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Plastic Fantastic

Re: Drifting - Brine Shrimp Woes

sanj said:
I see, thanks for the information.

No worries Sanj.

Ok so what Am I doing wrong with the Brine Shrimp.
They hatch Fine after within 24hrs as per Instructions. Here is where I cannot find any definitive answers. I remove them from the hatchery on Day 2 and place them in an Old Juicee 3ltr Squash bottle with 3 BPS running. When Am I supposed to start feeding them Spirulina. 1st batch I fed them on day 4 and they were dead the next day. This Batch hatched on Saturday and I just went to feed them and they are all dead.
There is a Plethora of info on raising them to hatching stage and then not much after this.
I want to raise them to adultsize to feed to the pipes.
Re: Drifting - Brine Shrimp Woes

Just got back from M's house and nearly came back with a tank load of Endlers. Glad I didn't as they would not suit this tank.
We spent nearly 3 hours talking about fish related topics. So excited to see if he wins a group of Zebra Plecs he is bidding on, Have said That if he Wins I will be there when he opens the box. Don't know at this stage whether or not he will get them for under 1K.
Re: Drifting - Brine Shrimp Woes

easerthegeezer said:
if you wants some more Kribs i have a breeding pair i need to get shot of before the end of the month...

Thanks for the offer, but I am going to stick with this pair.
Re: Drifting

So I have another batch of Brine Shrimp hatched, and seeing how long I can keep them alive for this time.

Quick Vid of the Pipes eating Mozzies
Re: Drifting

Finally After so Much Trying they have started to take Live and Frozen bloodworm. It is such a relief as harvesting Mozzies is not very good for my back. :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
And a pair of Peacock Gobies has formed, Was watching the male courting the female last night. :D :p :clap:
Re: Drifting - Gobies paired up :)

Dammit all to hell. What I thought was good news about the pipes taking frozen was premature. It is only 1 of them that has started to take frozen. The Other 2 just hover around the feeder. :arghh: :twisted:
Re: Drifting - Gobies paired up :)

Heavily trimmed both Floating Hydrocoytle's, as they were starting to block the light. Put all the trimmings into a barrel in grans garden.
Still only 1 pipe taking the frozen food, other 2 completly ignore it while it is happily gobbling the bloodworm from the substrate. Will Start a Starve from tomorrow to induce the other 2 to follow the leader.
I finally Decided on the final Fish for the tank. Have been wanting to add some rocket pencils, but not found any.
So after browsing the Ebay section for a few days I have settled on what I think will be an Excellent and Stunning Addition to this tank. I have Never kept these Popular fish before, but my water is now soft enough for them (hint)due to the amount of ramshorns in the tank. I would call them a Cobalt Blue Color and at a size that will look very nice for the current look of the tank. They will be arriving in the Morning, and very chuffed to have found them at the price I paid, as I have seen them go for treble the price for just one of them.

I am still holding out on finding some of the pencil fish and silver halfbeaks. I would be even more pleased to find some Silver/marbled Hatchets.

The Goby Pair have Dug a Cave and Laid a clutch of eggs, the male is fiercely gaurding the eggs for now. While the Tart of a female is courting one of the other Males. :lol:
Re: Drifting - Gobies paired up :)

those pipefish are amazing!

A nice eclectic tank there Gill.
Re: Drifting - Gobies paired up :)

ianho said:
those pipefish are amazing!

A nice eclectic tank there Gill.

Cheers Ian, you now me - I am quite the Eclectic Scaper.

And If Anyone wants some of the Pipes let me know, as I ring the LFS atleast twice a week to check on when they are coming in next. Nothing for a while yet, Although I am not sure how these delicate fish would handle postage. Although Meeting someone halfway would be an option. I think that a hard jolt would literally snap their spine.
Re: Drifting - New Fish New Fish New Fish

New fish arrived pretty late, and one of them had started to spin. i also forgot they were coming as went to PCWorld. Wife put them in a the cupboard under the stairs so they were in a quite place. I had also forgotten that i was trying out a new live food supplier aswell, so she thought i had ordered 2 boxes of fish - her waiting at the front door with a face like thunder upon my return :lol: :sick:
Used my trusty Fintro Acclimator to give the most gradual acclimation possible for them, repeated acclimation 3 times to gaurantee no shock.
So very Happy with the new additions, and the contrast in color once they settle in will be great.

The fish I bought were Cobalt Blue Discus Juveniles 3 for £20 delivered. They have been raised in Hardwater so that should help them settle into my water.

The New Live food supplier qulaity is excellent, the glassowrm were jam packed full and so was the atermia. Will be using them again in the future. The brand of live food was Aquadip
Re: Drifting - New Fish New Fish New Fish

Discus have settled ok, still in hiding. That should change in a while once they become braver. The one i was worried about seems to be doing ok.
Re: Drifting - New Fish New Fish New Fish

Kribs Have Finally Laid, male is sulking after being kicked out of the willow cave
Re: Drifting - Ewwwww Ewwwwww Ewwwwww Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww


Just sitting infront of the tank with the little one, while he builds towers. And witnessed the Pipes pooping out this morning's helping of glassworms(mayfly larvae) still alive and wriggling. And then proceeding to eat them again.
Surely this cannot be good, but have never ever witnessed this happening before. I really should have taken a video of the bizarre event.
Re: Drifting - Ewwwww Ewwwwww Ewwwwww Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

ok looks likes they have pooped out the glassworms.
will starve them for a few days, and see if this makes them take frozen.
Re: Drifting - BBS :)

starved them and they seemed a little more interested in ther Bloodworm, so will keep going.

And My Brine Shrimp adults have youngsters swimming around with them. Going to transfer them to a larger vessel.
Re: Drifting - BBS :)

Nothing much to update.
Fish are doing fine, and the pipes are doing well. Did not buy anymore pipefish, as have not had a chance to go look at them in the LFS.
Hair grass is spreading nicely, and really like how the Green tiger lotus sent out a stalk to above the height of the hair grass, then sent out leaves. Lookks like it is floating on the grass.
Hydrocytle sp.japan is doing great, and like how bushy it grows. I snip of bits and replant around the tank to mix in with the hairgrass.
Re: Drifting

Also the little one reminds me of feeding time. He tends to feed them himself. I measure out the food with a dispensing spoon. And he tips it into the tank, and then sits watching them eat. He does not like to touch the bloodworm, so that is still my job.
Re: Drifting

Pipes stopped eating again, and lost another. Had been going well.
Now I know how fickle they can be with feeding. It is a challenge, but enjoyable to keep them.
I think TBH that you need to able to have a complete live food system going to keep them.
Thankfully I always have live food growing, and Now enjoy growing Brine Shrimp aswell. I have found my own system (adapted from many Youtube Vids)for Brine shrimp that is working very well.
Re: Drifting

That's a sad news Gill, have you tried making them eat dry food? :) Nice fish BTW, sadly I don't think I'll ever find them here.
