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First Aquascape!


11 Jan 2021
United Kingdom
Hey Everyone!

I’m new to the website and the world of Aquascaping and I wanted to share with you guys my new setup!

I’m very new to this so if you have any suggestions or things I could change, they would be very welcome! I’ve stated my specs below, I have been working with my local aquatic centre to get everything right but, again, I’m open to suggestions!

  • Tank: Aquaone Aquanano 60, 100 litres
  • Filter setup: Intake > sponge > filter floss > aquagrog > Ehim Subsrate Pro Bio Filter Medium > sponge > out
  • Pump + heater + light: standard Aquaone supplied with the tank
  • Wavemaker: WM- 2000
  • Substrate: Tropica

My hardscape is made up of two pieces of spider wood tied together. As I forgot to pick up any glue/fishing wire, I’ve used cotton thread. I understand this is not ideal but I’d already brought all my plants so I couldn’t nip back out (the aquatic shop is 1.5hrs away). I’ve also tied on the plants using cotton thread, I read others recommended it but please let me know if this is okay. I’ve introduced 3x nanos and 1x shrimp which I had leftover from my original nano tank.

Plant-wise, I’ve gone for a variety, mainly easy but I did throw a red one in there to see how it goes! I just picked out ones I liked and double-checked with the shop assistant they would be suitable. List below:

  • Anubis barteri
  • Eleocharis acicularis // Dwarf Hairgrass mini + normal (I accidentally brought a normal one instead of mini but chucked it in anyway).
  • Hygrophila angustifolia
  • Microsorum pteropus windelov // Java Fern
  • Echinodorus grisebachii // Amazon Sword
  • Staurogyne rubescens
  • Ludwigia Sp. “Mini Super Red” (I know these require high lighting levels, but I thought I’d give them a try).
  • Vesicularia dubyana // Java Moss
  • Cryptocoryne becketti petchii (I think, one I was given)
  • Caboma aquatica (another guess as I was also given this)

Tank stats taken with API Master Test Kit:
PH = 6.8
Ammonia = 0 ppm
Nitrite = 0 ppm
Nitrate = 5.0 ppm

I am currently not using any Co2, however, I am considering it for the future, I just didn’t want to go fully in as a beginner. I would love some suggestions of a setup though! I will also be upgrading the light in the future but again, I want to hold off till I properly get the hang of things, I’m thinking about a Twinstar 600E.

Additionally, I’m also dosing the tank once a week with 1x cap Aquavitro Envy and, 1/2 a cap of Flourish Excel everyday as fertiliser.

Thanks for taking the time to read through, I hope you guys like it! (Excuse the weight on the spider wood, I had soaked it for 2x weeks but it was still floating a little):


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Welcome to the forum. Great aquascape, like the composition of he spider wood, has a really nice colouration and looks very vibrant with the lush green. What are you planning livestock wise, any shrimp in there, can see a couple of Black Neons, I think!
Thanks for your reply and comments! There are currently x3 neons (I put the wrong one in my description haha) and x1 Amano shrimp which were leftover from my smaller tank. I’m not yet 100% sure on which other fish to get, I was thinking about some Harlequins but, that’s as far as I’ve thought. Do you have any suggestions?
Thanks for your reply and comments! There are currently x3 neons (I put the wrong one in my description haha) and x1 Amano shrimp which were leftover from my smaller tank. I’m not yet 100% sure on which other fish to get, I was thinking about some Harlequins but, that’s as far as I’ve thought. Do you have any suggestions?
Rasboras seem really popular, fancy some of those for my next scape, whenever that may be, especially as my tank is fairly small.
Welcome. Nice scape. Bit worried about the stand. The tank is hanging over the front a bit. Worried about the stress, caused by pressure point, on the glass. 1L of water weighs 1kg so there is about 120kg including glass and bits. Next time you do a big water change, it might be worth (with some help with the lifting so you don't put even more pressure on the tank) putting a piece of 18mm ply under it. Hardwood Plywood Board (L)0.81m (W)0.41m (T)18mm | DIY at B&Q £14.40. Do I see a rubber mat underneath?
I just have visions for the sake of £15, the tank going crack.
What do others think?
Am I just having a paranoid moment and over worrying?
Welcome. Nice scape. Bit worried about the stand. The tank is hanging over the front a bit. Worried about the stress, caused by pressure point, on the glass. 1L of water weighs 1kg so there is about 120kg including glass and bits. Next time you do a big water change, it might be worth (with some help with the lifting so you don't put even more pressure on the tank) putting a piece of 18mm ply under it. Hardwood Plywood Board (L)0.81m (W)0.41m (T)18mm | DIY at B&Q £14.40. Do I see a rubber mat underneath?
I just have visions for the sake of £15, the tank going crack.
What do others think?
Am I just having a paranoid moment and over worrying?

I had the exact same thought. I think it's worth rectifying. Better to be safe.
I'm really grateful you pointed out the overhang! I hadn't thought too much about it as the cupboards are a temporary measure whilst the stand is being built. Thanks for the advice of adding the ply underneath, I will certainly be picking some up this weekend. There isn't a rubber mat underneath, it has some sort of felt glued to it (It came with this already attached).

Welcome. Nice scape. Bit worried about the stand. The tank is hanging over the front a bit. Worried about the stress, caused by pressure point, on the glass. 1L of water weighs 1kg so there is about 120kg including glass and bits. Next time you do a big water change, it might be worth (with some help with the lifting so you don't put even more pressure on the tank) putting a piece of 18mm ply under it. Hardwood Plywood Board (L)0.81m (W)0.41m (T)18mm | DIY at B&Q £14.40. Do I see a rubber mat underneath?
I just have visions for the sake of £15, the tank going crack.
What do others think?
Am I just having a paranoid moment and over worrying?