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  • Users: ghostsword
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  1. ghostsword

    my piranha

    The flow is too high.. they need less flow than that.. :)
  2. ghostsword

    home made fish food

    I learned something today.. And will be sharing this recipe with the world.. Superb. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  3. ghostsword

    DIY fish food blend...

    In the mid 80's we used to make our own food.. raw fish, liver, bit of garlic and some greens, all mixed up and placed on bottle oil caps, then on the fridge. When we want to feed we just drop the bottle cap upside down on the tank, and it would just melt and feed the fish slowly.
  4. ghostsword

    Do Cories not like EI or CO2?

    Why would Florena tabs kill the fish? That is a bold statement.. :) ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  5. ghostsword

    Do Cories not like EI or CO2?

    Cory's do well in EI and high CO2, at one point I was breeding them on such a tank.. a right plage it was.. worse than guppies.. Your fish are dying, then you need to look either as a sick batch, or just old age. Very seldom Cory's die...
  6. ghostsword

    Breeding l046

    Have a go, and sell them for £50.. or less, and they will go quickly.. They are nice looking fish, but yes, it is still a lot of money for the fish... :)
  7. ghostsword

    23l edge for betta?

    Do a jungle edge, lots of ferns on the sides and back, moss for ground cover and some amanos to keep it clean. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  8. ghostsword

    Zebra otto

    I paid for mine £15.. so anything cheaper than that is good.. :)
  9. ghostsword

    Zebra otto

    Care to share where you buy them at £3.50? ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  10. ghostsword

    Zebra otto

    I have had mine on the tank for almost a year now, and the water is ok. I would not say that it is stable, shrimp die on it.. :) But the ottos are healthy. I think that the main issue is feeding them. Mine do not eat algae pellet, only peppers, wood and cucumber.
  11. ghostsword

    Zebra otto

    The kids dropped some raw pepers inside, and they were all over it.. :)
  12. ghostsword

    Zebra otto

    I got some.. However I do not think they eat algae.. But wood.. At least mine do. Also they like peppers. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  13. ghostsword

    Are co2 enriched tanks really fair on the critters?

    Also note that most plants are actually a large part of the year above water, and submerged areas on the wild very rarely look like our tanks. :) A nutural aquarium is very rarely a representation of what nature looks like. :) But yes, I like high tech tanks, but I am very aware of a CO2...
  14. ghostsword

    Celestial pearl danio

    You bet. I got 10 on a 30 tank heavily planted with moss and ferns, lots of wood and I never see them. Added 8 embers to see if the fish are less shy. ___________________________
  15. ghostsword

    Indostomus paradoxus

    Fantastic, I will pop in on Monday to check it out. I think that they would be a good addiction for a messy tank I have, messy as it is full of moss, wood and ferns, barely see the galaxy rasboras. :)
  16. ghostsword

    Indostomus paradoxus

    I will check if I can see them for sale anywhere in London. It can't be that hard to sort out a live culture for them.
  17. ghostsword

    Indostomus paradoxus

    They look really nice, would not mind to add them to a 35l tank with some galaxy rasboras. Would they take artemia eggs? Or really only live food?
  18. ghostsword

    Indostomus paradoxus

    Great tanks, I've never seen these fish before... :) What do they eat?
  19. ghostsword

    Galaxy Rasboras and feeding

    I feed mine Duplarin G, a powder for nano fish. Also drop some artemia eggs (shell less) drop daily. They are on a 35l tank, got 10, but rarely see them as the tank is full of needle java fern and moss. ___________________________
  20. ghostsword

    Stiphodon Sp. - The algae killer

    I wonder if they eat moss. :) great looking fish. ___________________________
  21. ghostsword

    Clever ways to feed fish?

    I feed my fish twice a day. Morning the get flakes, evening some frozen food. Once a month there is a fasting of 5 days. ___________________________
  22. ghostsword

    Looking for zebra otos

    ADC in London usually has them in stock..
  23. ghostsword

    Oto's and SAE's

    I got sae's and otos. My otos eat cucumber and pellets, nice fat belies. The sae eat bba and some flakes, but they do like to jump. I keep an sae per tank. I think the issue many people have with otos ia that they are wild caught, so many do come with bacterial infections, or are not fed...
  24. ghostsword

    Celestial Pearl Danio (CPD)s)

    Yep, in manor park, east london. They even had some cherries at £1.75. ___________________________
  25. ghostsword

    Celestial Pearl Danio (CPD)s)

    They selling them in manor park for £2.50. ___________________________
  26. ghostsword

    Celestial Pearl Danio (CPD)s)

    I got 8 on a 35l, lots of plants and moss, rarely see them. They are always hiding. Really nice looking fish but too shy. ___________________________
  27. ghostsword

    Siamese Algae Eaters

    Flying fox and siamese algae eaters are not the same. They look similar, but they are not the same, an do not act the same either. Check online for how to identify them. The sae has 4 small barbels, and a black line that extends into its tail. Also it has a zig zag patern on its back, just...
  28. ghostsword

    How old are your fish?

    Wow, those are fish for a lifetime ! :) must be amazing to keep fish for that long. .
  29. ghostsword

    How old are your fish?

    Got a strange looking Cory for almost 6 years now. Still going strong. Also got a khuli loach that is 3 years old and a albino Cory that is 4 years old. All of them survived two major catastrophes on the tank that wiped out all other fish. .
  30. ghostsword

    What to feed otos

    They also like potatoes. :) .
  31. ghostsword

    Otos and Tiger Barbs

    The loaches are great fish, but they are also shoal fish, so I would say 6 minimum. I have never had issues with tiger barbs, although I have kept them on large groups. .
  32. ghostsword

    Female Guppys Dying

    If you are in London I can get you some guppies, to get you started. :) That tank is needing some wood, moss and ferns, it would look good.
  33. ghostsword

    What to feed otos

    Great tip Dude, I will try that tonight! Never thought of it. :) .
  34. ghostsword

    What to feed otos

    I got Otos and feed them potatoes, cucumber, algae waffers and lettuce, but I never see them eating the stuff. :) Have not tried courgettes but will do so. .
  35. ghostsword

    Breeding in small tank

    The Neolamprologus Multifasciatus looks a like a very good choice for such a tank, although galaxy rasboras are very pretty.
  36. ghostsword

    Black Otos - Niger Oto - Hisonotus leucofrenatus

    No need to prep anything. The potato is sliced and put on the tank. Corydoras, SAE and ottos eat it. The brazil nut I drop in, after a week it is soft and the corydoras, SAE and ottos go for it. Takes a month to fully disappear. Great holiday food. :) Why I started with the brazil nut? As I...
  37. ghostsword

    Black Otos - Niger Oto - Hisonotus leucofrenatus

    They are called black ottos but they are in fact a type of Pleco. I feed mine potato, brazil nut, marine algae strips and sinking pellets. --- - .
  38. ghostsword

    Has anyone got a clue? Oto related

    No, those are fine, thanks god for that. The zebras eat meat normally and the black Otos are not really Otos but some sort of plec. I must have overdone on the bloodworms. --- - .
  39. ghostsword

    Has anyone got a clue? Oto related

    Red anus mean a lot of protein on their diet. I had the same issue with clown plecs. Otos will eat some protein, but too much and they will get sick. I also lost two Otos this week, bloated bellies, and they had been fine for a long time. Add crushed garlic to the tank, great desinfectant and...
  40. ghostsword

    Can endless change sex?

    Many years ago I had a sword tail female that became a male. I had purchased 3 females as the males can be a bit aggressive towards other fish and after three months one of the smaller females became a male. --- - .
  41. ghostsword

    Wild P. scalare 'Rio Nanay'

    Wild P. scalare 'Peruvian' It seem that you are having a great time! :) Take a video of the tank with the fish, it is always a great pleasure to see fish like that! --- - .
  42. ghostsword

    For Beta lovers.. :)

    For Beta lovers.. :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0COrjOm ... ploademail
  43. ghostsword

    #Corydora eating a earth worm.

    Yeah, it is amazing to see them all in action, trying their best to get a piece of the morsel. :) As I have a small compost box where I put all the peels of vegetables and sometimes a piece of meat, I always have a fresh supply of earth worms, and if lucky maggots, which they also like to eat...
  44. ghostsword

    #Corydora eating a earth worm.

    @ghostsword - I managed to film one of my corydora eating a earth worm.
  45. ghostsword

    Cardinal behaviour.......

    Thanks Darrel. It is information like that that we need. :) and thank for bringing some sense to the thread. We often, me included, mix mix without actually stopping and thinking about where these fish come from. We know they come from the amazon, but I never stopped to think what exactly...
  46. ghostsword

    Do you trust Bristlenose and Plecos in a planted tank?

    Plecos I'm not sure, never kept them, but bristlenoses will make a beeline to your amazons, mine did. :) they were replaced soon after. .
  47. ghostsword

    Cardinal behaviour.......

    My cardinals were ok with shrimp, until they realized that they tasted good. Now not even amanos survive, they are nipped until they die. .
  48. ghostsword

    pets at home "quiz"

    Again, for me it is a perfect place to take the kids to. And who here did not have a castle underwater, or a sunken ship, fake rocks, even a treasure opening with air bubbles? :) I did have all the above, and I am happy that my kids are getting into it. Since then I managed to grow from two...
  49. ghostsword

    pets at home "quiz"

    hahaha, that is a classic one. She should have answered that the tank for was a wabi kusa, no fish, just plants and only 10cm water. I bought a plastic vivarium, some bogwood and a box of crickets. A sales person asked me if I was going to put the crickets on the box, and that they would need...
  50. ghostsword

    pets at home "quiz"

    pets at home "quiz" You have to understand that many people that buy the fish from there (or try to) do not really know much about what they are buying. I bought a betta from them, and after many questions to get it, I was faced with similar questions at check out. A lady asked me what fish I...
  51. ghostsword

    Zebra Ottos @ ADC London

    This is the second week as they just left quarantine. I've been given them marine algae wafers, large algae pellets and dropped some cucumber today. Their bellies are still large and they are swimming up and down the tank. They easily camouflage on my jungle, so everyday I spend about 10...
  52. ghostsword

    Zebra Ottos @ ADC London

    But they are gorgeous. I also though that they were at £15 each, but their quality warrants the price. Bought three already, getting two more in a weeks time.:) Amazing fish slightly bigger than normal ottos, but really nice looking. .
  53. ghostsword

    Tiny fish for fast flow

    I have embers on my tank. Got a 1200l filter and two koralias, no issues. Lots of place for them to rest but they do not mind the flow at all. .
  54. ghostsword

    Zebra Ottos @ ADC London

    The Aquatic Design Center has Zebra Ottos. They are pricy, at about £15 each. I booked 5 for myself. :) They are now on quarantine, and being fed, should be available on the 8th of July. :)
  55. ghostsword

    My angel fish, any wild blood?

    Altums are magical, I don't think that I have ever seen such beauty, I actually do not understand how can I like them so much, especially after knowing that so many of them die during transport and on tanks. I think that I would settle for hybrids, morally would not be ok with wild caught...
  56. ghostsword

    My angel fish, any wild blood?

    Beauty is on the eye of the beholder. However to be honest I used to think the same about Altum angels, couldn't get what would be so amazing about them. Until I saw a shoal at TGM! :) I don't think I have seen wild angels. .
  57. ghostsword

    My angel fish, any wild blood?

    I was thinking that with so many varieties of angel fish why bother with wild caught. :) .
  58. ghostsword

    Cardinals with EI + hard water

    You may be right.. Tissue salts are not prescribed homeopathically but nutritionally. For the homeopathic prescribing picture of the same substances see the A-Z links at the top of the normal materia medica. Instead of the dilution having the ratio of 1:99 as in homeopathic remedies, the...
  59. ghostsword

    Cardinals with EI + hard water

    :) Ok, so if Homeopathy is not dangerous, and EI is like Homeopathy for plants and fish, then it is obvious that EI is not dangerous, just like Homeopathy is not. :D But with regards to soft water and hardwater, I am sure that fish are able to adapt to whatever condition they are in, is not...
  60. ghostsword

    Cardinals with EI + hard water

    There is no way that EI can cause any bad effects on fish, on the contrary. Something very similar to EI is used by homeopaths, they call it tissue salts, and this people. Go to holland and Barrett and ask for it. My wife has been using tissue salts, and some o her family in south Africa , for...
  61. ghostsword

    Red Fin corydora?

    Close up DSC_2186 by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr
  62. ghostsword

    Red Fin corydora?

    They breed often, after WC is spawn day. :) I usually take the eggs away, got lots already. :)
  63. ghostsword

    Red Fin corydora?

    Thanks. I actually like the normal fin corydoras, they look more natural. It was just luck that they turned out this color. I am now buying some black Corydoras to diversify the gene pool. If you are in London I could give you a cory, got some small ones. These are a color variant of the...
  64. ghostsword

    Red Fin corydora?

    I have bred this type on my tank, gave many away, and kept the more colorful ones, the reddish fin seems to be here to stay. Red Corydora by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr Red Corydora by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr
  65. ghostsword

    Cardinals with EI + hard water

    I live in London where the water is almost pure rock. I dose EI and do two 50% water changes a week, use tap water straight from the garden hose, and got about 20 cardinals for just over a year without issues. .
  66. ghostsword

    Introducing Rummynoses into my tank

    Hi Rick, Get some pictures up.. :) Please.. :)
  67. ghostsword

    oto fry

    What about some dead fish? Get a piece of salmon there. :) They should eat it. Or suck at it, or whatever they do. I can't imagine otos chasing bloodwooms.
  68. ghostsword

    Do you know what Cory's are these?

    They are not hybrids, but a colour variation of the C. Aeneus. I only got C. Aeneus on my tank, including the gold shoulder variety, now somehow the gold shoulder mixing with my C. Aeneus albino brought out the reddish back. Out of 30, 5 are in germany and the rest in East London, with me and my...
  69. ghostsword

    Do you know what Cory's are these?

    My tank is River Slope, it should be on a Journal here. :)
  70. ghostsword

    Do you know what Cory's are these?

    My brother has got them with the Apistros, but they are not breeding there. :) He also has a ligh colour sand, and the colour remained, so they are redish on top and dark on the bottom, really nice looking. Will take some pics later on. Sold 5 to a german breeder in December, he paid good...
  71. ghostsword

    oto fry

    :D :D :D :D :D :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: Way to go mate, good result!
  72. ghostsword

    Bottom dwellers, carpets & a deep tank

    I would also advise the use of wood and plants attached to it. You can grow much things on good, from moss, to anubias, to crypts, and there is an amazing thread on the forum where someone drilled into the wood and planted on it. Without CO2 it will be a struggle, but it can be done.
  73. ghostsword

    Do you know what Cory's are these?

    Maybe some good news after all, from Planet Catfish: "The image in the last picture is what is called Corydoras aeneus "Gold shoulder" there are many populations of these collected in Western Brazi, Peru, Colombia and Venezuela. Your Albino is almost certainly Corydoras aeneus. So, you are not...
  74. ghostsword

    Do you know what Cory's are these?

    Thanks Paulo, They are really nice looking, but hybrids, and that can become an issue when I need to dispose of them, just got too many on the tank and in three months the population will double if I am not careful. :)
  75. ghostsword

    Do you know what Cory's are these?

    Thanks Ed.. One of the parents: The fry: Parent and fry: Gave 10 away already, 5 to each of my brothers, they have dwarf cichlids on their tanks, almost impossible for thse cory's to breed there. They indeed very pretty fish, will see how they grow up and hopefully they are infertile, so...
  76. ghostsword

    Do you know what Cory's are these?

    They may be hybrids, got close to 10 corys on the tank, and 3 diferent species.
  77. ghostsword

    Do you know what Cory's are these?

    The parents look like the ones on the link, the C. Schultzei, but not the offspring. They start pepered, as normal cory's do, but then develop the nice colouring you see here.
  78. ghostsword

    Do you know what Cory's are these?

    Hi, I got some C. Shultzei to breed, but the offspring do not look like the parents. Do you know what variety of corydora are these? Also, if you are in London and want some please let me know, I got too many now.
  79. ghostsword

    Black Otos - Niger Oto - Hisonotus leucofrenatus

    They are cool little fish.. Here are they playing in front of a Koralia.. They like the flow.
  80. ghostsword

    My New Lemon Bristlenose!!!

    If you do not have amazon sword then they are fantastic fish to have. Those were the only plants mine went for.
  81. ghostsword

    Black Otos - Niger Oto - Hisonotus leucofrenatus

    ADC in Great Portland Street.. and they also sell ADA, cheaper than some of our sponsors. :)
  82. ghostsword

    Black Otos - Niger Oto - Hisonotus leucofrenatus

    Lucky me then that I walked into a shop and saw them, selling for £1.99 each.. Obviously I bought all they had.. :D
  83. ghostsword

    Black Otos - Niger Oto - Hisonotus leucofrenatus

    Hi, I managed to get 10 black otos, their scientific name is Hisonotus leucofrenatus. Has anyone kept them before? http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/im ... e_id=11046
  84. ghostsword

    My New Lemon Bristlenose!!!

    They are great fish to have, but they like amazons. I got rid of mine because he was enjoying my E. Rubin too much, the plant was indeed looking like a lace.. :)
  85. ghostsword

    Baby Corys found in filter

    It is a fantastic feeling, he? :) Cory's can be as bad as guppies filling up your tank.. :)
  86. ghostsword

    Parotocinclus Nanay Eanea

    Do you know of any shop around London that would stock these fish?
  87. ghostsword

    Candiru Azul, worse than Piranha? Scary!

  88. ghostsword

    The missing kuhli loaches were on the java fern hotel

    I used to see them about, but since the large piece of wood with the java fern went in they just disappeared. :) To catch them is easy now, I just need to lift the java fern from the tank into a container with some tank water and in less then 30 seconds they jump out of the wood. Scared the...
  89. ghostsword

    The missing kuhli loaches were on the java fern hotel

    I do drop pelets on the tank at night, as I got shrimp and cory's. Also there are assassin snails, cherry shrimp and some trumpets. They hide all day long on the long piece of wood covered with the Java fern. If all it takes to make them breed is to starve them, not bad.. :)
  90. ghostsword

    The missing kuhli loaches were on the java fern hotel

    Thanks, I am waiting on Sumitha to confirm his side, if what he has swiming on his nano is indeed Kuhli's or something else. On my tank I have not seen them again. :) The lot will be up for sale in September, when I get a new tank setup and get some fresh water nerites for the tank.
  91. ghostsword

    Looking for shoaling fish that like water current

    Good looking fish.. :) I for sure need to do research on the fish. The idea of spending time at the shop looking at the fish is a good idea.
  92. ghostsword

    Looking for shoaling fish that like water current

    Thanks.. I guess that Danios are the best suited for this sort of tank. I can lower the temp, the main issue is during summer time, when the tank temp can go up slightly. The plants on the tank will be E Tenelus and Lileaopsis, Java Ferns and Anubias. Should be ok..
  93. ghostsword

    The missing kuhli loaches were on the java fern hotel

    I have given a piece of wood with anubias and moss.. I guess that I am not the only one able to hatch Kuhlis.. if they indeed breed that way.
  94. ghostsword

    Looking for shoaling fish that like water current

    Hi.. I am looking for a shoaling fish that would be able to be kept at: - Moderate to strong water current - ph > 7 - open swiming areas - 24C to 26C - be kept on a 120L tank I checked rummy noses and amber tetras.. Anything else?
  95. ghostsword

    The missing kuhli loaches were on the java fern hotel

    I wish I knew what I done right.. The small ones just appeared.. :) I got no fish to eat them, so the parents must have eaten the rest, as I doubt that they would just have a few.
  96. ghostsword

    The missing kuhli loaches were on the java fern hotel

    Am I to have the only ones breeding on a tank? No way! :)
  97. ghostsword

    The missing kuhli loaches were on the java fern hotel

    I had bought about a year or so ago 4 kuhli loaches, 2 strippy and 2 brown ones. As the tank was changed, more plants added, I stopped seeing them, I thought that they had kaput long time ago and the shrimps had a party on them. I was wrong. :) Yesterday I took all plants out, inclusive the...
  98. ghostsword

    Looking for a shoal of small fish for my 120L tank

    Thanks.. That would be true.. And everyone in the house likes neons.. :) Ok, so a shoal of 30 neons it is. For Cory's I got 6 Corydoras schultzei and lot's of Cherry Shrimp.
  99. ghostsword

    Looking for a shoal of small fish for my 120L tank

    I got green neons, they are lovely small fish. A mixed shoal of green neons and Trigonostigma espei would look cool. I could house 15 of each on a 120L tank, right?
  100. ghostsword

    Looking for a shoal of small fish for my 120L tank

    Thanks, good sugestion. I will read more on them, but it seems that as they need soft and acidic water, they would be a good choice. They are small, so 20 could be kept on the tank with the Cory's.