Steve Smith
Following on from LondonDragon's excellent example, I've decided to setup my own shrimp only tank. I have re-scaped my 27 litre Aqua 40 "cube", re-using the existing Eco Complete, which I doubt has any nutrients left in it, mainly because it's a dark substrate.
27 litre Aqua40 (approx 30cm cube, bow front)
18w retrofitted T5 PC
Eheim Pro 2222 (rated@500lph)
Fissedens Fontanus
Weeping Moss
Java Fern "needle"
P. Helferi
Staurogyne sp.
Cherry shrimp (arriving soon)
My intention is to dose TPN+ and Easy Carbo, but I'm starting to think about pressurised CO2 - I have all the equipment for splitting my CO2 (2 needle valves etc). Lighting is from an 18w Interpet PC. I need to change the tube as it's using a "beauty" light which is pretty dull and un-inspiring.
Filtration will be from an Eheim 2222. Little bit under powered I think, but will do a good job for just shrimp 🙂
Anyhow, here's a sneak peak of how it looks at the moment. Needs some work though 🙂
(Please excuse the shoddy camera phone pic!)
27 litre Aqua40 (approx 30cm cube, bow front)
18w retrofitted T5 PC
Eheim Pro 2222 (rated@500lph)
Fissedens Fontanus
Weeping Moss
Java Fern "needle"
P. Helferi
Staurogyne sp.
Cherry shrimp (arriving soon)
My intention is to dose TPN+ and Easy Carbo, but I'm starting to think about pressurised CO2 - I have all the equipment for splitting my CO2 (2 needle valves etc). Lighting is from an 18w Interpet PC. I need to change the tube as it's using a "beauty" light which is pretty dull and un-inspiring.
Filtration will be from an Eheim 2222. Little bit under powered I think, but will do a good job for just shrimp 🙂
Anyhow, here's a sneak peak of how it looks at the moment. Needs some work though 🙂
(Please excuse the shoddy camera phone pic!)