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Ebay Regulators

'Tis sold by a mralgea though who seems pretty good at growing plants if its the same mralgea i know.
leemonk said:
Hey guys,

I just bought this one from 'First Stop Aquatics'.

I cant seem to work it out and I want to avoid A) blasting all the CO2 out in one go and B) Blowing my head off.

Please see below for a pic and I would really appreciate it if someone can tell me what the screws/knobs do where I have numbered them.

Also.. there are no instructions on how to turn the solenoid on or off or how its controled. ie if it has power does it stop or allow the CO2



1. looks like it's the coarse control, it sets the pressure going into the needle valve. I think yours is preset so you shouldn't play with it.
2. as has been noted is the fine needle control to get the bubble count you want.
3. looks to be where the CO2 comes out. I'd put your tubing on that 😉

If you're worried about doing it then get a friend over for moral support. Keep the safety pin in until everything is hooked up. Take the whole rig outside the first time you fire it. I did all of the above and even now on my 3 or 4th time I still keep the safety pin in right up until the moment I press the handles. It's the safest way 🙂
Egmel, the outlet for the co2 is just above the needle valve adjustment, so there's nowhere to fasten the tubing onto number 3.
Oh, ok, that makes more sense. In which case I have no idea what 3. is, Is it a screw of some sort since from the photo it just looks like a lump of plastic. I'd just not touch it if I were you 😉

I'd also check the wire going into the solenoid as it doesn't look that well secured, but that might just be the photo...
Yeah 3 is just a lump of plastic lol, so just leave it alone like I mentioned earlier. 🙂

It certainly does look like the insulation on the mains wire isn't quite right where it inserts into the solenoid. Lee, if the insulation doesn't go right into the solenoid housing I'd send it back.

Just a report on the First Stop Aquatics kit. Works fine, no leaks, the solenoid does feel very hot but its not exploded yet. 🙂

Beyond that my fear about the use on a nano at 1 bubble per 5 seconds was justified as it was a real bitch to fine tune. Took about an hour of tiny adjustments even just tapping the dial to get roughly the correct amount. I don't have any livestock in the tank so I don't have an issue with it being slightly over atm.

Overall thou, for the money, a great buy.

Best regards,
Seems like that's a new one on the market. The ebay feedback is low but that from others who have purchased it seems ok so you might get it in one piece.

It's a good price but I'm not sure how good the customer service would be. Saying that AZOO is a proper trade name that's been around for over 10 years so they're probably doing something right.

It's up to you if you want to be the guinea pig, it'd probably be ok but I wouldn't stake what little reputation I have on it 🙂
Hi robin22391

I only have experience of the JBL one and I have no problems to report after 6 months of use. 😀
It runs off of a transformer (solenoid is only 12v), which does get hot, but other than that, all is good.

EllieRosea said:
Has anyone tried this regulator?

cheaper than that first stop aquatics one - just wondering if anyone has any bad reviews on it?

Just got one of these, set it up and its working a treat, £46 all in including postage, very easy to adjust the needle valve, and no noise out of the sloenoid whatsoever. Was very sceptical about it being to good to be true, but seems to be working very well, and took just over a week to arrive from Tiawan!.. Very happy bunny indeed 😀

Oh and I know it doesnt have any bearing on regulator choice, but it looks better than a lot of others I've seen too 8)
Roy S said:
EllieRosea said:
Has anyone tried this regulator?

cheaper than that first stop aquatics one - just wondering if anyone has any bad reviews on it?

Just got one of these, set it up and its working a treat, £46 all in including postage, very easy to adjust the needle valve, and no noise out of the sloenoid whatsoever. Was very sceptical about it being to good to be true, but seems to be working very well, and took just over a week to arrive from Tiawan!.. Very happy bunny indeed 😀

Oh and I know it doesnt have any bearing on regulator choice, but it looks better than a lot of others I've seen too 8)

sorry for digging an oldish thread. just went ahead and purchased one of those. I suppose I should have checked first, but are they compatible with FE?