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16 l shrimp jungle


15 Dec 2008
Hi guys!

I'm getting back into the hobby after about 8 years without aquariums. I wanted to start out without investing too much so I've bought an Azoo Flexi-Mini (31x21x24 cm, 16 litres, 150 l/h HOB filter and 7 watts LED) with a tropica nano CO2 system and a cal aqua CO2 checker. The substrate is a bit over 3 litres of tropica aquarium soil powder (I know it's a bit high at the front, will try if I can siphon some out). Hardscape-wise I've used Red moor wood and Loa rocks (from aqua-sabi - it's a type of lava rock with a really nice texture).

Plant list
Foreground: Glossostigma elationoides, Eleocharis acicularis 'mini'
Midground: Riccardia sp. 'Chamedryfolia', Bucephalandra sp 'Braun-rot / Serimbu' and 'Lamandau mini red', Hydrocotyle cf. tripartita 'mini'
Background: Myriophyllum 'Guyana'

I'm a bit unsure about having two species of foreground plants. Maybe get rid of the glosso and allow the hydrocotyle to mix a bit with the Eleocharis? Feedback is very welcome. Oh, and do you have any suggestions for livestock?

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I think you did a great job, the tank looks much bigger at first glance.

Glossostigma is my favorite carpeting plant, so in my opinion you should keep it😉

Thanks! I'll keep it for now and how it turns out.
I have one of these, they are great little set ups. Your tank look great well done 🙂 Can I ask what filter you are using?

As for livestock, do you have a heater on the tank? If not then shrimp will be just fine down to 14 degrees judging by mine. Or if you can get hold of them a pair of least killifish would be awesome... (if you do find them let me know where! I've been searching for months!)
I have one of these, they are great little set ups. Your tank look great well done 🙂 Can I ask what filter you are using?

As for livestock, do you have a heater on the tank? If not then shrimp will be just fine down to 14 degrees judging by mine. Or if you can get hold of them a pair of least killifish would be awesome... (if you do find them let me know where! I've been searching for months!)
Thanks!. Yeah, it's a nice little setup, especially the tank itself. Great way to get back into the hobby! it's just the HOB filter that came with the setup. Thinking about getting a Eheim Classic soon to get some more filter power, but on the other hand It seems to work fine with the HOB for the time being.. I've thought about killies, but I don't have a heater, so I think I'll just get some shrimp.

Looks good. You'll have to keep control.of the h tripartita. It will become rampant and full the tank.
Thanks, I'm aware that it grow really aggressively, so I'll beware of it taking over.
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I have some stubborn fungal growth on the wood, but apart from that everything is going well, with very minimal algae so far.
Love it, well done.
Thank you!

I'm a bit unsure about having Alternanthera both in the right and left side. Feels a bit too symmetrical in some way.. Should I remove it in the right side?
Looking great. I know what you mean about the AR mini, I think I would remove the right side. That's fine tuning though!
Thanks! Do you have any suggestions on what to replace it with - if anything.
Mmm, i think H. Pin will be very hard to keep small and compact, i dont think there's enough space. Maybe just the Myriophyllum would be fine.
Yeah it might looke fine with just Myriophyllum ..