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George's Aquascaper 1200 Nature Aquarium

That's the plan mate. I realise I've been neglecting my journals over the last couple of years, but it's something I'm hoping to change - spare time permitting. I honestly wish we had 36 hour days then I may be able to cope! 🙂
...words failed me for a moment or two then...it's like an art instillation in itself.
Looking forward to seeing what you're going to do with this🙂.
As far as other kit goes -

Substrate - JBL ProSoil Brown (almost black) over JBL Volcano Mineral (crushed lava rock) for building height.
Filtration - 2 x JBL 1501e
CO2 - 2Kg FE with Green Leaf Aquarium high-end reg, inline diffuser on filter outlet
Ferts - Tropica Specialised daily (around 10-20ml per day depending on planting)

I have lots of hardscape ideas but will start playing properly once the substrate gets delivered.

Quite fancy a Bucephalendra and hardscape dominated aquascape. Attractive and low-maintenance. 🙂

I'm excited.
looking good. be nice to see what you got plan. by the way what is the price for a ea120cm? and compare to ada 120p just under £500

I think you can find prices for the standard version of the eaReef 1200s online. Not sure how it compares with ADA. This is a one-off build, but watch this space for future developments... 😉
Hey George

I cannot wait to see you set this up!!! Im still jealous you got them to make you a freshwater tank 😉

For my 2 cents it would be nice to see you step outside your comfort zone, break a few rules and try something different. NO pressure 🙂

I don't know particularly what that would entail, but you've certainly got the tank real estate to let your imagination and technique go wild.


Hey George

I cannot wait to see you set this up!!! Im still jealous you got them to make you a freshwater tank 😉

For my 2 cents it would be nice to see you step outside your comfort zone, break a few rules and try something different. NO pressure 🙂

I don't know particularly what that would entail, but you've certainly got the tank real estate to let your imagination and technique go wild.


Thanks Jonny. Yes, this aquascape isn't commissioned so I'm not limited, except by imagination.

Pressure is good. Keeps me on my toes.. 🙂
George, Imagine you are the first person on Mars. The whole world is watching. How you going to inspire the generations to come........ What is your statement?
Hey George
Tank looks killer, can't wait to see what you come up with...
Just got to say for me a tank that clean and crisp I would have to re think the light suspension kit, something more minimal for the eye balls.