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GreggZ Planted Rainbow Tank!


4 Mar 2022
Novi, MI 48374
I’ve been in the planted tank and Rainbowfish hobby for quite some time now. I was invited to come over and check out this forum, and have spent the past couple of days exploring the site.

It seems like a very good group of dedicated hobbyists who hang out here. A few people I recognize and there may be more here I have been in contact with over the years.

I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself. Some of you may know me from my long running journal on Plantedtank.net, which had 200 pages and 4K posts. If you do then you might also know that due to a disagreement with a moderator there that relationship has ended. I am also a moderator on the CO2 Supplemented Planted Tanks group on FB. Many of the best in the hobby hang out there.

Like I said I have been reading a lot of posts here and it’s always interesting to learn how others approach the hobby. If you would like to know more about my experience here is a link to an interview I did a while back sharing my thoughts on how I manage my tank.

Meet Gregg Zydeck – Dutch Inspired good guy – ScapeCrunch

My Rainbow tank was also selected to be included in the current edition of Aquarium Hobbyist Magazine. I am in discussions to provide further content for them regarding planted aquariums.

Aquarium Hobbyist.jpg

So if you see me hanging around here and making comments just be easy on me. I am the new kid on the block around here. I am most interested in learning more about how folks here manage their tanks.

Just for fun here’s an image someone made of my tank recently. Gotta love goofy gadgetry.

I love that ScapeCrunch article. The multitude of tips at the end are great and I have copied and pasted them into my aquarium notes for future reference.
It also goes without saying that your tank is a real standout, the fish and plant health are amazing.
I love that ScapeCrunch article. The multitude of tips at the end are great and I have copied and pasted them into my aquarium notes for future reference.
It also goes without saying that your tank is a real standout, the fish and plant health are amazing.
Thanks for the kind words and warm welcome from you and those above. It's much appreciated.
Hi, Gregg! I'm apparently too new to send you a PM on this site, but I'll say this much here - what went down at TPT was unsettling; deleting your journal was such a low blow. Are you going to start a new one here?
Hello @ElleDee. The good thing is I downloaded my entire journal as soon as the commotion started, so I have a copy for posterity.

I've analyzed everything I did and said and I wouldn't change a thing. I was giving sound advice to someone who was requesting it. And it revolved around a topic that should not be controversial at all. Somehow that moderator is now the arbitrator of truth and is censoring views he doesn't agree with. Sad for that site and the planted tank community.
I've analyzed everything I did and said and I wouldn't change a thing. I was giving sound advice to someone who was requesting it. And it revolved around a topic that should not be controversial at all.
Yeah, the whole thing was very illogical, and, for everyone else, incredibly opaque. I'm fine with strict moderation and every community has its own standards, but if I'm going to participate I need to be able to understand what those are. If that's too much to ask for, then I guess I need to hang out somewhere else. (Hello, UKAPS!)

It definitely made me reconsider the piles of banned users over there, many with thousands of posts... Oh well! Onward and upward and all that.