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First Attempt!


20 May 2008
Finally that exciting time has come*THE FIRST AQUASCAPE* Yaaaaayyyyy 😀
There's gonna be a LOT of chop+change until i find the exact style i'm looking for.

Right...time for the set-up specs:
Tank: 180ltr Fluval Vicenza
Filtration: Fluval 405(1300lph), 305(1050lph)
Lighting: 3x39w luminare
CO2: 2kg FE,solenoid+bc and Rhinox 2000 diffuser
Decor: 21kgs of mini landscape rocks, redmoor root wood
Substrate: Eco-complete or ADA Amazonia II
Plants: Not yet chosen
Fish: Way to soon to be thinking about 😉

The tank

Mini landscape rocks

Quick first scape attempt

Second attempt

I wont be going with either of those two layouts and i dont think i'll use the wood either(looks a bit naff really)
Thats as far as I've got so far but hopefully things will speed up once I've got the substrate in. Hope to update soon 😀
Second one too much rock, you're getting the right idea though.
I'd leave scaping until you have the substrate in, its good to have an idea but better to be able to shift things about and experiment.

With those rocks think about making statements and keep the numbers low at first, then add one or 2 more and your wood.
Garuf said:
Second one too much rock, you're getting the right idea though.
I'd leave scaping until you have the substrate in, its good to have an idea but better to be able to shift things about and experiment.

With those rocks think about making statements and keep the numbers low at first, then add one or 2 more and your wood.

Yeah i know what you mean about the second one, it looks like i've tried to build my own lil mount everest with a twig sticking out the top :lol: .
Hopefully i can get out tomorrow and get the substrate and maybe a few smaller rocks as a lot of the one's i have are quite big.
I do like the idea of having the majority of the hardscape on one side though, but i might try more of an Iwagumi layout tomorrow and see what's what.
cichlidsrgr8 said:
Hopefully i can get out tomorrow and get the substrate and maybe a few smaller rocks as a lot of the one's i have are quite big.

Looks like too much rock for this tank, and you thinking of getting some more??? Get a hammer and break some then you will have smaller pieces 😉
LondonDragon said:
cichlidsrgr8 said:
Hopefully i can get out tomorrow and get the substrate and maybe a few smaller rocks as a lot of the one's i have are quite big.

Looks like too much rock for this tank, and you thinking of getting some more??? Get a hammer and break some then you will have smaller pieces 😉

Yup, there is quite a bit of rock but i also have a smaller tank that i'm yet to set-up so i could use some in there too.

I'm not to keen on breaking up £60 worth of rock really so i think i'll just try some different arrangements first before i go all mental with a hammer and chisel 😀
Matt Holbrook-Bull said:
have you taken out the hard plumbing? I love hard plumbed tanks 🙂

yeah, quite alot of rock there!! I think youre dead on the right track though!

Yup, the hard plumming is history :lol: , I did like it's convenience when it was a community tank but i feel it's taking up too much space now that I'm doing a planted tank.

There is a lot of rock but i figure it's better to have too much than too little 😉
hammer and bolster will do the trick. just remember though, you must keep the really nice ones to one side because you cant glue them back together onec youve bashed em! :lol:

i made this mistake :?

i spot a realy nice one at the bottom of the pile (the biggest one) its got a naturel flow to it. sticks out a mile. thats what youtr looking fot imo.

infact looking at the first pic youve got a few good ones 😀

actually no there not that good, please forward too....saintly, newark, england. :lol:

seriously now, youve got some great stones there!

one bit of advice, i know its your first scape, but take it from me... take your time with the whole setup i.e. rock arrangment, plants. after all, you have to look at it everyday.be 100% sure before hand. theres nothing worse than planting filling with water, then thinking ooops... i dont like the layout 🙁 its a pain! trust me 😉
both my iwagumis sat there with just rocks for 3/4 weeks....no water. just keep rearanging my friend.keep posting pics here too.everyone will help, they helped me.

good look

There's gonna be a LOT of chop+change until i find the exact style i'm looking for.

Thats the way to go!

Hope you can do more with your tank than what i did with mine, i couldnt afford to get a pressurized CO2 system, the standard lighting is high in those tanks, and i was just growing algae 🙁
saintly said:
hammer and bolster will do the trick. just remember though, you must keep the really nice ones to one side because you cant glue them back together onec youve bashed em! :lol:

i made this mistake :?

i spot a realy nice one at the bottom of the pile (the biggest one) its got a naturel flow to it. sticks out a mile. thats what youtr looking fot imo.

infact looking at the first pic youve got a few good ones 😀

actually no there not that good, please forward too....saintly, newark, england. :lol:

seriously now, youve got some great stones there!

one bit of advice, i know its your first scape, but take it from me... take your time with the whole setup i.e. rock arrangment, plants. after all, you have to look at it everyday.be 100% sure before hand. theres nothing worse than planting filling with water, then thinking ooops... i dont like the layout 🙁 its a pain! trust me 😉
both my iwagumis sat there with just rocks for 3/4 weeks....no water. just keep rearanging my friend.keep posting pics here too.everyone will help, they helped me.

good look


Cheers Saintly,

Yeah I intend on taking my time with this as it's my first one and I wanna get it right first time if I can 😉

I've tried a different layout this morning, I quite like both rock formations but I think the tank is too small to fit them both in. Anyhoo here's what I've come up with this time:....Please excuse the dodgy backround 🙄 :lol:


saintly said:
check this out.

scroll further down the images for the rock formations.

well done to garuf for this. it was this thread that kicked started me on the whole nature aquarium. it was one of the first add to favourates pages 😉

i still refer back to it too.

http://www.fishforums.net/content/Plant ... a-Gallery/

WOW....no scrap that......DOUBLE WOW with a side of HOT DIGGITY DAMN :shock:

I've seen a few of his pieces of ART before but 'geeze louise' the mans a 'FREAKIN GENIUS' 8)
Looking at those just makes me feel small and insignificant 🙁 :lol: and that my tank will just be NAFF now in comparison :cry:
cichlidsrgr8 said:
and that my tank will just be NAFF now in comparison

aspire to it! dont be intimidated, if that were the case we'd all (not including george 😉 ) jack it in.

at least your set up should be better now, than if you hadnt of seen amano's work. if that makes sense? :? i know what i mean :lol:

google takashi amano and be inspired
Or don't the reason I created that thread was to consolidate my findings and show genuine Amano scapes, I intended to add to them but never got round to it.
ADA malaysia and Hong Kong have GREAT galleries for inspiration too.
Righto, these will be the last pics until I can get my substrate as It's quite hard for me to visualise what I want without it.

Basically the same just with one rock removed

And finally a wider angled photo showing my other so far unused tank 😉

Thanks for looking.

aaronnorth said:
That little stone looks a bit lost lol

I think you have the stones facing the right way, but to bunched up. Keep their positioning but spread them out and see what it loks like, or just leave a few small gaps.

The trouble is I can only do so much without having the substrate in the tank to stabilise the rocks 🙄
Hopefully once the substrate is in place i'll be able to create much better layouts.