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  1. ghostsword

    For Beta lovers.. :)

    For Beta lovers.. :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0COrjOm ... ploademail
  2. ghostsword

    #Corydora eating a earth worm.

    @ghostsword - I managed to film one of my corydora eating a earth worm.
  3. ghostsword

    Zebra Ottos @ ADC London

    The Aquatic Design Center has Zebra Ottos. They are pricy, at about £15 each. I booked 5 for myself. :) They are now on quarantine, and being fed, should be available on the 8th of July. :)
  4. ghostsword

    Red Fin corydora?

    I have bred this type on my tank, gave many away, and kept the more colorful ones, the reddish fin seems to be here to stay. Red Corydora by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr Red Corydora by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr
  5. ghostsword

    Do you know what Cory's are these?

    Hi, I got some C. Shultzei to breed, but the offspring do not look like the parents. Do you know what variety of corydora are these? Also, if you are in London and want some please let me know, I got too many now.
  6. ghostsword

    Black Otos - Niger Oto - Hisonotus leucofrenatus

    Hi, I managed to get 10 black otos, their scientific name is Hisonotus leucofrenatus. Has anyone kept them before? http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/im ... e_id=11046
  7. ghostsword

    Candiru Azul, worse than Piranha? Scary!

  8. ghostsword

    Looking for shoaling fish that like water current

    Hi.. I am looking for a shoaling fish that would be able to be kept at: - Moderate to strong water current - ph > 7 - open swiming areas - 24C to 26C - be kept on a 120L tank I checked rummy noses and amber tetras.. Anything else?
  9. ghostsword

    The missing kuhli loaches were on the java fern hotel

    I had bought about a year or so ago 4 kuhli loaches, 2 strippy and 2 brown ones. As the tank was changed, more plants added, I stopped seeing them, I thought that they had kaput long time ago and the shrimps had a party on them. I was wrong. :) Yesterday I took all plants out, inclusive the...
  10. ghostsword

    Looking for a shoal of small fish for my 120L tank

    Hello, After almost a year growing plants, and with the basis of plant maintenance sorted out, I am now moving to scapes. I have a Rekord 120, which is 100cm long, 36cm wide and 50cm tall. I would like to have on one corner a java fern on wood, and the rest carpeted, with a mound of red...
  11. ghostsword

    Oto replacement? Parotocinclus sp.

    http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/sp ... ies_id=808