in, some other bugs, etc. Also as it is a clear seal just easy to cover with an acrylic sheet cut to measure...
  19. ghostsword

    Hemianthus callitrichoides Grown in the garden?

    Crassula was a true weed, great for carpets.. But I disposed of it on a fire, too risky to keep it. :) Mind your own business is a good plant for emersed. I got two large pots with it. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  20. ghostsword

    Plants growing on Wood?

    All plants grow on wood. As long as there are nutrients on the water they will grow. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  21. ghostsword

    Moss and vaseline

    And that is what it matters.. :) well done. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  22. ghostsword

    Moss and vaseline

    With the vaseline mixed with the moss, how would nutrients, co2 and o2 get to the moss? ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  23. ghostsword


    I completely disagree with buying plants that do not have roots. I buy a good amount of plants, for me and family, between us we got maybe 10 tanks going, I also try a lot of plants emersed. I can walk into ADC and buy £50 or more of plants.. But I only buy Plants well established. I did try...
  24. ghostsword

    Juncus repens flowers

    Impressive.. Never had flowers of Juncus, but would not think that the emersed growth impact on the submerged plants.. More pics please, those are awesome..
  25. ghostsword

    Tropica xl pots

    I have purchased it, and yeah they are massive!! At about 15 cm cube the pots are massive!! ___________________________
  26. ghostsword

    ludwigia pantanal bottom leaves falling off

    It does look like a easy case of too much light. X=light Z=co2 Y=ferts If x then z and y are needed. If xx then zz and yy are needed. If xxx then zzz and yyy are needed. Sadly for us fish gasp at the third iteration and will die if your light goes xxxx, as you will try to give the co2 that...
  27. ghostsword

    Anyone use riccia as a floating plant

    I used bonsai mesh, attached expanding foam to it and you can have a large floating raft of riccia. Pull out as needed and sell.
  28. ghostsword

    Anyone use riccia as a floating plant

    It grows well, it is a pest and it will go all over. :) great plant for floating. ___________________________
  29. ghostsword

    PlantsAlive.co.uk? Are they Good?

    I have used Plants Alive before, nice plants. I have also used other suppliers, such as plantedtanks and some from eastern europe. They all source plants from Asia. :) Now, there are issues with pesticides, but the plants are ok to use, just rinse and soak on water for one to two days. Now...
  30. ghostsword

    no HC growth in 3 weeks.. confusing.. any help?

    Some questions: - do you have co2? - do you dose ferts? - what lighting do you have an what is the lighting period? - what substrate? HC needs good co2, ferts and light to grow. :) ___________________________
  31. ghostsword

    Buying: TGM 'exceptional value' vs regular

    If you got shrimp ask where the plants come from. Just in case. :) ___________________________
  32. ghostsword

    Iwagumi using UG

    The net technique would not be something for me to try, I would worry about the fish. :) especially ottos. I will buy some UG online now, and keep it on a 30cm cube, shallow water and lots of co2 and ferts, to get it to change from emersed leaves to submerged, on a higher than normal co2...
  33. ghostsword

    Iwagumi using UG

    Thanks. So on your opinion as long as the plant is well secured to the substrate then it will be ok? If I get it potted then I will just plant with the rock wool. ___________________________
  34. ghostsword

    Iwagumi using UG

    Thanks, so sand is the way. My worries with sand is the sand compacting and going bad. I need to really get the substrate sorted out. ___________________________
  35. ghostsword

    Iwagumi using UG

    Needs low light and sand? So amazonia may be a chalenge for it, especially as it may have a hard time to get hold. I can always top up the amazonia with some power sand, just a bit to assist with the plant holding on. I will check the site for more tips. :) Really need a challenge, this may be...
  36. ghostsword

    Iwagumi using UG

    Great offer! I will take you on that, let me try to find them in the UK, and if no luck I will let you know. I think 10 pots should be enough for me. ___________________________
  37. ghostsword

    Iwagumi using UG

    Where there is a will there is a way. As I do not have shrimp there are always other ways to get plants. :) Hard thing is not to get the plants, but to grow a carpet, hehe :) ___________________________
  38. ghostsword

    Iwagumi using UG

    Holy macaroni! Now that is something I want to have a go at. For rock either dragon stone or fossilized wood. I got hooked on iwagumi's after seeing George's one in London. A shoal of harlequins would do good for fish. Will move the embers to the 60 cm jungle I have. I am reluctant of...
  39. ghostsword

    Java Fern - end of leaves translucent

    That is ok, it is the fern growing. :) it grows like that. ___________________________
  40. ghostsword

    Iwagumi using UG

    Thanks George, great links and I managed to sort out the hardscape inspiration. :) And instead of a single plant to use some red accents to the back. However there are a lot of "I think" "I've read", etc not enough conviction of how this plant is grown. The consensus seems that it like...
  41. ghostsword

    Iwagumi using UG

    I do not remember seeing a iwagumi using UG.  Is that because it is impossible, or because it would not look natural? I really like hairgrass, but want to try something different. If you were to grow UG, what were the tips you could give me? I got CO2 and light sorted out, but as I live in...
  42. ghostsword

    Cyprus Helferi - Trimming.

    I just hack them back.. But look at the reason of bba. I did not had bba, I had the issue of the tips turning brown. Went to Tropica and they had theirs also with brow tips. I asked how to resolve it.. :) Nopes, when I know to tell them also. LOL Maybe it is just a feature of the plant, but...
  43. ghostsword

    Cyprus Helferi - Trimming.

    This is a plant that should be trimmed at the root level. You cut the leaves and it will simply die. It will get brown all the way to the bottom. I would like to have a tank full of it, but without brown tips. :) one day maybe. ___________________________
  44. ghostsword

    amazon sword in a fluval flora

    The rubin gets to 45cm tall. What is the size of your tank? If you have an open top tank then it won't matter, the plants will just grow out of the tank. ___________________________
  45. ghostsword

    What plants for a large no tech tank

    Don't complicate matters. :) Wood with java ferns attached, then moss, and for the grand finale get some pots, tie hessian to them or wood, and plants crypts, large echinodorus and vallis gigantea. A lot can be done on the cheap, and using rocks you can hide most stuff...
  46. ghostsword

    Riccia Fluitians

    mine has melted with liquid carbon, but it will soon come back once I start with pressurized co2. ___________________________
  47. ghostsword

    blyxa japonica & easy carbo

    ah ok, then I am lucky. I did manage a carpet of it. :) Not growing fast, but also not dying, just hanging there. :)
  48. ghostsword

    blyxa japonica & easy carbo

    Yeah, light is low, so maybe I am lucky that the plants are not dead.. :) I got two 39w t5's for 6 hours daily. :)
  49. ghostsword

    blyxa japonica & easy carbo

    blyxa japonica & easy carbo It is an interesting question. I have run out of co2 on my main tank (120l) and for the past week I have been using easycarbo. I dose 5ml a day. The blixa is turning a light green, like lettuce. No melting just the green has became washed out. Also some riccia I...
  50. ghostsword

    plants on wood.

    I have grown almost everything on wood, from crypts to blixa. :) As long as the water has enough nutrients the plants will do fine. I am now growing small vallis plantlets on wood. :) Will be fun to see how it turns up. :)
  51. ghostsword

    Hydrocotyle spp question

    I believe sp japan is tripartita, very small and great carpeter. :) ___________________________ I don't know what is the secret of success, but the secret of failure is trying to please the world!
  52. ghostsword

    New Tropica plants

    I have araguaya, slow grower, but a looker. Did not know that petite anubias were now on tropica list, will need to get some. I had a couple sent from china recently, but two or three grew massive. ___________________________ I don't know what is the secret of success, but the secret of...
  53. ghostsword

    Anyone used Polygonum Sao Paulo??

    It cares most about CO2.. 90W is more than enough, I had it growing with just 50W on a 50cm tall tank. :)
  54. ghostsword

    Emersed to Submersed growth

    Plants can take a while to adapt. I found that two weeks is not that long on the world of plants :) . At least they are not melting. :) .
  55. ghostsword

    Anyone used Polygonum Sao Paulo??

    Grows amazingly emersed! Underwater it just needs high light to creep, otherwise it will grow like a stem. .
  56. ghostsword

    could this be a hydrocotyle?

    Looks like hydrocotyle! Great plant, actually grows pretty well emersed. .
  57. ghostsword

    Comprehensive plant list + pictures?

    Then Kasselman's book and the plant catalogue of Oriental are very good books. :)
  58. ghostsword

    Comprehensive plant list + pictures?

    Very few books, if any, will show how to grow plants on a aquarium, there are so many ways and techniques that your best bet is to learn from forums like this one. Now if you want to see how plants would look like then the following will help: - Kasselman book (if you know German even better)...
  59. ghostsword

    Echinodorus that doesn't change leaf shape

    My plant has two sets of leaves. Oval ones above water, and really broad ones under. :)
  60. ghostsword

    Echinodorus that doesn't change leaf shape

    I have both I those, and the leaves are as described. The radicans is a monster of a plant, but all leaves are on top, perfect! .
  61. ghostsword

    Peruvian #biotope?

    The leaf litter desintegrated.. :) The corydoras ate them I think. Some updated photos... The two angels on the tank Peru Biotope by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr The Gold Tetras hidding in the wood. Peru Biotope by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr
  62. ghostsword

    what plant is this

    Sounds like fun, just that there are lots of plants to remember, lots and lots. :) Fittonias are cool plants, sadly many shops sell them as aquatics. :(
  63. ghostsword

    what plant is this

    Dude, I like dogs, and when I look at a dog I am able to tell pretty quickly what breed is it, and the temperament, faults the breed has and what group it belongs to. It seems that you have the same knack with plants. :) How the hell do you do it?
  64. ghostsword

    whats wrong plants not doing as well at all

    They got amazing colours, and look really good, but they are just too fancy for me. :) A 6' tank would look amazing with a really large shoal of fish, a bunch of tetras. :)
  65. ghostsword

    whats wrong plants not doing as well at all

    :) What can I answer? I used the picture to show how a discus tank would look. I do agree that it is small, but the first one should be ok, right?
  66. ghostsword

    whats wrong plants not doing as well at all

    Yeah, that fish looks too big for the tank. It may die on such a cramped condition, however I have never kept Discus so not sure what size tank they need, but I always seen them on large tanks.
  67. ghostsword

    whats wrong plants not doing as well at all

    I believe that one of the main issues is that the areas the Discus are for there are no plants, lots of wood, and debris, but no plants. Very few plants survive at 28C for too long, and very few fish also, apart from Discus. Maybe setup your tank somewhat diferently? Use lillies, floating...
  68. ghostsword

    whats wrong plants not doing as well at all

    That species of Bolbitis is not for underwater.. The other looks like a spatylum, again emersed plant. The Crypts should do well. Also, water temperature would be something to look at. I don't think that it is the excess ferts. Why not get hygrophilas, larger crypts and some java ferns? There...
  69. ghostsword

    Turning my Plants Red?

    Very conflicting reports here. I got red plants, dose lots of everything, lots of co2, twice week water changes and the plants are still red. I do overdose iron twice a week. Maybe the plants are red because that is their type!? :) .
  70. ghostsword

    Growing Mosses

    Have a search, all the spammer posts are in the right areas, with specific content. It is really good, very impressive how far the posting spammers have came. They must have some sort of content searching, so that they will match the sections of the forum to the content. Possibly they have...
  71. ghostsword

    Growing Mosses

    Spammers are really bored or they got great posting tools. Had I not seen the links under the main post I would have thought that it was a genuine poster. I am impressed at how good it is. .
  72. ghostsword

    Peruvian #biotope?

    I am not good with journals, step by steps and such things. :) maybe I should but have not yet seen the need. The tank was sent to AGA, so after that is out of the way I can put more up. .
  73. ghostsword

    Peruvian #biotope?

    ah, I thought that it was something wrong.. They were shoaling so nicely before, not anymore. Little Sh**s. :)
  74. ghostsword

    Peruvian #biotope?

    :) if these are mature then I can say that they are a new type of angel fish, as they are still very small. Not bigger than a 10cm diameter. :) But they are venturing to the front, and started to follow the finger in the glass, eating live food, and not so skittish. The gold tetras are the...
  75. ghostsword

    Peruvian #biotope?

    Very unusual look, have not seen them before. Would you know what sort of angel fish are they? From the description they would be Zebra Black, but not sure. Although they have red eyes, they are tank bred for sure. Untitled by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr Untitled by GHOSTSWORD, on Flick
  76. ghostsword

    Peruvian #biotope?

    Re: What plants for a Peruvian #biotope? One of my three angel fish: They are all the same.
  77. ghostsword

    Peruvian #biotope?

    Re: What plants for a Peruvian #biotope? :) thanks mate. The diffuser is still being used on the planted tank, which is now a farm tank. :) Would like to completely rescape it, but with the optiwhite to play with there is no need to do work on the living room tank.
  78. ghostsword

    Peruvian #biotope?

    Re: What plants for a Peruvian #biotope? The tank is 60cm by 45 cm by 45 cm, 100L tank, optiwhite tank. I would not like fish that I would struggle to reuse on other project, so apart from Tetras, neons and corydoras, only the angels are the ones tricky to reuse. :)
  79. ghostsword

    Peruvian #biotope?

    Re: What plants for a Peruvian #biotope? I was also looking towards green neons, they are smaller and a lower bioload, however the three angel fish I have there would snap them up once they grow a bit more, not fair. Silver tips would a good choice, would like to keep it as close to a biotope...
  80. ghostsword

    Peruvian #biotope?

    Re: What plants for a Peruvian #biotope? Thanks George. :) Yes xtevo, one does not need plants to make something alright. I may add some pistia, as I want to keep the tank like this until after christmas. May add some glass bloodfin tetras, but will see how the tank develops, as I do not...
  81. ghostsword

    Peruvian #biotope?

    What plants for a Peruvian #biotope? Thanks, it is a major change from the jungles I usually do, and it is refreshing to do something different. To start I don't need to worry about co2, ferts or major flow. Light is very minimal, using a TMC 200 micro led. :) Filtration is a Fluval...
  82. ghostsword

    Peruvian #biotope?

    Re: What plants for a Peruvian #biotope? Did the biotope, but without plants, no plants on the creeks I was trying to replicate. Looks like this: Peru Biotope by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr Peru Biotope by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr Peru biotope by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr
  83. ghostsword

    echinodorus harbii growing big and low

    Yep, underwater the large majority of echinodorus are flat and low to the ground, especially if they get enough light. :) I got three on my tank and they were trying those tricks. What did I do? Covered them on top with a floating rafter, now they are straight and some leaves are outside the...
  84. ghostsword

    Echinodoros problems - Please help !

    Plec and ancistrus love echinodorus. Zebra ottos also, but they are much smaller. .
  85. ghostsword

    Cryptocoryne sp.'Flamingo'

    Looks a great plant. :) This is why I like crypts, so many varieties, one cannot say that they are bored or it is hard to scape with them.
  86. ghostsword

    Issues with Ranunculus Inundatus

    Thanks Mike, I see the problem on my setup now. I had it next to the crypts, and bushy blixa, it had light, but flow next to it would have been low. :) Will keep it going emersed, and try later on a more open tank.
  87. ghostsword

    Issues with Ranunculus Inundatus

    Nope, it just died under water. I'm growing blixa fine, so they should have enough ferts and co2. Emersed it grows fast and nice. --- - .
  88. ghostsword

    Issues with Ranunculus Inundatus

    Yep, it is a great looking plant emersed. I am moving it from the garden to the home vivarium, to see if it will spread out. Sadly I cannot grow it underwater, two tries have failed. :(
  89. ghostsword

    Issues with Ranunculus Inundatus

    I gave up on it on the tank, was melting. I have now got it on the garden tanks, growing well emersed ! --- - .
  90. ghostsword

    emmergant plant help

    Yep, that's the one, an they have featured on this months PFK article about terrariums. --- - .
  91. ghostsword

    Mind your own business: Soleirolia soleirolii

    I tried it. It will die. Good for emersed, or growing on a piece of wood floating on the tank. You are much better using glosso, or hc. --- - .
  92. ghostsword

    emmergant plant help

    Planted tanks has a whole section for them, over 10 plants for sure --- - .
  93. ghostsword

    Issues with Ranunculus Inundatus

    Thanks.. The plant was a bit messed up when I got it, but expected it to get better. I haven't had issues with a plant before, so this one is a bit of surprise. I now left it floating on the tank, to see if it perks up, so it has more light and as much co2 as it can get.
  94. ghostsword

    Issues with Ranunculus Inundatus

    @ghostsword - I have purchased a pot of Ranunculus Inundatus to try it out, but the plant is really struggling on my tank. :( The plant is next to Blixa, and the blixa is doins very well, staying low and compact. Could be that the Ranunculus is adapting to underwater, but it has been two...
  95. ghostsword

    Cryptocoryne Dewitii

    Ask PlantedTanks, they may be able to get it.
  96. ghostsword

    Would Ranunculus inundatus emersed?

    Wow, looks amazing, it is one for me to try then. :) Thanks for the pictures, it is appreciated.
  97. ghostsword

    Would Ranunculus inundatus emersed?

    Cool, I will try it this week. I have a emersed pot on the sitting room with polygonum, hydrocotyle, echinodorus and hairgrass, would be good to add this one as well.
  98. ghostsword

    Would Ranunculus inundatus emersed?

    Thanks Darrel, I will put one stem on a high humidity box and lower the humidity gradually, to see if it takes off. So our local plants, they could be used on a cold water tank, or would they take on a temperate tank? If I wanted to find some, where would I buy them from?
  99. ghostsword

    Would Ranunculus inundatus emersed?

    @ghostsword - I found some ranunculus inundatus at @AquaticDesignUK today, and got a pot. Have you seen it growing emersed before? Going to try it.
  100. ghostsword

    What crypt is the fastest spreading for you?

    Same for me, fast growing plant with co2 and ferts. .