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crumb [migalhas]

Her is the setup:

Date: 04 | 01 | 2015
Tank: GAD 100 x 23 x 17 (C x A x P)
Light: LFL-C LED100S 18W
Filter: Eheim 2211 + Eheim 1005 (with Co2 reactor)
Heat: 100W ...
Hardscape: SpecialGreyStone, SpecialRedWood
On the back: HELP Specialized Plant
In front: warm white sand...
Fert: DIY (PMDD adapted)
Fish: i don't know...:bored:
Plants: Utriculária graminifolia (back of the wood) | Riccia | Rotala sp. 'Pearl' | H. Tripartida (will take out, too big) | maybe more 1 or 2 plants...
Water: pH 6.8 ? | Temperatura = 24/25º | (GH) =5? | KH =4? | TDS = 120? | NO3 = 5mgl? | PO4=1mgl? | FE= 0,2mgl?

Very special tanks to the fantastic quintet: António, Claire, Hugo (he miss this for fishing..) and Nuno for the wonderful spirit and good mood! :hilarious:
The hobby highest level (at least in fun)! 😉
I watched with big interest your timelapse video. Interesting to see how you develop this layout.
I already like the composition, and not sure there is needed any high (stem) plants at the back.
Beautifully executed.
I watched with big interest your timelapse video. Interesting to see how you develop this layout.
I already like the composition, and not sure there is needed any high (stem) plants at the back.
Beautifully executed.

in the back is the UG and some steams of hygrophila araguaia that didn't survive.
The UG is doing fine!
The stones just fall down...:nailbiting:
I had to glue everything again... (not with the same glue!) 😡
This was the day for cutting the staurogyne...


Testing the carpet, UG, HC or ...:watching:
Finally the eriocaulon is doing fine (light, CO2, substrate and KH)!
Testing Amania Bonsai (rotala), is not enjoying this...
UG is in the limit, the fancy shrimp's cover it every day with substrate...:bored: