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7gal Shrimp only - "Forgotten Glade"

Steve Smith

19 Jul 2007
Wellesbourne, UK.
Following on from LondonDragon's excellent example, I've decided to setup my own shrimp only tank. I have re-scaped my 27 litre Aqua 40 "cube", re-using the existing Eco Complete, which I doubt has any nutrients left in it, mainly because it's a dark substrate.

27 litre Aqua40 (approx 30cm cube, bow front)
18w retrofitted T5 PC
Eheim Pro 2222 (rated@500lph)

Fissedens Fontanus
Weeping Moss
Java Fern "needle"
P. Helferi
Staurogyne sp.

Cherry shrimp (arriving soon)

My intention is to dose TPN+ and Easy Carbo, but I'm starting to think about pressurised CO2 - I have all the equipment for splitting my CO2 (2 needle valves etc). Lighting is from an 18w Interpet PC. I need to change the tube as it's using a "beauty" light which is pretty dull and un-inspiring.

Filtration will be from an Eheim 2222. Little bit under powered I think, but will do a good job for just shrimp 🙂

Anyhow, here's a sneak peak of how it looks at the moment. Needs some work though 🙂


(Please excuse the shoddy camera phone pic!)
Re: 27 litre - Shrimp only tank.

Looking good 🙂 but if I were you I would not dose any EasyCarbo or install CO2 into this tank.
On my tank I just dose 5ml of TPN+ every couple of weeks and has you can see the plants are doing fine, you just have to choose the right ones. All it needs now are some Cherries in there hehehe 😉
Re: 27 litre - Shrimp only tank.

Looks great! give us another pic in a week's time and let's see how it's growing in!

I think my next tank should be a shrimp only tank - will keep an eye on this and London Dragon's for ideas to nick 😉

Re: 27 litre - Shrimp only tank.

A slightly better angle 🙂


As I say, need to have some plants to fill in the back more. I'm thinking of moving the P. helferi to the left side too, inbetween the rocks on that side.
Re: 27 litre - Shrimp only tank.

vauxhallmark said:
Looks great! give us another pic in a week's time and let's see how it's growing in!
I think my next tank should be a shrimp only tank - will keep an eye on this and London Dragon's for ideas to nick 😉
Everyone should have a shrimp tank hahaha you are very close to me so you can easilly pick up the shrimp that I will eventually sell to you haha 😉
Re: 27 litre - Shrimp only tank.

SteveUK said:
I'm thinking of moving the P. helferi to the left side too, inbetween the rocks on that side.

Keep it there, I have it around reddish wood just like that, and it looks great - it's also a really easy plant, fills in really easily - don't know why, but I thought it was sensitive and that I would lose it, also was a bit gutted with myself for buying it (thought it was a really 'trendy' plant, but it made an order up to free shipping), but now I'm really happy with it. 😀
Re: 27 litre - Shrimp only tank.

Nice one Steve, looking good. I think low tech is the way to go to be honest, especially in a shrimp tank. I don't know how much extra light/CO2 and all sorts of other things can affect shrimp but it can't be too good for them. It'll be easier to maintain anyway!

I can picture a moss wall at the back... :lol:
Re: 27 litre - Shrimp only tank.

I might go with Staurogyne on the left to fill out the rocks. I've also got some anubias "petite" I could pinch and put maybe poking out in the middle/right. Still unsure about the back right. Maybe more staurogyne? I guess I don't want to go too crazy with the amount of plants in this setup.
Re: 27 litre - Shrimp only tank.

Well, I bought some Staurogyne and Bolbitis from TGM on Saturday, and had a chance to plant it up this evening. I've also added and fiddled with the rock a bit more, to fill the right side more:


I just hope everything survives! It's all ready for the first cherry shrimp which arrive on Wednesday, thanks to LD!
Re: 27 litre - Shrimp only tank.

SteveUK said:
I just hope everything survives! It's all ready for the first cherry shrimp which arrive on Wednesday, thanks to LD!
Looks great Steve, the cherries will have a nice home to look forward too, they all ready for tomorrow morning 😉
Re: 27 litre - Shrimp only tank.

Thanks LD, I hope I have better luck with cherries this time around...

I really want the Fissedens to start growing. It's coloured up a little, but can't make out any real new growth as yet. It's only been in there a week or so though 🙂
Re: 27 litre - Shrimp only tank.

nice start steve,
what are you using to tie the moss to the wood and stones?
you should try flourocarbon its cheap nearly invisible in water and very strong.

i got the java fern narrow sent out this morning, so shoul dbe withou tby friday,
im guessing its for this tank
Re: 27 litre - Shrimp only tank.

Hey Ark.

It's just white cotton/nylon thread. It doesn't decompose unfortunately. I've always used it, but I should really get some fishing line or something for future 🙂 The needle fern you're sending me is for one of my other tanks. Already got some needle fern in this tank, on the left of the stump. It never seems to grow very long though 🙁 Makes me wonder if it's "narrow" and not needle.
Re: 27 litre - Shrimp only tank.

SteveUK said:
Hey Ark.

It's just white cotton/nylon thread. It doesn't decompose unfortunately. I've always used it, but I should really get some fishing line or something for future 🙂

Heheh - I thought it was dental tape! :lol:
Re: 27 litre - Shrimp only tank.

SteveUK said:
Thanks LD, I hope I have better luck with cherries this time around...
Lets hope they get there safe and well in this bloody cold weather :| :| :|
Re: 27 litre - Shrimp only tank.

No sign of the shrimp as yet, but my Lampspec order arrived this morning. I decided to rotate the light fixture 90 degrees (now front to back) to get a better light dispersal before changing the tube. The new tube really makes a difference, and the direction seems to be helping a lot too.

I'll take pics later when I have shrimp! 😀