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Ian Holdich

18 Feb 2010
lincoln uk
I thought i'd have a mess around with some hardscape this afternoon, ready for my new scape. The old scape will be shut down next week and i'm away on holiday for a week. I will have my plants on order over the week when i'm away and will be planting on the Friday when i get back. I have the substrate (Florabase) and hardscape (redmoor wood and mini landscape). Heres what i came up with.

aquagreen by Ian Holdich, on Flickr

comments very welcome.
Re: Aquagreen (Just playing hardscape)

gonna be epic i have no doubt. nice bits of redmoor, bet you change your mind about 20 times between now and setting up about hardscape placement 🙂
Re: Aquagreen (Just playing hardscape)

yep. That looks good already. Looking forward to seeing your progress.
Re: Aquagreen (Just playing hardscape)

Some really nice redmoor there especially the piece on the left.
Re: Aquagreen (Just playing hardscape)

Not sure about the table and chairs mate, theyre not exactly NA! :lol:
Looks good mate, i can see a really crisp looking nature aquarium with lots of sand seperating the 2 islands, moss around the rock bases to soften the transition and lovely stems to the rear amongst the wood.....
.....or something equally as stunning of course.
I love that piece of wood that reaches out across the gap from left to right...nice.
Look forward to seeing this develop.
Re: Aquagreen (Just playing hardscape)

thanks guys...

I think i'm going with Bolbitis on the base of the redmoor, i was gonna cover the lot with moss.

@ Ady, I also like the branch that covers the pathway, i'm not a massive fan of pathways, i'm not sure what to do with the pathway though, whether to carpet it or go with something like hairgrass, and BTW they are ADA chairs, they cost me $3000 each!
Re: Aquagreen (Just playing hardscape)

That looks really good

Looking forward to seeing the finished result 😀
Re: Aquagreen (Just playing hardscape)

ianho said:
thanks guys...

I think i'm going with Bolbitis on the base of the redmoor, i was gonna cover the lot with moss.

@ Ady, I also like the branch that covers the pathway, i'm not a massive fan of pathways, i'm not sure what to do with the pathway though, whether to carpet it or go with something like hairgrass, and BTW they are ADA chairs, they cost me $3000 each!

Get some of that mini elecharis from freshwatershrimp, that'd be cool. Piece of fish has loads of bolbitis for sale at the mo....
ADA chairs 8) ...well get em in there too! :lol:
Re: Aquagreen (Just playing hardscape)


Substrate and hardscape in...theres a couple of rock that will be removed in there, they're there to stop the wood from floating off.
aquagreen1 by Ian Holdich, on Flickr

the plants arrive tomorrow. Can't wait!
Re: Aquagreen (Just playing hardscape)

Looking good Ian, always exciting awaiting a plant order, and for us awaiting to see what the order is and how its planted :thumbup:
Looks like you have a few in there already?
Re: Aquagreen (Just playing hardscape)

cheers Ady...i have planted some glosso in there, i don't know why TBH lol! Its going to have a full glosso carpet.
Re: Aquagreen (Just playing hardscape)

ianho said:
cheers Ady...i have planted some glosso in there, i don't know why TBH lol! Its going to have a full glosso carpet.
its because tonight is like christmas eve and your so exited you had to add something to get a feel for it, its like opening one present early! 🙂
Re: Aquagreen (Just playing hardscape)

true, i just hope parcel farce don't mess up!

I have also opened up the pathway a little more with the stone, it gives it a better feel now,
Re: Aquagreen (Just playing hardscape)

Cant wait to see this one develop Ian 🙂 Is the old one finished now or still planted ?
Re: Aquagreen (Just playing hardscape)

is very much finished...

got my plants today, spent most of the day planting glosso! it's been finished about 3 hours now. The stems are still bent over, so foregive that.

heres the plant list.

Taxiphyllum barbieri
Hydrocotle japan
Rotala rotundifolia
Hygro poly 'rosanervig'
Crypt Wendtii green
Crypt Wendtii brown
Crypt Parva
Microsorum pteropus narrow
Ludwigia diamond red
Pogostamon erectus
Hygro pinnatifida
Abunias bonsai
Anubias nana

heres a couple of pics...

aquagreen3 by Ian Holdich, on Flickr

and a shot from the top to show the stems

aquagreen2 by Ian Holdich, on Flickr
Re: Aquagreen (Planted page 2)

Loving the look of that Ian :thumbup: .
Great job planting, i love the way the glosso will create an open foreground and pathway feel, but be alive rather than an inert sand. The use of this single species between the rocks and wood and the larger planted areas will be great.
Looking forward to watching it grow.
The side view is great to see how steeply the substrate is banked...too mimic the line of the sofa i see 😉 :lol:
Re: Aquagreen (Planted page 2)

That looks cracking Ian, sure will be another stunner in a month or too.
Did you use substrate supports in the banking or just well placed hardscape mate?
I reckon Sawbwa resplendens would look ace in there 😉
Re: Aquagreen (Planted page 2)

Nice little touches im noticing in there too Ian, like the well placed moss squares at the rock bases and under the reaching branch where the glosso may struggle :thumbup:
Re: Aquagreen (Planted page 2)

Lol, you don't hang about do you ! Looks awesome Ian.