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List of emersed plants

Manuel Arias

10 Jun 2015

I was wondering if any of you know about any book/website about what plants are fit to be grown emerged. I am planning a dry method, but of course, not all the plants are fit for it. However, not many plant providers give information about if the plants are grown emerged or not. I, of course, already know about many, but a thorough list or place of reference would help a lot.

Any ideas?


Hi BruceF,

Many thanks! Very useful. Best thing is I knew about such site, but I never noticed that option until you mentioned it... Maybe is not totally thorough but better guess than nothing!


Hi Greenfinger2,

I was thinking in the other way around: Make the list depending on which ones are fit for that. 😉 I am still reading about the method, anyway...as I want to make sure not to screw it up! In any case, once I know the list, yes, I will publish it so people can tell me better.
Thank you for the proposal, as it is a good one. 🙂


Amongst the popular plants we keep, I think there only a very few that can not be grown with their foliage out of the water?
Something like 95% naturally grow out of the water, I think it is only the very fine foliage stem plants that grow permanently under water?
Darren http://www.ukaps.org/forum/members/dw1305.484/ would know their names ....
Do it the other way around, search for true aquatics in given databases (can't grow emersed), you'll see there arent so many to remember. If you manage to remeber all names which can't than if any other you'll find which isn't in that list, the changes are 98% it can grow emersed. 🙂
Hi all,
Blyxa is a non emersed plant!
Few more Nymphaea, Cabomba spp., Aponogeton spp. Potamogeton spp & Heteranthera zosterifolia. Although all of these can/will grow floating leaves.
Maybe not the best but you can search the APC PlantFinder database by "Can be grown emersed".<"http://www.aquaticplantcentral.com/forumapc/plantfinder/">
search for true aquatics in given databases (can't grow emersed)
Set to "Can be grown emersed?" "No" (bottom right of page) and "Go". Gives you some more, mainly floaters and "Old fashioned" stem plants.

Lagarosiphon major, Najas guadalupensis & Elodea spp etc.

cheers Darrel
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Do it the other way around, search for true aquatics in given databases (can't grow emersed), you'll see there arent so many to remember. If you manage to remeber all names which can't than if any other you'll find which isn't in that list, the changes are 98% it can grow emersed.

Thanks zozo. Makes all the sense to filter by "No" and then avoid these one, yes. xD

Here is a link if it works to Hogan53 's suggestion

You can filter this under cultural needs.

Thanks BruceF! This was very useful, indeed!

I love this forum, guys! 🙂