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BBQ at Sam's

Themuleous said:
Is that all ed? I'm surprised a sword only gets to 4"

Note to all - my nano is 24x8x8 inches 🙂


Yep, that's it! Got some giant ones in there too, like E.'Rose' and E.osiris rubra, but the 'Oriental is very small with lovely pinky-red new leaves. The 'Red Diamond' is a bit bigger with long and thin red leaves and very nice! I'll bring some along and you guys can have a look!
Hi Guys, i am afraid any cuttings from my setup would all grow too big for the planned setup so if you guys give me an idea of what you would like i will order them, dont take too long its only round the corner, by the way sam what time are you expecting us to arrive because i have to work on that saturday but may be able to leave about fourish, also it would be good if you pmed me your mobile num just incase i get lost on the way, regards john.
Got the camcorder sorted.

John, you are too kind...

I suggest any foreground plants and fine stems. Maybe some narrow fern and anubias?

Sam - you have mini landscape rocks right? Any wood? I can bring some.
Hi all, i have some plant ideas what do you think? foreground, H C midground, eleocharis acicularis, microsorum pteropus "narrow", anubias barteri var nana or petite, and i can bring some cuttings of limnophila sessiliflora if you think it wont be too tall, i think it would be best to have them sent to your place Sam just to make sure we have them for the weekends events, regards john.
Right it seems this event has taken on a bit of a life of its own, so I thought a quick round up post to let everyone know the score might be worth while and to also confirm numbers, etc.

Currently I have the following coming -

Dave - staying?
Eds - staying?
Jim - staying?
Matt - Staying?
Dan - not staying
George - not staying
Jeremy - not staying
Steve - staying?
Graeme - staying?
John - staying?

(Please let me know if you're are or are not staying, cheers 🙂)

That’s 10 not including me and the misses, think 10 is enough! Its very male dominated!

Re the plan, I’m thinking get to mine at say 3ish? Do any scaping 'showcase' and eat in the evening? How does that sound to everyone? If you can’t make that time anytime after would be cool 🙂 It can be earlier if people would like.

A couple of people have asked about food and drink. I'll sort food, but some drink would be good. Ill have a few but if you want to drink more/lots then bring some and some to share 🙂 cant be running out of beer now can we! Food wise, I cant really do ‘no gluten’, ‘no wheat’, etc, etc type food but I'm happy to sort a veggie dish if people would like. Otherwise thinking a few vats of something, curry or similar. Keep it simple.

Think that’s about everything.

John - yeh those plants were what I was thinking, not sure about the microsorum pteropus, as I think it would get to big. That said I’m after some for my main tank so if you have some spare I would gladly have it for that tank 🙂 Bring the limnophila sessiliflora as well, cant hurt. I've used Pogostemon helferi in the tank before and that worked well. Utricularia graminifolia would also work well perhaps as a midground plant in a tank thats 8" tall. And yeh can send them to my home/work if needs be 🙂

George - I do have some landscape rocks, but they are not at all mini! To big to do an iwagumi. I took a hammer to the biggest one in the hope of getting some nice smaller pieces out of it but no such luck, so yeh please bring some along, some goes for wood (and substrate if you are able?) again I have some but too big.

Think that’s everything. Once I get confirmation of people I’ll pm everyone with my address and phone number.

I will bring some black 2-3mm gravel courtesy of unipac 😉
George has very kindly passed on some of his tropica substrate to me so i'll bring some of that too. I think i have a nice piece of wood that may fit the bill if your gonna go that root (pun intended😳) i'll also bring some rock although it's ot to everyone's taste.

To add to the itinerary, Dan has been chatting to Jeremy and they have sorted a bit of a shop tour, to include the oxford MA and the gold fish bowl. So as it stands the plan now is to all meet a MA at 12ish, then onto the GFB and then to mine.

He also said that the MA are willing to order in plants if we want any, which is very kind. I've tried getting HC and the supplier they use never seems to have it in stock. Given John's very kind offer, it doesn't seem like we'll need anything else. However if people want plants for their own tanks then feel free to ask for them now so they can be ordered.

Think thats right Dan?


EDIT - Sorry Dan, didnt mean Dam of course!
indeed, if your coming to sams and would like to order some plants and not have to pay postage then let me know and we can get them ordered for collection.
BigDanne said:
indeed, if your coming to sams and would like to order some plants and not have to pay postage then let me know and we can get them ordered for collection.

Hi Danne, will you order the plants i have promised and i will settle up with you when i arrive if thats ok with you,regards john
Themuleous said:

To add to the itinerary, Dan has been chatting to Jeremy and they have sorted a bit of a shop tour, to include the oxford MA and the gold fish bowl. So as it stands the plan now is to all meet a MA at 12ish, then onto the GFB and then to mine.

He also said that the MA are willing to order in plants if we want any, which is very kind. I've tried getting HC and the supplier they use never seems to have it in stock. Given John's very kind offer, it doesn't seem like we'll need anything else. However if people want plants for their own tanks then feel free to ask for them now so they can be ordered.

Think thats right Dan?


EDIT - Sorry Dan, didnt mean Dam of course!

HI Sam, i cant make it over to yours until about 7pm unless i can get off work about 4pm,
is that going to ok with you and the wife, as for food i will be happy with an indian or chinese take away, as for staying the night i would like to if thats ok with you both, regards john.
Sounds like a good meeting place to me.

I can bring along a ton of rocks of all sizes from a local quarry, if anyone is interested.

I will also bring something that may be of interest to the photographers among us.

As for sleeping over, I don`t mind kipping on the floor, provided there are others wanting to stay.

John - no probs come alone when you finish work, Im sure it wont be finishing early! 😉

Dave - Rocks sounds great if you're able, I'll certainly take a load off you're hands! And yeah you can stay. John is as well, maybe more.

Dan - Yeh HC is off, but I guess it cant hurt to ask anyway?

Themuleous said:
Dan - Yeh HC is off, but I guess it cant hurt to ask anyway?

I've got a nice patch of HC growing in an experimental tank if you want it. Fancy trying something new so this is a good excuse. Let me know where you want it posted to.

That's very kind James. Are you in any hurry to get rid of it? I dont really have any tank suitable for storage at the mo. If you could hold onto it for a couple of weeks that would be great. If not then we could send it to someone else running a high light EI tank to hold it until the weekend.


Should be OK to hold on. Got some spare willow moss if you want that as well. It won't attach to anything so needs to always be tied down.
