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BBQ at Sam's

Put me down for a crate of red and a lap dancer if there are still places available, Sam!

Hey you young pups dont think you can keep me away , i may be getting on a bit but can i sink a few beers and a few glasses of sharaz no probs :lol: hey sam can i get in on this one if so would it be ok to kip on the floor, it will be great to meet some of you guys again, regards john 😀

It would be cool to meet you again, John.

I reckon Graeme or Dan should bring their pico and we can do a live 'scaping session. Or even a nano if anyone has one spare.

Does anyone have a camcorder?

Don't forget to bring any spare plants etc. too. I may have some hardware spare also.

Roll on 1st Dec. Nice one, Sam!
Or even a nano if anyone has one spare
Oh i have plenty of spare tanks but i recon divorce would be on the cards if i set up another one!
The pico can make the journey no probs.
it will be great to meet some of you guys again, regards john
It will be great to see you there John.

Lookin forward to it folks!
My nano is currently not being used, we could certainly use that, see what all you lost come up with in a very long but very low tank! I dont have anything at all, so would need to get some substrate, EC is the easiest around here, but if anyone wants to donate some AS to the 'cause' 😉 feel free! Let me know and I'll get some in time for the weekend. Dont really have any plants to donate at the mo either, hence why this tank isn't currently running!

John, by all means you can kip on the floor 🙂

Sounds like it'll be fun this gathering 🙂

I should be able to sort out enough stuff to be able to 'scape your tank, Sam.

Nice new T8s (18w), substrate, ferts, wood, plants etc. A small donation to UKAPS is all I ask. We can discuss that later...
I`ve got a few CO2 freebies to give away/swap....needle valves, connectors etc.

Ok cool, cheers George that be great, my very own 'George scape' to look after, its a bit like having a painting from of famous artist! haha 😉 I'd be happy to donate to the forum 🙂

I've got all the CO2 stuff I need cheers Dave, but feel free to swap/give it way it at the 'do' I'm sure someone would appreciate it.

Themuleous said:
Ok cool, cheers George that be great, my very own 'George scape' to look after, its a bit like having a painting from of famous artist! haha 😉 I'd be happy to donate to the forum 🙂

Make sure he does it before he gets trousered. Come to think of it, the room will be filled with drunken experts....you could end up with a real monstrosity. :lol:


P.S. Has the boat sailed on my lap dancer yet?
Dave Spencer said:
Themuleous said:
Ok cool, cheers George that be great, my very own 'George scape' to look after, its a bit like having a painting from of famous artist! haha 😉 I'd be happy to donate to the forum 🙂

Make sure he does it before he gets trousered. Come to think of it, the room will be filled with drunken experts....you could end up with a real monstrosity. :lol:


P.S. Has the boat sailed on my lap dancer yet?


Well, I didn't say I'd 'scape it... But I guess I can help. I'm sure Graeme would like to have a shot, as would most of us.

It will be 'many hands make light work', or 'too many cooks'?

I'm sure it will be good, whatever. And it would make a nice focus for a time.

Looking forward to it, a lot.
Dave - I'll have a word with the wife, but I make no guarantees, so unless you provide the dancer yourself I think you might be disappointed.

George - yeh be good to actually do something 'planty' while we're all there. I might be able to get hold of a camcorder as well, keep you posted. At the very least we could use my digital camera, but guess quality might be an issue. Am sure we can sort something.

HI Sam, if you give me a list of what plants you would like i will order them and you can have them on me, it will be good to see what we can come up with, personally i would like to see something done from the right to left theme instead of all left to right ( does that sound right lol) see you in a few weeks, regards john 🙂
That's very kind John, if I could open that up to others? Being a very small tank it needs small leaved plants, I tend to favour HC due to that. I did have some Rotala wallichii in there before the last time it went belly up and I think that could look good, give a bit of red to the scape as well without having massive leaves.

Anyone else got any thoughts? I've used HM before which worked out, but did get a bit tall, so would need something in the front of it. Perhaps some UGram? I could try and get some redmoor wood that could be cut up to used?

If you fancy a bit of colour I could bring some small red swords down. I could spare a E.'Red Diamond' and/or a E.'Oriental' which in my tank have topped out at about 4" for the latter and 5-6" for the former. They might be hard to fit into a scape though...

But then if we can't come up with something together there may be no hope for them...!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
If everyone brings any spare plants and hardscape materials, I'm sure we can come up with something quite special.

Any leftovers can be shared out.

A camcorder would be cool if anyone can get hold of one.

I'll bring a camcorder tripod.

If we do it properly with commentary etc. we could make up a DVD to distribute via UKAPS.

I'm not shy in front of the camera. Me, Dan, Graeme and Matt made a good team at the Festival.

Should be good fun!