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My Grandsons fish - frog tanks - Wabi-Kusa


21 Sep 2013
Enfield London
Hi All, My Grandson 8 years old.And is into bugs and things big time.
So a couple of months back we brought him his first two little tanks One we set up as a planted tank No fish yet the other as a frog tank with two baby frogs that he grew from tadpoles :)

He does the water changes and the cleaning of both tanks:cool:He really enjoys feeding and watching his frogs:)
We will be getting a couple of small male Guppys for the planted tank soon .

Some photos







What do frogs need in terms of environment and upkeep? I think my kids might like a frog tank!

Hi 5678, Quite easy to look after so long as they have a damp environment with places to hide. I just collected the rotting wood from over the park. Put it in a bucket to get most of the tannins out then planted up with odd bits of aquatic plants:) Added some substrate not the ones that give off ammonia at the start up.Or you could use some old washed substrate.Then place a little bowl for there food in one corner:) At the start we fed them bloodworms Tubifex worms then mealworms and Flying ants when they were about the other week:D Now small crickets.

They seem to only like live food that moves. Funny how fast they are when there's food about :wideyed:

Then at the Weekend we do the water change and a little tidy round that's about it Shaun loves them to bits there great fun to watch:thumbup:
Nice setups!

Is the frog tank completely sealed on top?

Hi 5678, Quite easy to look after so long as they have a damp environment with places to hide. I just collected the rotting wood from over the park. Put it in a bucket to get most of the tannins out then planted up with odd bits of aquatic plants:) Added some substrate not the ones that give off ammonia at the start up.Or you could use some old washed substrate.Then place a little bowl for there food in one corner:) At the start we fed them bloodworms Tubifex worms then mealworms and Flying ants when they were about the other week:D Now small crickets.

They seem to only like live food that moves. Funny how fast they are when there's food about :wideyed:

Then at the Weekend we do the water change and a little tidy round that's about it Shaun loves them to bits there great fun to watch:thumbup:
They seem to only like live food that moves. Funny how fast they are when there's food about :wideyed:

They can only 'see' the food if it moves. Amphibians can be encouraged to take food - for example you could feed a large bullfrog on dead mice - but you have to wiggle them about a bit.
Have had frog's try and attack/breed ? with artificial frog's I use for luring black Bass from under weed bed's,lilly pad's.
This activity is usually interrupted by explosive strikes from the bass which sometimes hit my frog,, or the real thing.
Get a young person interested in nature,and far fewer problem's when they hit their teen's.IMHO
Have had frog's try and attack/breed ? with artificial frog's I use for luring black Bass from under weed bed's,lilly pad's.
This activity is usually interrupted by explosive strikes from the bass which sometimes hit my frog,, or the real thing.
Get a young person interested in nature,and far fewer problem's when they hit their teen's.IMHO

Hi :D:D:D Another Fisherman on the forum :thumbup: I love fishing don't get out as often as I used to :(

Really exiting when you get a hit and the water just erupts into a white foam and all hell breaks lose:woot:

I love floating baits for carp in the summer under the trees great to see a big pair of lips sucking in a bait:rolleyes: Just thinking about it makes me want to get my rods out the loft and go fishing :)
Hi :D:D:D Another Fisherman on the forum :thumbup: I love fishing don't get out as often as I used to :(

Really exiting when you get a hit and the water just erupts into a white foam and all hell breaks lose:woot:

I love floating baits for carp in the summer under the trees great to see a big pair of lips sucking in a bait:rolleyes: Just thinking about it makes me want to get my rods out the loft and go fishing :)

Yes! have caught some big grass carp floating mulberry's picked from the tree under a bobber near same tree.
Nothing like the sound of your drag squealing as the fish take a hundred yard's of line or more before you can turn em.
Hi :D:D:D Another Fisherman on the forum :thumbup: I love fishing don't get out as often as I used to :(

Really exiting when you get a hit and the water just erupts into a white foam and all hell breaks lose:woot:

I love floating baits for carp in the summer under the trees great to see a big pair of lips sucking in a bait:rolleyes: Just thinking about it makes me want to get my rods out the loft and go fishing :)
We know...:rolleyes::D...nice mirror carp...I used to do a lot of fishing too...somehow I don't any more...should tho'...for me it was all about the connection with nature, and all that...I didn't even mind if I caught anythingo_O
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Nice tanks by the way...

Hi Troi, Thank you :thumbup: The love of nature and fishing go hand in hand together :rolleyes: Even now that I do not fish as much.The Grandson and me love going on long walks to see what we can find in the forest or park.

A few weeks ago we went to the forest about 8 miles away from home. I wanted to show him some newts and frogs walked round for hours looking in all the ponds. not a thing??? :(
The next day we went to a local park just up the road and in the little pond there were about 30 newts 30 --40 frogs snails dragon fly's. Shaun said we should of come here yesterday we would not had to walk so far :lol:

Ps I forgot that I posted the carp photo :eek: Though's were the days :rolleyes:
Haha...that's so typical of nature, go looking for it and it hides, mind your own business and it's amazing what you stumble across:)
I distinctly remember the photo 'cause that's one impressive looking fish...
Anyway, it's great to see someone passing on their love of nature to another generation and bringing it so close to home with those two super tanks.
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