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Re: A Chocolate Puddle - pic update pg 20

I've looked at this latest set of images several times, and every time, I'm utterly blown away.

You need to be proud of this set up. Inspirational, beautiful, clean....i can go on.

I showed this to my wife, and she said "why can't you do something like this, mark?"

I have found a good amount of inspiration here, and could make plans to do something in a similar manner.

My hat truly comes off to you.
Re: A Chocolate Puddle - pic update pg 20

criminal to break this tank down.
Re: A Chocolate Puddle - pic update pg 20

darren636 said:
criminal to break this tank down.

Only if it does not lead to better things....Which this will

A new start, a new layout, and new inspiration for as all.
Re: A Chocolate Puddle - pic update pg 20

What an incredibly beautiful tank! Can't believe there is no CO2. Really good journal too. Thanks for posting all the info and photos.

Just a thought about your cherries. I have three filters under my tank: two Fluvals and one Eheim. The cherry babies of course get sucked in all three filters. They do not survive in the Fluvals, however they thrive in the Eheim. There is a largish space at the bottom under the filter media and they are happy there. Importantly, it gives them a chance to grow up to a safe size to be released in the tank. I clean the filter every two, three months and find about 50 cherries in there every time. So the Eheim is in fact also a perfect cherry incubator. Your tank looks perfect for breeding cherries. It looks like all the babies get hunted down by your fish..
Re: A Chocolate Puddle - pic update pg 20

xtevo said:
What's going on with my favorite scape from the forum? 🙂 We will be delighted to see some photos. 😉
+1 😀
Re: A Chocolate Puddle - pic update pg 20

Yeah I'd love to see an update for this one too.
Re: A Chocolate Puddle - pic update pg 20

Lovely tank. I wish I had enough space to do something like this!
Re: A Chocolate Puddle - pic update pg 20

Work of art
Re: A Chocolate Puddle - pic update pg 20


Re: A Chocolate Puddle - pic update pg 20

does it have a new owner?
Re: A Chocolate Puddle - pic update pg 20

No i just popped round for a visit, trust me this tank is unlike anything i have seen before its like nature right their in your living room someone buy it!!
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