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22 Mar 2013
Hey guys ,
I want to stick a load of lava rock together , what do you recommend ??
Seen some people just use super glue for moss etc
Or do I need the 'aquarium approved ' stuff ?

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super glue is what the salty side use to stick corals. i use it for anubias etc .only other would be the milliput paste .
I useed JBL Haru Adhesive (Zooplus £12) to stick the rocks for my loach cave together.
Umm that should not be the case, once set silicone it is extremely strong?
Super glue is not going to work but epoxy will, (millput).
Polyurethane glues are inert when cured (available in 310 cartridge tubes like silicone) & very ridged after a couple of hours, if you have a lot of rock that would be a good choice but milliput is the stuff to use for small jobs.
Milliput seems promising , will give that a go ,
I'm hoping to glue a load of lava rock together to create a 'drop off' effect in my 35 Liter 🙂
Thanks for that guys

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Just a note - milliput uses oxygen when it cures. Probably not much of an issue if you are scaping the rocks prior to adding them to the tank - more of a problem in reef aquariums.

Also Epo Putty is a good alternative - found it works better than milliput.

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Ok cheers ,
so is there anything I need to stay clear from ??

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hot glue turns white over time with it being in water