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Good heater for a Nano Tank for CRS


19 Jun 2012
Fareham, UK
I recently bought a second hand tank, filter, heater and light. Which I have been bringing up to speed for a CRS only shrimp tank. All going well but I am wondering if the heater is up to the job.

It is a Fluval nano heater with no control and goes straight into the tank rather than directly into the internal filter (like my Juwel Rio internal one).

Current temp is approx 20.5 degrees at 09:45. Our internal house is probably at around the 21-22 degree mark as I am sitting here in a tshirt without complaint.

I kinda of think I need to get the temp up a bit for the CRS's and wondered if there any alternative ones you would recommend (ones where you can dial in the temp would be nice to have).

Thanks in advance.
Your welcome. The 25 watt nano heater should be more than adequate for a 25 litre tank keeping it at 22/23. and should have no problem with shrimp burning thrmselves. I run the huge eheim jager heaters and always see cherries walking up and down it but they know when it's on as they just sit on the suction pads instead. .
Hi Roly,
i dont think youll need a heater at those temps. Maybe only buy one if your house gets significantly cooler over winter to set as a back up. I dont use a heater in my crshrimp nano, temp around 21-22 celcius.
Thanks George.
Phew, wont have to secretly divert funds from the wife to pay for yet more equipment.

If you do get concerned at any time or your temp goes a little too low give me a Pm and ill post you out the nano heater I never got to use Roly I dont need it.
but you've got advice from 2 of the best their so all should be fine.

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