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Bobtastic's Iwagumi Scape - 12 Rummy Nosed Tetras Added

Re: Bobtastic's Iwagumi Scape

nice rock work bud am looking forward to seeing it planted
Re: Bobtastic's Iwagumi Scape

Bobtastic said:
EDIT : And introducing the final hardscape!


Thoughts and comments, as always, very welcome!

Ok, so I've descided that this is going to be my hardscape and that I'm going for a heavily hair grassed foreground, with crypts in and arround the rocks. But I need some suggestions on background plants.

Spec -

2x 49watt T5's
Fluval 405 filter
Eheim 2078 Pro3e
Hydor ETH 300
Pressurised Co2 through an AM1000 reactor

Filters will be through spray bars the full length of the tank, and hoping that they will be enough not to use either my Korillia 2 or the Maxi-jet 1000 power heads I have.
Re: Bobtastic's Iwagumi Scape

Still looking for suggestions on suitable background plants.

But also woul like to know if someone could tell me if my intended spraybar/inlet configuration would work and is the best way to set them up.


Info :- The Eheim 2078 will be run through an AM1000 Co2 reactor and the Fluval 405 will be run through a Hydor ETH 300 heater.
Re: Bobtastic's Iwagumi Scape

hi bob

like the rockscape and the layout of the inlet/outlets looks fine and youll get good distribution around the tank.

I'd echo what has been said about the stones though. If you go for grass then the two stones on the right will disappear in the lawn in no time unless youre keeping it super low. Have you got any bigger stones you can buy or raise them up in the soil slightly? They'll look odd for a while sticking out but the end results will look better.
Re: Bobtastic's Iwagumi Scape

So I got my hands on a couple of lengths of acrylic tubing, it's a little narrower than I would like but as I got it for free I can't really complain!

Here is the results my first attempt at bending it myself, I packed it with table salt to help keep the internal structure.


As we can in picture two that the in tank 90degree turn wasn't a huge success... I've put that down to expansion in the pipe from the first two bends, which meant that there was room for the salt to move in the pipe. This could be over come by adding more salt and more compaction after each bend. Or by using a bending spring, which I think I'll use next time! :thumbup:
Re: Bobtastic's Iwagumi Scape

Even with the narrowing on one of the bends, it still looks like an impressive bit of DIY to me 🙂
Re: Bobtastic's Iwagumi Scape

With the TGM visit coming up at the end of this month my mind is leaning to plants! So

Crypts: Wendtii "Green" + others
Staurogyne sp.
Eleocharis Acicularis

I would like to include something like Gloss or HC, but I'm concerned that the light I have isn't enough (x2 49watt T5s). I understand that with good Co2 and ferts light becomes less of an issues so I many give it ago. Which of the 2 is the safest to try.

Also thinking of including another species of hair grass so I can get a mix of heights and blade thickness for more texture. Thoughts?
Re: Bobtastic's Iwagumi Scape

So, I decided to tidy up the scape last night only to find that all the AquaSoil had solidified like cement! It was so hard that I had to use a screw driver to break it up. Not a chance I would have been able to plant into it. So.... I spent the night breaking up all the clumps into it's usual granules. Rocks are out again so I may end up with a slightly different configuration next time round.

Must remember next time to either rescape and setup straight away or let the AS to dry out.

Still looking for some comments/opinions on my plant choice.
Re: Bobtastic's Iwagumi Scape

Ok! So I'm heading over to TGM on Saturday for the meetup and really could do with some plant advice and scape reassurances!

The plants I'm thinking of atm are (as listed above) :-

Crypts: Wendtii "Green" + others
Staurogyne sp.
Eleocharis Acicularis

I'm aiming for a lovely grassy lawn around the front, with some textures around the rocks in the form of the Staurogyne and Crypts and so longer "grassly" plants in the background.

I am also toying with the idea of a HC "path" coming down from the back between the rock formations.
Re: Bobtastic's Iwagumi Scape


I will help you spend your money at TGM, i always spend a fortune there!

All lovely plants, i have them all in my lounge tank, apart from the Acicularis instead i have Parvula (very similar)

The wendtii is a great plant espcially the brown, mixed in amognst the staurogyne.

See you saturday

Re: Bobtastic's Iwagumi Scape

get parvula if its for the front as it grows lower than the acicularis. Take a look at my latest 90cm journal for the acicularis where its in the back of the tank and regualrly touches the surface if i dont trim it enough!
Re: Bobtastic's Iwagumi Scape

My concern is that my tank is quite tall, and I wonder whether the Acicularis will be tall enough.

Anyway, last night I made my proper spray bar. I used 20/16mm acrylic tubing which was considerably wider than the last tubing I used. I fashioned bungs for either end using dowel, masking tap and the duct tap for extra peace of mind. I think the results are fairly good, tho there was some "pinching" in the bends. Just waiting on the acrylic rod so I can seal the end.



Re: Bobtastic's Iwagumi Scape

Bobtastic said:
My concern is that my tank is quite tall, and I wonder whether the Acicularis will be tall enough.
try some Cyperus helferi or Vallisneria nana for extra height 🙂

tubes looks great :thumbup:
Re: Bobtastic's Iwagumi Scape

Bob and Girlfriend/Wife/mistress/lady friend... :lol: (delete as appropriate, sorry cant remember you name 😵 )

Great to meet you both!

So what did you end up buying? i left as you two were mid shop!

Come on!

Re: Bobtastic's Iwagumi Scape

Well Mr Andy it was great to meet you and all the others!

Sophie (mistress 😉 lady girlfriend of mine) and I ended up going for 6 pots of Tellenus, 2 pots of HC (as that's all they had in) and 2 pots of Pogostemon. Tank was plumbed in, which I'd wished I'd sorted out b4 hand! and the scape is all planed up! The six pots was plenty for the Tellenus but I need to get a few more posts of HC. Unfortunately TGM didnt have any Staurogyne.. so will have to get them when they get there next order or form another source...

Here's a quick pic from my phone (if someone can tell my how it embed movies that would be helpful):

And a video showing the flow from the spray bars, top one is my diy attempt of bending acrylic.

I'm now trying to get my head round setting up pre-mixed EI ferts... From the caluclator on FSO the mix in a 500ml bottle, I have a couple of TPN+ bottles saved won't last me very long... Which doesn't seem quite right.