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65L douce ambiance


1 Jan 2009
Hi everyone ,

i just finished a new tank , this one is 60*30*36 , 65L , i tried to do something natural with a lot of contrasts , i tried to balance the heavy hardscape with a light and aerian stem plants part , using myrio matogrossense seemed to be a good way to do so ,as well as not so much of red that would make the stem part heavier and a bit of valisneria nana to give a bit of verticality in a quite horizontal scape , for the hardscape part i used the moss to join the wood and the stones and i let the glosso run over the stones to create a more natural feeling .

anyways here is the front picture


some more details pictures will come soon , hope you like it anyways 😀
That's one sexy Nature Aquarium!

Flawless transitions from front to back with great textures and colours. The hardscape is superb too.

Well done, Nico! Respect.
Great tank Nico, has everyone said before its very well achieved, masterpiece 🙂
Looks like a beautiful forest - really lovely.
thank you for your comments 😀

SteveUK , sorry i always forget the specs , eheim 2213 , co2 1b/2s , 3*18W ada Na-lamp (instead of my usual 2*18W ) , ferts brighty-K , step 2 , special lights .

and a few close shots







fishes are puntius gelius (i love this fish) , tanychtis and Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis 😉
thank you 😀

i destroyed it 5 minutes ago , i needed the moss for another tank :lol: i've been sad 2 minutes ...but now i feel ok (cause i'm doing another one) 😀 😉
nico said:
thank you 😀

i destroyed it 5 minutes ago , i needed the moss for another tank :lol: i've been sad 2 minutes ...but now i feel ok (cause i'm doing another one) 😀 😉
lol. I know that feeling!

Looking forward to seeing more shots of this, and your next creation. You've set yourself a very high standard...
I love the the contrast in textures between the plants on opposite sides. The photography is first class, too.

You will have a tough time making the next tank even better. What do you have in mind, Nico?


EDIT: by the way uttoshii, could you post a picture of your iwagumi? I think people on here will really like it.
George , its kind of hard those days to keep a scape ,what i like the most is the creation part , i have many new hardscapes ideas that i want to realize , so once a tank is finished i want to start something new quickly , i need to get busy 😀

Dave ,for the plants textures myrio matogrossense is great , i love this plant , i had a few different varieties of the matogrossense , the previous ones was too thin not so nice , i was lucky to find this one that is really great , as a result i now use it in all of my tanks 😀 it does beautiful slopes , is a very maleable (english?) plant and even used heavily it keeps a very light touch 😀

the one i'm working on now is less original or personnal , its a classic nature aquarium with a center hardscape , nothing really stunning ......should be finished soon :lol: :lol: :lol: 😉

i'll do a topic to present my other tanks including the iwagumi 😉
nico said:
George , its kind of hard those days to keep a scape ,what i like the most is the creation part , i have many new hardscapes ideas that i want to realize , so once a tank is finished i want to start something new quickly , i need to get busy 😀
You're speaking my language, my friend.

Keep up the good work!
I think it’s amazing and really love the depth of field
I’m only just starting and don’t think i could aspire to anything that good
Thanks for showing
Nico have you got any photos from the setup stage without the plants just the hardscape?? Cheers