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Re: A Chocolate Puddle - pic update pg 20

Beautiful, love the plant choices.
Re: A Chocolate Puddle - pic update pg 20

oh , i want it. i take it that he is stil upgrading?
Re: A Chocolate Puddle - pic update pg 20

no. still deciding what to do with my current tanks.
Re: A Chocolate Puddle - pic update pg 20

Thanks everyone for such positive comments on the tank, I'm overwhelmed by what's been said especially mr Evans comment. I was pretty taken back. Will reply to everyone's comments when I jump on my computer along with some latest pics and updates a bit later.
Thanks for popping the two pics up the other day mike

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Re: A Chocolate Puddle - pic update pg 20

Well as promised here are probably some of the final photos of this tank before I get the monster puddle in motion in January.
It's astounded me the growth I've had from this tank having gone from high tech tanks to this. I've always had crystal clear water, rarely any plant deficiencies at all and the inhabitants really seem at home.
As mike said the other day when he came over, it's like a true piece of nature in my house which has given me the kick to try as well with the bigger one. ( which is even bigger than I originally was going to go 🙂 5ftx5ft 😉

Here's a few tank shots from today





And a few of its inhabitants.... Peculiar though that I've some reason ended up with two small yellow shrimp in here....excuse the brown moss which has now gone ( it was over shadowed by emerged plants)

Mysteriously appearing yellows



There's also a black shrimp in here too but is near impossible to take a picture of.


My fave bee shrimp which sadly passed away for some unknown reason the other day.... All tank stats were fine 🙁


I think it was partially due to a much bigger water change in prep for some crs that were being put in. Any thoughts???


Another peculiar patterned shrimp

One of the male paro's

And my favourite pic at the moment is of my male choccos in breeding season the colours are fantastic


I've seen some amazing breeding behaviour over the weekend and even mike spotted a female with what appears to be a mouthful of fry so fingers crossed she survives with her babies. I've got no chance of catching her and putting her in a small tank with the amount of growth in it.

Just like to say a big thank you to all the feedback everyone's given me on this tank, and the initial help from Tom who's journal inspired me to do this and also darrel for his indepth expertise on lots of different things.

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That looks fantastic!

I got to get some of that mini Calathea to try as a riparium plant.
Bloomin' 'eck any more emergent growth and you won't be able to see the aquarium any more. Looking good though...you low-energy devil...you 8)
tim said:
All I'd like to say is damn s**t god this is an amazing tank plant health critter health every thing is working so well together really is an inspiration looking forward to the bigger and no doubt better puddle :clap:

Thanks tim, i agree the overall health of everything in the tank is way better than id expected. I'm looking forward to going bigger too, it's going to be a challenge 🙂

hydrophyte said:
That looks fantastic!

I got to get some of that mini Calathea to try as a riparium plant.

Ha ha it's a bit bigger than mini lol. It's huge

BigTom said:
Very nice Al. Jealous of your chocs, they're still very high on my list. What did pH and hardness end up at in the end?

There well worth the time and getting water just right, I've never ever seen any of my choccos colour up like this before in my previous tanks, and there behaviour is fantastic to watch. I'm hoping for a good 30 in the next tank.

If I don't do any substantial water change my ph sits at 6.6 and gh 4/5, I've recently added alder cones and almond leaves too which should bring it down a little more too.

Troi said:
Bloomin' 'eck any more emergent growth and you won't be able to see the aquarium any more. Looking good though...you low-energy devil...you 8)

Lol thanks troi, I've hacked the emergent growth back before these shots too. It was mental
Alastair can you pipe your water down my way pal ? 🙂

I love this tank so much. When you first bough it I was dubious I must admit. I could no picture how something so shallow could look anything other than a "frag tank" from my marine days. You proved me wrong and then some ! I hope you have managed to get the "perfect picture" of this tank, or that you do before you close it down if not. Because THIS is worth keeping on Canvass to remember for a long time hence 🙂
Antipofish said:
Alastair can you pipe your water down my way pal ? 🙂

I love this tank so much. When you first bough it I was dubious I must admit. I could no picture how something so shallow could look anything other than a "frag tank" from my marine days. You proved me wrong and then some ! I hope you have managed to get the "perfect picture" of this tank, or that you do before you close it down if not. Because THIS is worth keeping on Canvass to remember for a long time hence 🙂

Lmao yep sure mate, will send weekly jerry cans down to you ha ha.

Thanks Chris, I have a few final pictures if the tank that will be kept, which will be posted at the close of this journal too. It's a Shame my rear room isn't big enough to keep this going too but as they say into bigger and hopefully better things in the new year. Much bigger 😉

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Antipofish said:
So. 5'x5'. What height or is that undecided yet ?

I'm going for 40cm high just to give extra for hard scape etc as ill be having some high slopes in it and some gigantic pieces of wood 🙂

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Alastair said:
Antipofish said:
So. 5'x5'. What height or is that undecided yet ?

I'm going for 40cm high just to give extra for hard scape etc as ill be having some high slopes in it and some gigantic pieces of wood 🙂

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Loving the sound of that mate, if its possible to get better than a chocco puddle then scaping like this is the way to do it :thumbup:
Its been an epic journal and im very much looking forward to the next. The pics of the choccos are awesome.
Ady34 said:
Alastair said:
Antipofish said:
So. 5'x5'. What height or is that undecided yet ?

I'm going for 40cm high just to give extra for hard scape etc as ill be having some high slopes in it and some gigantic pieces of wood 🙂

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Loving the sound of that mate, if its possible to get better than a chocco puddle then scaping like this is the way to do it :thumbup:
Its been an epic journal and im very much looking forward to the next. The pics of the choccos are awesome.

Thanks Ady, I'm not sure if I can get better or the same as this as its a totally different shape but will give it my best shot ha ha. Ill still be putting in some emmersed plants but maybe just an anthurium or piece lily. I don't want too much up top this time.

easerthegeezer said:
Nothing left to say that hasnt already been expressed. Love this tank.

5x5... hope you have long arms mate 🙂 excited to see this in the new year bud.

Thanks matey, I love it too and really really don't want to take it down but as they say moving onto bigger and better things. I'm letting the crypts Etc go mental so I have more plantlets to stick in the new tank.
Agreed 5x5 is big and it has been brought to my attention that I may struggle in reaching into the middle ha ha.
So I have to decide this week, 4x4 or 5x5?? Helppp
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