Her is the setup:
Date: 04 | 01 | 2015
Tank: GAD 100 x 23 x 17 (C x A x P)
Light: LFL-C LED100S 18W
Filter: Eheim 2211 + Eheim 1005 (with Co2 reactor)
Heat: 100W ...
Hardscape: SpecialGreyStone, SpecialRedWood
On the back: HELP Specialized Plant
In front: warm white sand...
Fert: DIY (PMDD adapted)
Fish: i don't know...
Plants: Utriculária graminifolia (back of the wood) | Riccia | Rotala sp. 'Pearl' | H. Tripartida (will take out, too big) | maybe more 1 or 2 plants...
Water: pH 6.8 ? | Temperatura = 24/25º | (GH) =5? | KH =4? | TDS = 120? | NO3 = 5mgl? | PO4=1mgl? | FE= 0,2mgl?
Very special tanks to the fantastic quintet: António, Claire, Hugo (he miss this for fishing..) and Nuno for the wonderful spirit and good mood!
The hobby highest level (at least in fun)!