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My First Aquascape


28 Nov 2020
Hey all,
So here it is.
The beginning of my very first aquascape.

I’m using a Fluval Flex 57L, along with a Fluval 95g Co2 kit...I know, not the best Co2 kit but it’s all I can afford for the time being. Will hopefully upgrade to a better kit in the next few months.

Here’s the tank so far. I’m hopefully going to put some plants in tomorrow...depending on how crazy my day is!
I also want to add a little bit more substrate to the back right corner to make more of a slope.

Please let me know what you think and be as brutally honest as you like! It’s all a learning curve to me. 🙂
Thanks for looking!


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Looks great @JPT81 and you’ve got some height going on with your dragon stone, don’t want those textures getting lost beneath the plants. Really good use of the space and plenty of room for planting 👍🏽
Looks great @JPT81 and you’ve got some height going on with your dragon stone, don’t want those textures getting lost beneath the plants. Really good use of the space and plenty of room for planting 👍🏽
Thanks very much Geoffrey, it means a lot to get a positive comment!!
I keep looking at it and thinking ‘shall I move it about a bit!?’ 😀
I’m too scared to move anything now! 😆
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Looks really nice indeed, well done! What plants have you got in mind?

Personally I would try and make sure the smaller rocks stay visible as possible once plants are growing, particularly bottom left and top - I reckon they give balance and that needed asymmetry to the whole scape. But then who wouldn't be happy with a thick healthy carpet of Eleocharis anyway 😉
Thanks very much Nico! 🙂
The plants I'm going for are Rotala Rotundifolia (red and green), Staurogyne Repens, HC (could be tricky being my first time!) and Althernanthera Reineckii Mini.

I did consider Eleocharis but I liked the look of HC more. If I struggle to grow it, I may end up trying Eleocharis! 😀

Thanks for the tips on the rock placement too, I’ll make sure the smaller rocks at the front are visible! 👍
Little update!
Added the HC, going to attempt a dry start-ish. Well, only a couple of days so they root a little bit. Sadly I can’t do 1-2 weeks dry start as I stupidly ordered all my plants together and I’m worried they’ll start dying.
My Rotala green has already started to go brown on the edges of some of the leaves! Ugh! 🙄


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Added my Staurogyne Repens and Alternanthera Reineckii Mini tonight.
I know it probably looks naff to some of you out there! 😂
I don’t even know if I’m doing this right, even though I’ve been watching as many videos as possible on how to plant things.

All comments welcome, even if it’s brutally honest! 🙂👍

Thanks for looking.


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Looks great man! What are your plans for the bg, any planting there?
Thanks Wolf!
Yeah, I’ll be planting in background. I’ve got Rolata Rotundifolia Red and Green, so hopefully they’ll get nice and tall and bushy at the back. They’ll be going in in the next couple of days. 👍
I may add to the background, I just haven’t decided on what else to plant yet.
To fill or not to fill. That is the question.

So, I’ve had my HC planted since Sunday and I added the Staurogyne Repens and Althernanthera Reineckii Mini on Tuesday...I had to because I was worried they were going to start dying.
I know people let HC grow anywhere from 3 weeks to 2 months but sadly I don’t think I really have that time. Poor planning on my part! 🙄
Now I’m wondering whether to fill my tank or not!? I still have Rotola Green and Red to add but was going to do that as I filled the tank. They’re currently sitting in a bucket with plenty of light.

Any advice or opinions would be appreciated!

Thanks for looking. 🙂
I added the last of my plants and filled the tank tonight.
Is it normal to feel very nervous about this!?😳
Co2 will be started tomorrow as it’s a bit late in the day to turn it on now. I need a longer tube for my Co2 canister as it’s way too short! Ugh!
I’m using the Fluval 95g Co2 kit for now, so anyone who can recommend where to buy compatible tubing for it would be greatly appreciated.
So there we go. Hopefully my cycle will go smoothly and there won’t be any issues!

Did I mention I feel nervous!? 😂


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Thats funny. Your giving me flash backs.
I had that feeling when i opened the plants and realised that it was going to be quite a job to even get them prepared for planting. Now i'm struggling to find the time to trim them! I haven't even posted a pic of my tank yet! I found keeping a diary really helpful in the early stages. Water changes etc. What worked and what didn't.
Just enjoy the process.
Thats funny. Your giving me flash backs.
I had that feeling when i opened the plants and realised that it was going to be quite a job to even get them prepared for planting. Now i'm struggling to find the time to trim them! I haven't even posted a pic of my tank yet! I found keeping a diary really helpful in the early stages. Water changes etc. What worked and what didn't.
Just enjoy the process.
Thanks Si, I’m glad it’s not just me! 😂
I think I’ll know by next week if I’m enjoying this! Haha.

I’ll take your advice and enjoy the process. I am still looking forward to getting some fish in there, the kids are going to love it!
See there you go again! I'm still without fish and 3 months have gone by. Just 4 Amano Shrimp, loving life in an underwater jungle.
My son asked me about fish today. I think i'm about ready.... Shrimp are brilliant though.
See there you go again! I'm still without fish and 3 months have gone by. Just 4 Amano Shrimp, loving life in an underwater jungle.
My son asked me about fish today. I think i'm about ready.... Shrimp are brilliant though.
Ah yes, Shrimp!! I think whats what I’m going to put in first actually.
I showed my kids some videos of them and they found them hilarious.
It’s good to hear you’re enjoying yours!!
I can’t wait for the day I can introduce some in to my tank. 👍